Imma go take a jit in the joylet
does this spark joylet?
ahh, joilet paper.
Joilet japer
10/10 would definitely buy (seriously)
Gotta jipe my jass with the joilet japer after jitting in the joilet
I also tried to create a related meme (Jeanstation 5), but Dall-E 2 couldn’t even create a regular playstation console, so I gave up.
What are others using to come up with these?
I’m using Bing image creator, I which I think is powered by Dall-E 3
Thanks, just tried it, much better
I couldn’t get Dall-E 2 to do anything good either it’s very anti jeans. An anti-jeantite
I think some people are using ChatGPT-4, which I think is a paid tier??
My anus is bleeding!
Try more fabric softener
So is it joilet paper, toilet japer or joilet japer?
but it’s the paper that’s j, not the toilet.
May I ask what started this jeans craziness? Missed that part 😆
An outbreak of Jeanfluenza