Both the president and his reelection campaign are going after his coup-attempting predecessor even before the first GOP primary ballots are cast.

A full year out from the 2024 presidential election and nearly two months before Republicans cast their first primary ballots, President Joe Biden and his campaign are assuming that Donald Trump will be his opponent and have already started reminding voters why they threw him out of office in the first place.

Biden personally has stepped up criticism of his coup-attempting predecessor and is framing the likely rematch as one that will determine the survival of American democracy.

“The same man who said we should terminate the rules and regulations and articles of the Constitution — these are things he said — is now running on a plan to end democracy as we know it,” he said last week at a fundraiser in Chicago.

“This next election is different. It’s more important. There’s more at stake. And we all know why: Because our very democracy is at stake,” he told a San Francisco audience on Wednesday.

    1198 months ago

    In a sane world, the party that has only won a plurality of Presidential voters once since 1988 would try having at least a tiny shred of self-reflection. In this world, they double down on the crazy.

    708 months ago

    Tax cuts for the rich running up the deficit. The horribly botched COVID response. And the attempted coup. Not to mention all the other crap. Biden’s right: our democracy is at stake. Check out Trump’s statements and Project 2025. Tuberville is blocking military promotions for a reason, and it ain’t abortion.

      38 months ago

      It’s so that the military leadership who wouldn’t follow Trump’s unlawful orders will be force retired early, and fascist ideologues can be identified and selectively promoted by the next Republican president.

    248 months ago

    I honestly can’t imagine Trump winning legit. His biggest strength was that he was an unknown quantity and his opponent was a woman who had to pay off DNC debt to keep popular democrats like Biden from running and beating her for the nomination.

      158 months ago

      He may have been an unknown quantity to you in 2016, but for his supporters he was exactly what it said on the tin: a racist, angry old white man who yelled at the dinner table about all the things Fox News told him were wrong with this country. And after 4 years of his administration, he actually picked up votes the second time. Biden had the largest turnout in American history in 2020, but only ahead of Trump’s 2020 numbers.

      If anything, he has confirmed to the conservative base that he is who he said he was. If Biden fails to motivate his base, he will lose, because Trump is not going to lose votes.

      • Queen HawlSera
        17 months ago

        Trump is already lost the moderates. The only one against hillary, because the media made Hillary and Donald look equally as evil and corrupt out of a sense of fairness. The constant punchline that was the Trump Administration has made it so that that’s not going to work a second time.

    • Queen HawlSera
      37 months ago

      At this point the right wing his alienated all but it’s most DieHard fan base, this is about as sustainable for the party, as eating out everyday with the logic that I’ll save by claiming loyalty reward points. Even though I’m throwing money away to claim the free food, when I could just save money by eating what we have at the house and only eating out as a sometimes treat.

      37 months ago

      The fact that he’s not an unknown quantity anymore is his biggest strength just like it took Hitler a couple of tries. His followers don’t care about democracy. In fact they believe it doesn’t actually exist anymore. They would much rather have the ability to attack the people they’re told to hate than to have democracy. If they can lynch Muslims, “Mexicans” (really Hispanic South Americans), people who have abortions, scientists, LGBTQ+ people, “pagans”, and optionally, Jews, black people, and any other non-white Christians.

        17 months ago

        From what I’ve seen, his actual base of support gets maxed out at 46%, his original victory relied on people that voted for Obama in '08 and '12 to pick him instead of Hilary. I don’t think this people will be dojng that again.

          7 months ago

          But he can still easily win with 46% or even less at this point. Technically it’s currently possible to win with as little as 23%. And I’m not talking 23% of the US population. 23% of people who actually vote. Less now actually, since that study was done in 2016, and Gerrymandering has gotten worse, shifting more power to fewer people.

          All of the gerrymandering lawsuit losses have been overturned by conservative judges and the Supreme Court is corrupt now so there’s little likelihood of them doing the right thing and fixing the maps.

          And if that’s not enough, there are several places that have removed polling places from cities and several places have declared that you can’t drop off absentee ballots for someone else, making it difficult for disabled people or people with “essential” jobs to vote, especially when early voting is also illegal. And if your job isn’t “essential”, employers still only have to give you one hour off. Even if you can make it to a polling place in less than half an hour, with the reduced locations in many cities, it’s often more than an hour wait to vote, so you risk losing your job. That’s if your employer even cares about the law because it might be cheaper for them to risk a fine than to let their only employee take an hour off. Not to mention it’s never actually been enforced anyway, so the risk is very low.

          We need a mandatory public holiday, free transportation to polling places, and universal mail-in or early voting to be funded for it to actually allow more than a small percentage of citizens to vote, especially in traditionally more progressive places like cities.

