• @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    496 months ago

    to be fair, the pictured does look like a terrible version of a pineapple in pizza.

    The biggest issue is the pie having too much water content. You need to drain and press dry the line apple or it will turn into a soupy mess. Also, rings are 100% not the way to go. Need to slice those bad boys up into smaller pieces. Also pineapple does something special to the flavor of mottzarella.

    My barometer for a pizza place is a jalapeno pineapple, do fight me if you don’t think pineapple belongs on pizza.

    • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
      6 months ago

      There are dozens of us who will fight for the righteous cause in the holy pineapple wars. The evil non-believers must be vanquished!

      Pineapple works best on a white pizza base tbh. Tomato and pineapple are eh. Still enjoyable but not as good as pineapple and a boatload of cheese.

    • @Duranie
      26 months ago

      Pineapple, green peppers, onions, jalapenos, and if you want a meat, chicken or ham, but NO SAUCE. The sweet acidity plus tomatoes never tasted right to me, but I guessa little BBQ sauce would be ok.

    • @Fondots@lemmy.world
      16 months ago

      Personally I think the winning move is to grill your pineapple rings to dry them out and ad a little char, then chop them up smaller for the pizza

      100% there with you on jalapeno being the way to go. When I bust out my pizza oven my preferred Hawaiian pizza is diced-up and pan-fried spam, grilled pineapple, diced jalapenos, and a drizzle of hoisin sauce. I’ve also been experimenting with mumbo sauce since a few grocery stores around me have started carrying it.

    • @ikidd@lemmy.world
      -86 months ago

      Pineapple belongs in a dessert, not on a pizza. You’re patently wrong and you know it.

  • justhach
    256 months ago

    This is your reminder that Hawaiian Pizza was invented by a Greek immigrant in an Italian restaurant in Canada.

    • JohnEdwa
      6 months ago

      …inspired by the Chinese sweet and sour food he had been making, named after the brand of pineapples he was using.

  • Lenny
    176 months ago

    I like pineapple pizza. I also dunk my fries in milkshake. When I’m feeling hungry I’ll open a ton of sardines and just go heavy on those salty fuckers right there over the sink. And I’m ashamed of none of these things.

  • @ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world
    176 months ago

    It’s good, but remember it doesn’t mean you have to have it on every pizza forever. It blends nicely with jalapenos and white onion to give a sweet and spicy taste, but I wouldn’t put it on a veggie lovers or meat lovers.

    Most importantly, no one is making you eat it. If someone else likes it, fuck off and let them enjoy it. This reminds me of the “no ketchup on hotdogs” people. Just let people like what they like.

  • @_number8_@lemmy.world
    106 months ago

    very important article about how italian food snobbery is completely made up: https://www.ft.com/content/6ac009d5-dbfd-4a86-839e-28bb44b2b64c

    In this same house, in the 1980s, Nonna Fiore once served some English guests lasagna, per my uncle’s request. The lasagna was cooked from frozen, her story goes. Life was busy and, anyway, she had no qualms about serving a supermarket ready meal; people could only dream of such a luxury during the war. None of the guests suspected that she hadn’t made it from scratch and everyone was delighted, her Italian son included. She reminds me of this, then looks up at me and winks.

    • teft
      6 months ago

      None of the guests suspected that she hadn’t made it from scratch

      Bullshit. Did this author ever try a 1980s frozen lasagna? They absolutely could tell, they just didn’t want to offend her.

  • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    46 months ago

    I am glad nothing else in the world is going on so that we can afford to think important issues such as company trying a variation on pizza in a mature market with many options to consumers.

  • don
    26 months ago

    As far as pineapple on pizza goes, I am firmly Team [LOREM IPSUM] and absolutely will 1v1 anyone irl over it.