I’m trying out Obsidian for taking notes, and this made me laugh.
nano crew where you at
It’s hard to hate
, but IMHO there also isn’t anything to like in particular either. It’s basically a TUI notepad. It’s there, it lets people edit files… and that’s pretty much all there is to it.You can use nano without having to read anything about nano. That might be the only thing that is better about it than vim, but it’s a damn important thing.
I have zero patience when trying to make small adjustments to files, which is what my command line text editor should be for. Nano just has everything at the bottom in case you forget (I do, frequently) so the workflow is ridiculously streamlined for me
Absolutely. It also has whole-line cut/uncut which is a godsend when working with config files
Ironically, that’s like the one thing I’ve learned to do in Vim.
Because it’s easy, dd to delete a line and p to paste it somewhere else.
Personally I’d be somewhat nervous using
to edit parts of a text file, but you do you :)yy to copy, dd to cut, p to paste. Need to move 5 lines at once? No problem, move to the first line and use d5d, and p to paste it. Vim gets a bad rap for being confusing, but it’s so fast to move text around once you get the hang of it.
it’s basically a TUI notepad. It’s there, it does one job and that’s all there is to it
That’s what the people who like it like about it.
That’s it’s job
What else is there for it to do?
I mean, why compare it with vim at all then. Apples and oranges…
Forget KISS, amirite.
Yeah it literally follows the UNIX philosophy
nano is just… There when you need a text editor for something. Simple and purposeful
It has syntax highlighting and mouse support.
I like nano because it has worked any time I needed it. I don’t dislike nano because I’m not good enough at Linux to have ever run into its limitations
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It just makes a lot of stuff way easier once you know how to use it. Switching out a word for another: two button-presses, duplicating a line: three presses, deleting 500 consecutive lines: five presses
What if I want to undo my life’s mistakes.
Church of Emacs is always there ;)
How do we work this? Do we alternate between trying to ruin people’s lives with elisp and chasing the perfect .vimrc or lua - config? Maybe grab some bytes from /dev/urandom and send them to the editor whose first letter comes up first? What about holidays?
I’m gonna go with yes 😁
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You can also copy paste by manually copying text by hand, would call that a valid alternative to Ctrl-C/V?
I never get the need to use a mechanical pencil and graphite pencils exists
I’ll level with you: I’m kind of a moron.
If my command line text editor has its own bespoke integrated command line, then science has gone too far and we need to stop lmao
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It’s cool. We’ll just write a lua plugin to extend science so that we can go too far enough.
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Yet many people prefer mechanical pencils. Are you against choice? What is there to get or “need”?
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“Relative”? 🤨
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I don’t understand the need for Ctrl-C/V, when manually copying the text exists. I know it’s snarky, but that’s the level of difference we’re talking about here. Or imagine, to delete a line, someone Right Arrows 50 times, then backspaces 50 times, instead of using the shortcut.
Vim really is an IDE, not a text editor. It’s usable as an editor but overkill.
Nano serves a difference purpose. It’s like telling someone on a bike that a mustang is better.
Vim is absolutely not an IDE. It has no integrations with any language. It’s just a powerful text editor. You can add language plugins and configure it to be an IDE.
No offense intended here - But why is this being upvoted?
vim absolutely is an IDE if that is how you want to use it. Syntax highlighting, linter, language specific autocomplete, integrated sed/regex. And much, much more.
You can’t run and debug things in vim, can you?
my car is absolutely a boat if you put a boat motor on the back of it and waterproof it
Syntax highlighting, linting, and language specific autocomplete are features supported by plugins and scripts. Plain, simple vim is a powerful extensible text editor. The extensibility makes it easy to turn into an IDE.
There’s syntax highlighting by default in vim though.
Yeah, there is a generic syntax highlighting scheme. I had forgotten because it’s not very good for some languages, I’d replaced it with a LSP-based implementation years ago.
Yea, vim really isn’t anything near how useful emacs is.
Emacs really is powerful, all it needs now is a decent text editor.
It has one. It’s called evil-mode.
So like Word vs Notepad?
nano gang checking in.
However, I’ve been forced over time to remember “:wq” to get unstuck should vim randomly appear.
Alternatively, you can save a key and use
to quit without saving)Yeah, that’s such a Vim user thing to say :P
to save a write cycle and signal an error to whatever opened Vim.How do u learn this voodoo
I personally like nano but it’s what I used first. So I learned the commands. Vim I still forget Everytime.
Pico gang reporting in.
i’ve only ever used nano in the early stages of a gentoo install, when it’s too early to install vim and import my dot files 😈
I hate terminal-based text editors
Nano seems quite user/idiot friendly
hopefully switching to micro
I made that switch a few months ago just so I could cut, copy and paste without having to lookup how to do it. it’s been great.
when you click enable vim it should just start nano
I hate when I use visudo and it opens in nano and I try to use vi controls
Gotta set your sudo editor environment variable
Why would I want to exit vim?
