“In that case, with our new-found leverage, we’d like to formally request a 40% pay increase and a 4-day work week to compensate for the inconvenience of propping up your failed real estate ventures. We look forward to your affirmative response.”
Somehow, when people talk about “the government overregulating things”, they never mean the insane amount of regulation in place in the US to prevent effective collective labour action.
“In that case, with our new-found leverage, we’d like to formally request a 40% pay increase and a 4-day work week to compensate for the inconvenience of propping up your failed real estate ventures. We look forward to your affirmative response.”
That’d be a lot easier with some sort of collective group that could make such a deal.
You want to bargain collectively? Presenting a united front? What would you even call such a thing?
Somehow, when people talk about “the government overregulating things”, they never mean the insane amount of regulation in place in the US to prevent effective collective labour action.