San Francisco’s police union says a city bakery chain has a “bigoted” policy of not serving uniformed cops.

The San Francisco Police Officers Assn. wrote in a social media post last week that Reem’s California “will not serve anyone armed and in uniform” and that includes “members of the U.S. Military.” The union is demanding that the chain “own” its policy.

Reem’s says, however, its policy isn’t against serving armed police officers. It’s against allowing guns inside its businesses.

    10 months ago

    For some more context this place, reems, really isn’t a bakery so much as a middle eastern take out place. The main store is currently closed down though so the only place they have open is a counter serve food court style place in the ferry building, so the cops didn’t get kicked out of the place, they either went to the counter and the cashier refused to serve, or more likely, they saw the new policy online and threw a hissy fit without actually going.

    The founder is a Palestinian leftist, so this probably was targeted towards cops/military.

    I’d highly recommend going here if your on a tourist trip and end up in the ferry building, not just for the cop hate, but there wraps are great as well.

            10 months ago

            Because I don’t believe that might makes right. I believe that we can be better than our primitive and murderous ancestors and we owe it to each other to at least try.

            As for your assertion on the origins of rights, that’s absolute bullshit. The vast majority of worker’s and other civil rights have been won via peaceful protest.

            You’ve actually got it backwards: TAKING AWAY rights always happens through violence. That’s what it’s for: enforcing your will on those you are unable or unwilling to convince by civilized means.

                610 months ago

                I will not fight for Starfleet, but I will defend its ideals. Pacifism is not pacivity. It’s the active protection of all living things in the natural universe.


                10 months ago

                Ghandi is the only one that comes to mind. And in Bill Wurtz’s “The History of everything, I guess” video he even says “wait, that worked?!?”

                That would be the right for the Indian people to self govern.

                  110 months ago

                  Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but since I’ve never heard of a Jamaican Revolution, so I’m guessing they also won their independence without bloodshed.

                  LGBTQ rights I feel like have made huge strides without violence. There was the Stonewall riots, of course, but since then most of the rights have been achieved mostly through normalization and exposure through pop culture and stuff like that. Of course, some people are trying to rewind those, but conservatives are like that with all rights that aren’t specifically for white men.

                  110 months ago

                  I was with you right up until this historical revisionism. I’m a Baha’i and we are pacifists. But. If there is a threat to the community, we will start with words and diplomacy, and will end where we need to, to ensure the unity and safety of our communities.