      08 months ago

      I can really see this going either way if Biden stays with his decision to run. I know every year people complain about having two bad choices, but Biden V Trump round 2 has to be a record for the actual worst options possible.

      I think the issues with both Biden and Trump are fairly obvious, but another issue is that if Biden does win, there is a fairly good chance we will end up with a president Harris, probably the one person people like less than Biden as a democratic president. I think she lost so much credibility when Biden promised he would pick a black woman as a VP, basically cementing the idea that part of her qualifications for the role of VP was based purely on gender and race.

        47 months ago

        I don’t think a sitting president will ever die of natural causes. The doctors at Walter Reed are just too good. Look at all the senators that make it to 95 before they start breaking down.

        • Queen HawlSera
          37 months ago

          You know they have some classified technology that isn’t available to Common pores that makes presidents live forever. Donald Trump caught covid and they cured that shit right up with experimental treatments. I’m pretty sure that a president can get AIDS and they can cure that over the weekend

          27 months ago

          He may not die, but I think it’s reasonable to think he will be deemed unfit to serve, or even step down voluntarily.

            27 months ago

            I would be shocked. Like I said, the medical care these people are getting is on another level entirely.

              17 months ago

              Our medical care isn’t limitless, there is only so much we can actually do. Look at how Biden has been progressing even with the best care in the world, he clearly isn’t in the best shape and it’s only going to get worse. It’s entirely possible he gets worse fast and for there to be nothing that can be done about it even with the best care we can give him.

                17 months ago

                I’ve seen him speak a whole bunch and he always comes off as fine to me. I haven’t noticed any changes in the last 4 years.

                  17 months ago

                  He has had some pretty bad senior moments, the worst one I can recall is the “Hey Jackie” one. In general he does talk pretty slow and just appears confused sometimes. He talks like he is really having to think about what he is saying, and that’s not just him, he didn’t use to be like that.

            07 months ago

            Deemed unfit to serve requires an untested legal procedure that is going to definitely face challenges and will be unpopular. It would be better for them to pull a Wilson or Reagan.

        38 months ago

        He promised to pick a woman, not specifically a black woman. That’s why there are still unsubstantiated rumors that he/his team had settled on Klobuchar until George Floyd happened. That would clarify how they got Klobuchar to step out of the race so easily, too. If Biden promised Buttigieg a vague cabinet position, and Amy the VP… the two of them dropping out at just the right time makes complete sense.

        Harris “represents” her surface-level demographic, but in her time in Oakland, she rolled back the practices of her predecessor Terence Hallinan, who was possibly the most progressive DA in the country. During his two terms, violent crime dropped by 60%, and he was an outspoken advocate for weed legalization. He said sex work was a public health issue and not a criminal one, and worked to steer as many non-violent cases into diversion/rehab and away from jail time as possible.

        All of this, of course, pissed off the cops to no end. So Harris cozied up to the police and big money donors, and ran the now-typical “tough on crime” candidacy… And, well, you can see what has happened to San Francisco between when she was elected in 2003 and now.

          37 months ago

          I know he initially promised to pick a woman, but I’m pretty sure he changed that to black women, saying he has like 4 to choose from. Either way it’s bad taste to make such an important decision openly based on race and gender.

          So we agree that nobody wants Harris as president? And that voting for Biden is how we might just end up with her as president?

            27 months ago

            If Biden wins and survives to the end of a second term, I think the nomination will be hotly contested.

      • Queen HawlSera
        17 months ago

        Kamala Harris, only the far left hates her. The moderate left does not. I’m in the far left and I hate gamala because she is a cop who has a terrible human rights record, and has supported the idea of transgender women being forced into male prisons. For the moderate left, she is a black woman and that’s enough.

          27 months ago

          I think a lot of the left agree with you, and obviously the right hates her, probably more than Biden. I also feel like the far left has grown a lot lately, the fact that Bernie even won some states in primaries just shows how big the far left has become.

          • Queen HawlSera
            17 months ago

            It is quite obvious that America is a country without any safety net, and what little safety net there is, our branded Moochers and takers, whereas any other country would have given them the tools to succeed instead of shaming them for needing a little help.

        -17 months ago

        Let it be based on gender and race. Woman are nearly 52% of the population but the politicians don’t reflect that. African background is about 15% and again the political leadership doesn’t reflect that. It is reasonable to expect that the powers that be won’t be perfectly aligned with the demographics but it isn’t reasonable the levels that we have.

    198 months ago

    Question for my American friends out there: any worry about the current clusterfuck in Congress making an end to “Democracy as you know it” seem more palatable than people might realize? Just struck me as a potentially two-edged argument, especially to Republicans who are watching their own party implode.

