• First paragraph? Absolutely. I would love that level of engagement and personal interest from family.

      Second response and the punchline? Well, that’s what we’re here for. Of course it’s awful.

      • I have a hard time imagining both those lines coming from the same person. Maybe, I guess? But I agree, 1 is loving and supportive; 2 is mean & hurtful.

        What a terrible family op (greentext op) must have.

        • All I can say is that, yes, this absolutely happens to people. Sometimes abuse is loud, bold, and psychologically twisted like this. Other times, it’s well-placed silence.

          PSA: If you have anyone you care about with bad family like this, and know you can provide a better environment for just a few hours, have them over for a family meal. You’ll make a friend for life.

        • @DragonTypeWyvern
          46 months ago

          It’s great that you’ve never had a passive aggressive family member to deal with.

    • amio
      36 months ago

      Publically and condescendingly berating a (presumably) grown man in front of his entire family, infantilizing him and the crypto thing, the little power demonstration with the drinks, getting everyone to laugh at the poor jobless bastard?

      Not sure how wholesome that seems to me. Chewing someone out in public, especially at dinner, is asshole behavior. Being overbearingly “positive” about it on the surface doesn’t really help.