The state’s highest court reversed a judge’s dismissal of the case involving embryos destroyed by a wandering Mobile hospital patient.

    8 months ago

    IVF results in children being born who otherwise would not have been. These are women who want to be pregnant and give birth. Yet, the pro-life movement is trying to destroy this kind of healthcare.

    • sapient [they/them]
      8 months ago

      Its all bioreactionary stuff, really. Its always been about control and conformity to their idea of a “”“natural”“” role.

      Using technology to aid in reproduction is seen as bad because it’s doing something “”“nature”“”/“”“god”“” did not dictate you do as per their highly authoritarian worldview.

      Basically anything that would let you have agency over your body is hated by these people, because their real ideology is one of control, social and physical conformity, and obedience (to “god”, to what’s “natural”, to repressive social norms, to churches, to parents - these folks view children as property, to whatever hierarchy exists, to some strongman leader, etc. :/)

      The same logic applies to something as comparatively minor as hairdye or piercings - they always freak out about that stuff, ever notice? - to something as major as being trans or the state of someone’s uterus. Its all about control over people’s bodies and minds and identities to what they may deem “natural” (or often “godly”) (which usually involves hierarchies of prejudice as well as opposing any technological means to have control over yourself, and also opposing people’s access to information and critical thinking skills - e.g. promoting internet censorship often of queer groups <.<, or opposing science & critical thinking education).

      Anything that gives people the option to decide for themselves what they want - technologically, socially, informationally - rather than obeying some higher authority (“nature”, “god”, the state, corporations, parents, social norms) is opposed. Anything that demonstrates people have used those methods - such as any kind of transition stuff, miscarrages (because it “could” be due to abortificants nya), or the things mentioned earlier - is to be punished. Socially, monetarily, physically, legally, anything.

        8 months ago

        half the shit they preach isn’t “natural” either!

        if they so want to be “natural” I’d like to see them barely dressed in scraps of leather fucking in the forest clearning and grunting at others for coming up to them when they’re eating, then dying of food poisoning because reading a plants guide is unnatural and that mushroom looked tasty. Ditch the cell phones, ditch the glasses, ditch the shoes, none of them are natural.

        it’s literally all arbitrary, all made up to fit their worldview