      158 months ago

      A big reason why Hitler rose to popular authoritarian power was because the Weimar Republic’s government was deadlocked and ineffective

      118 months ago

      Not really because the alternative is controlled by the lunatics that have seeped into our current system and are the worst offenders in ruining it.

      7 months ago

      Congress actually just did something that feels like it hasn’t happened in a while - they passed a budget bill with bipartisan support, effectively ignoring the right wing nut jobs. Granted it’s only a temporary budget bill, not even for the full year, but the fact that they were able to get both parties aboard to sign it is actually a good sign. The House passed that bill with at least 2/3rds approval.

      It’s refreshing to see Congress not being held hostage by a minority wacko subgroup. Hopefully it continues.

      -18 months ago

      I personally don’t see that happening. To make any real drastic changes on the destroying democracy level you would have to throw away the Constitution, and I really don’t see that happening.

      We also have a pretty heavily armed society, so with anything that crazy I would expect some fight back from civilians and military against the government, and hopefully that’s enough of a deterrent to not even try.

      -17 months ago

      I am not concerned. We have had much worse in our history. If you want anti-democracy look at literally any time in US history from colonial days to the 1970s. Even now it is a far from perfect system.

    188 months ago

    I hope the people of the USA will make the right decision. But, looking at it from Belgium, I’m also so tired of, since 2016, looking at every presidential election in the USA as being the one that will possibly sent the world into chaos. Every night-show, podcaster, … that I’m able to watch on YouTube can only discuss the situation from the point of view from one side. This makes the programs that once were very entertaining to watch, much less fun. So since I don’t have any impact on the outcome, I’m skipping many of these shows that were once a nice discraction. I’m curious if in the USA itself the people are also taking distance from this rethoric on television to not let it impact their daily lives too much.

      128 months ago

      Rise of fascism is a global problem and the fix is hard. It requires education, reading comprehension and even attention. It is such a hard thing to reverse so people in power don’t do anything. Politicians love easy to steer masses.

      • @DragonTypeWyvern
        18 months ago

        It also requires people who supposedly know better not to be mewling defeatist worms.

      48 months ago

      Realistically, the way America is going, it’s only a matter of time until it goes full fascist

      We’re few decades until 2077…i think Fallout is on to something…

    8 months ago

    We already know that the democrats offer nothing more than being not republicans. Nobody forgot this. We also didn’t forget that Trump was elevated to the office of the president in no small part thanks to Hillary Clinton’s team:

    So yeah, we know that democrats help republicans be villains so that democrats can position themselves as the heroes by comparison.

    Edit: Typical. No response addressing democrats actively helping fascists take the stage, only angry downvotes at having to face reality. Spoiler alert: Biden is not going to save you, nor are any of the other democrats.

        07 months ago

        Your stupid reply only indicates that you were angry at being called out. You didn’t respond to how democrats promote fascists to position themselves as heroes because you have no intelligent answer. I’ll be condescending the same way democrats are like “you don’t like Biden? You must be a fascist because that’s your only other choice (that we helped create)!”

      178 months ago

      when better candidates are clearly available for both demopublican parties has to some other reasoning

      You’re absolutely right, but if it comes down to Biden vs Trump at the general election, who are you going to vote for?

  • FlashMobOfOne
    -878 months ago

    “Hey, I’m not that other guy!”

    What a sales pitch. Pathetic, but after the Trump and Biden presidencies, we understand really well why the rich and powerful want geriatrics who can’t form coherent sentences to run our country.

      398 months ago

      I mean, if a Hitler clone showed up and started running for president, and my only other option was “not Hitler”, that’s pretty much all I need to know.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        8 months ago

        Yeah, but you’ve just watched three years of ‘Not Hitler’ doing jack shit to stop Hitler Clone, so I don’t really share your optimism or enthusiasm.

        In fact, by doing nothing about the rapid acceleration of housing scarcity and the increase in cost of living, Not Hitler has made it much, much easier for Hitler Clone to get elected.

          298 months ago

          “Not Hitler made it easier for Hitler Clone to get elected, that’s why I’m voting for Hitler Clone!”

          Okay then.

          There’s two ways out of this situation:

          1. A complete denial of Republicans Far Right bullshit until they put up palatable candidates, at which point you can hold Dems accountable without risking full blown fascism.

          2. Burn the whole thing down and hope there’s something to recover from the ashes.

          • FlashMobOfOne
            8 months ago

            I’m not voting for Hitler Clone.

            I’m voting third party.

            You’re just rationalizing your vote to help usher in fascism, and that’s perfectly fine. I guess it’ll take another 40 years of watching the nation regress before you realize that, maybe, the lesser evil isn’t as lesser as you think it is.

