Reimplement the old WASTE client from the Nullsoft dude, this time with proper encryption and security and let’s call it a day.
Reimplement the old WASTE client from the Nullsoft dude, this time with proper encryption and security and let’s call it a day.
Showing bias by claiming its an effort to not show bias is fucking insanity.
Don Cheadle already remade it and it was perfection.
Walmart sells guns.
JDPC Vance.
That’s the exact argument against voting for Green party candidates.
Nobody is entitled to any votes.
We wouldn’t vote for either of your shitty Putin compromised candidates even if they were they were the only ones on the ballot.
China and Northern Mongolia?
You missed the real joke.
“So Twitter.” is a way of saying “Fuck Elon, stil gonna call it Twitter.” ;)
Ok but where’s the poop knife?
Lol, somebody tried to report this as “ChatGPT”
For-Profit Medical Corporations would miss out on some lowest effort, unethical, low margins for their extreme profiteering opportunities?
There is a reasonable amount of time that could be considered with post history as demonstrating you aren’t a bot, but 16 days just ain’t it. You made the claim about your post history as evidence, I responded to YOUR claim based on a whopping 16 days worth of comments.
You are still fully disconnected from reality and reason. Your arrogance seems to drive your ego.
I didn’t look up your profile, my mobile app automatically puts a tag next to a username on any new user with the number of days the account has existed. You’re not that important or interesting.
I’ve never voted out of fear and never will. It’s an easy choice to not vote for Jill Stein when I don’t let cognitive dissonance blind me to her Putin associations. My strategy is always to vote in favor of People rather than Politics.
You have a 16 day old account created in the midst of an election season filled with propaganda bots.
Your posting history is simply not valid evidence. Your logic sure seems disconnected from reality.
I like how we’ve completely erased Vista from our collective memories at this point.
Whitelist and Blacklist is on that stack as well.