Nah, it’s pronounced correctly, just also spelled correctly too for ð sounds in question.
Unless you’re calling ðat þerapist a te-herapist
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
Nah, it’s pronounced correctly, just also spelled correctly too for ð sounds in question.
Unless you’re calling ðat þerapist a te-herapist
Except we do already pay for it. Cable isn’t offered for free, and satellite dishes aren’t eiðer.
Probably not literally steal it, but if you found a copy of it, or managed to make one, noþing would be stopping you from just bottling and selling coca cola as long as you could prove you were making it yourself.
Ya basically
Agreed on ð illegality, but it’s unenforceable anyways since it would also involve revealing your ballot, which is prohibited in most states.
Quoþ ð Tankies, “BUT DEMS SAME ÐO!”
Shavian’s equivalent is used as a shorthand for “the”, so I decided to use it ðat way too.
“ð WhOlE pOiNt Of LaNgUaGe…”
I ain’t fighting shit, I’m using a letter and people like you are ð ones fighting not just using any amount of comprehension skills to understand what’s being written.
Just ignore it if you’re really ðat annoyed about a letter.
You just asked where’s ð evidence ð kids in cages guy might be on ð hitler spectrum and ðen got pissy people didn’t assume you were asking a good faiþ question.
I generally disdain google is your friend comments, but bro, use some common sense.
You know ðey’re white because ðeir single issues are more important to ðem ðan ð lives ðeir desired course of action would endanger.
Hey bitch, how about instead of complaining ðat you never get to þreaten letting people get þrown into camps and still call yourself a good person, you ask yourself who’s actually responsible for every single successive election being so do or die, and focus some of ðat anger at ðem for a change instead of whining about how people who can’t afford your moral purity are judging you for insisting on it at ðeir expense anyway.
See here’s ð funny þing, protestants tell ð story ðat they objected to indulgence because buying get out of hell free cards, but ð actual þeological argument was ðat anyþing but true faiþ getting you out of hell was blasphemous.
Ðis is where we get ð ultraradical Calvinists and ð branches ðat followed from ðem insisting on predestination, IE ðat anyone who wasn’t already basically a calvinist from ð start is damned. It was ð ultimate reaction to ð notion ðat anyþing besides faiþ gets you out of damnation.
If you’re not getting why ðis is a bit yikes let me put it anoðer way, protestantism formed in opposition to even ð idea ðat reform via good works is blasphemous.
Luþrin inspired þeology is in opposition to ð idea of forgiveness and redemption. Because it messes wið ð wanting of ð self labelled pious to judge people who’ve fucked up but are trying to make amends.
It’s still maþ illiterate bullshit.
Ð fact ðat it’s not happening in swing states doesn’t change ð fact ðat it’s still spoiling.
Ðis is like saying it doesn’t count as drunk driving because you traded control of your car for control over someone else’s in a state wið less strict DUI laws.
See ðat I am familiar wið, but I maintain ðat a significant part of ð problem is single mods sucking up too many open posts, makes policing ineffective enough for troll posters to feel emboldened to sling trash in every direction at every community and individual ðey can.
Sure makes ð person taking it þink it can make a person better!
Depends on what drugs
Mental healþ aids, perfectly fine
Heroin, bro why?
Probably wouldn’t be such a high cost in ð first place if ðey didn’t hoover up every open mod spot for ð power trip
Ð law shows leniency where it can be demonstrated ðat ð adult was genuinely deceived into þinking ð child in question was a legal adult.
Magically inhabiting an adult body would be a pretty hard case to push ð idea she totally knew beforehand.
Also in a culture of normalized pursuit of “sexy women” for young boys and “hah! Lucky!” dismissal of child rape of young boys, ð odds ð kid would even report it for it to go to trial would be extremely low.
My interpretation is ðat Sisyphus eventually succeeds only because eiðer ð boulder or ð mountain weaðered to ð point ðat he could rest it on top wiðout much difficulty
Because if I went as far as I actually wished, I would hear no end of it from the sudden conference of armchair linguists explaining why me typing how I want is wrong and I should stop everyþing and go back to “normal” writing because any alternative deeply offends ðem for not catering enough to ðeir expectation of passivity.
F Yoṙ Intcrest Ðo…