              238 months ago

              The Dems aren’t great, but I’ll take 40 years of regression over near instant fascism, the end of democracy and a series of genocides against trans people, sexual degenerates, socialists, and the racial minorities that are supposedly polluting white bloodlines in a heartbeat.

              Grow the fuck up, and stop risking democracy and lives for the sake of your virtue signalling - the ballot box isn’t the place for activism - you’ve got 1,459 other days per elective cycle for that.

              You know what you get if you vote third-party? Fucking murdered by the fascists.

              8 months ago

              I’m not voting for Hitler Clone.

              I’m voting third party.

              You’re just rationalizing your vote to help usher in fascism, and that’s perfectly fine. I guess it’ll take another 40 years of watching the nation regress before you realize that, maybe, the lesser evil isn’t as lesser as you think it is.

              Ah, the way Hitler Clone got elected the first time! I’m sure the results will be better the 2nd time…

              So, you’re saying we could have 40 years in which we could fucking do something like raise awareness, protests, and the like, or we could let Hitler Clone gain power now and hope it burns everything down quickly and we’re able to rebuild from the ashes.

              • FlashMobOfOne
                8 months ago

                Ah, the way Hitler Clone got elected the first time!

                Not at all.

                You all were so cocky, arrogant, and self-assured of victory in 2016 that you were making reaction videos the night before as if Hillary had already won.

                You didn’t start blaming us until 10:00PM on election night when you realized maybe, just maybe, you should have cared more about workers and the middle class.

                And now history is repeating itself. Can’t expect workers to back you if they can’t afford to miss a day of work, which coincidentally, is why I vote third party.

              • FlashMobOfOne
                -108 months ago

                That’s actually factually untrue.

                If a third party receives a certain percentage of the vote, they qualify for public funding.

                My vote serves a purpose even if it doesn’t elect the candidate the wealthy want elected.

                  58 months ago

                  That third party bullshit is why Trump was elected in the first place. We’re not in a time or area where we should be putting our votes in a third party. The country and our constitution is in danger, get the vote in for the people who aren’t fascists and then we can work on reforming the voting systems to allow more parties to have an actual shot at offices.

                  Spoken as someone who felt third party was the way to go in 2016 and deeply regrets allowing bad shit to happen to my country

      398 months ago

      This is a dishonest response. Biden has been very clear that his administration has made great strides in helping the country recover from the economic impacts of COVID, with record low unemployment and bringing down inflation to normal levels. His American Rescue Plan has stimulated the economy while repairing our failing infrastructure and expanding sustainable energy. If you actually listened to his speeches you would know all this, and that he is a fat more coherent speaker than the last two or three Republican presidents.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        -278 months ago

        with record low unemployment and bringing down inflation to normal levels.

        Hard to have high unemployment when people need three jobs to survive.

          38 months ago

          Blame corpo greed. They all saw an opportunity to raise prices without raising wages and we’re all suffering the consequences.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        8 months ago

        If we elect a Democrat or Republican no one in the poor or middle class wins.

        Where have you been the last 40 years?

        Hell, we elected Joe Biden resoundingly, with a Democratic Congress. What did we get for it? A 30-50% increase in cost of living (depending on where you live), the loss of Roe vs Wade, and record war spending. And he didn’t do anything meaningful to stop fascism.

          17 months ago

          You have so many things wrong in your comment.

          Biden’s Congress and agenda rested on a thin margin in the Senate, with people like Manchin and Sinema voting against important pieces. What he can do unilaterally, he did, but he can’t do that for everything. Then Republicans took the House.

          Biden didn’t cause private, for profit corporations to raise their prices, the corporations chose to do that because they knew they could. They could have simply made a little less money, but they chose to pass any increase in global supply chain costs off to the consumers. Not to mention that inflation around the world is much worse than it is here. But I suppose you’d never give Biden credit for that, huh?

          Roe v Wade was overturned by a Supreme Court controlled by right wing judges that were appointed by presidents other than Biden. Three of them were appointed by Trump. Again, Biden can’t act unilaterally to undo that or to pass abortion protections, and Manchin proved that he wasn’t going to be any help. So wtf do you even want Biden to do?

          And with your point on fascism, again, what the hell do you want him to do? Trump is on trial four different ways in multiple jurisdictions. The fact that it’s been slow going is a consequence of our legal system and Trump’s resources to be able to abuse it. The wheels is justice turn slowly, and that’s Biden’s fault?

          You sound like someone who doesn’t know how the government and judicial system works, and is woefully ignorant of the nuts and bolts of policy. You seem genuinely upset that Biden hasn’t magically fixed every problem in 2.5 years, and you’re holding it against him for some reason. That wouldn’t be an issue, except people like you, who are going to cross your arms and pout come next November are going to allow Trump to be reelected.

          And trust me when I say that he will do active harm to the things you care about. Don’t risk it.