I tmux my vim session so I never have to exit it, I just end the session and NOTHING OF NOTE HAPPENS
Just all those left over swap files I forget about because they are in every one of my dot ignore files.
Aka “vim turds”
yes | rm -r ./.*
RIP my .git folders
But importantly the swp files in my home directory are gone, along with all my rc files but who needs them
set swapfile set dir=~/.cache
No, i just googled it.
killall vim
What if SIGTERM not enough? Kill nine times. Like this:
killall -9 vim
. Congratulations, comrade, you have passed KGB exam.Hmm never thought of it like that. Unix programs are actually cats, and sometimes you have to kill all nine of their lives to really end them.
Yes, one of them literally have name cat, so you can kill all the cats with
killall -9 cat
You monster, I prefer denial
It is much easier not to
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Disconnect the battery terminals obviously!
Or just wait a while
I miss when this was easy.
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I also miss the days of fat dumper laptops
i still have a laptop sith replacable cpus/socket
put it in the microwave
what do you mean? that just recharges the battery
make it real hot
Hold the power button for 10 seconds!
Unless pressing the power button triggers hibernation.
On pretty much every computer I’ve seen since ATX became a thing, pressing and holding power for I think 6 seconds (but could be another specific time) has force powered off the whole thing. Hibernation should kick in on a single press if you have it configured that way and trigger on the release of the button.
It takes my laptop about 10 seconds to force power off, but usually 5 to hibernate.
the cloud is just the world you’re living in
Cloud 9 , for sure.
It’s very easy to terminate vim. I just use the power button.
Uh… so u guys don’t change the PC each time that’s cool I would definitely try that …
Tried it’s a scam , doesn’t work
If I could afford to change PC - I could afford real IDE
Yeah that’s the problem it’s so expensive not to mention when you buy a discounted one and the vim session is already open…
If anyone needs the command: :q!
If you want the computer to ask if you’re sure: :q
If you want to save: :wq
You’re nullifying that safety measure by doing this you know
Some people just want to see the world burning
It’s the opposite of nerd sniping.
Nah, the safety measure is designed to make sure they can quit vim. Now they can quit vim.
I can quit vim any time I want. I just don’t want to.
If you want to save: :wq
Or :x
will write even if you didn’t change anything;:x
won’t. (similar to:w
and ZZ for save & quit
because why not :)
I prefer
if I want to quit and save
I don’t mean to be all “BuT iT’s cLOseD SoURce” but you should give Logseq or Zettlr a try. They’re similar WYSIWYG markdown editors, but also FOSS. Zettlr also has vim keys.
Plus Obsidian is horrible at editing tables.
Also not a fan about the closed source thing, but I like about Obsidian that it’s all just markdown. If I ever need to ditch it, I can keep and use my existing files as they are.
Would this also be possible with Zettlr or Logseq?
Exactly, that and the mobile app. Having simple markdown files and ability to sync them with Syncthing are just too good.
I don’t know about Zettlr, but last I looked at Logseq it worked off markdown files similar to Obsidian.
That said, I felt Logseq wasn’t quite ready for prime time when I was doing my research a year or so ago. So I went with Obsidian and have been very happy with it.
Been using Logseq for six months, and yes. It’s all just .md and media files referenced by relative links.
This was an important factor the choice to use it. Having used several note taking applications / systems, getting your data ‘out’ in a painless fashion is the #1 concern.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’m actually checking a couple new editors out as i’m looking for an alternative to OneNote. Just started messing with this one, but i’m not sure if i’ll settle for it yet.
I’ve heard good things about anytype.io, but I havent had the chance to use it personally.
Logseq has an Android app. Zettlr doesn’t.
Edit: I tested Logseq. It has the basic functionality down, so for many it might be great. For me, though, it doesn’t come close to what is possible with the plugins of Obsidian. So for now I’ll stick with Obsidian.
The Android app is horrible btw. If I had to guess it’s just a desktop web page scaled down and packaged in an app.
Coming here to recommend Joplin, been using it for years and it’s a great note app, markdown + external editing supported, open source, CLI & GUI clients, encrypted… Does everything right!
Firstly Joplin is great note taking app and if that is all you want you really should go for it. I used it for years and was really happy.
But Obsidian is far more than just a note app. It like a Wikipedia page, you can add links within the text of your notes to another note. But they are also bi-directional, meaning you can see the incoming and outgoing links.
Making easy to use the related notes instead of just link to it. Sometimes you did not even think this note could use that note information and it shows you can connect them.
Not only that Dataview lets you live index and query your data. Letting me build a template and query that data dynamics.
I tumbled across Zettlr when I was looking at maybe replacing Zim for my homebrew TTRPG games at the table. I use DokuWiki online. I ran my Star Wars game through it. Pretty impressive.
Zettlr is a great program, but to recommend it while bashing Obsidians table editing seems interesting. I’ve never used Obsidian so I can’t say how good their implementation is, but I know I’ve struggled alot with the Zettlr tables…
I would in theory prefer FOSS. But what is the situation with plugins and themes? Can I use obsidian plugins with any of those? If not, I’m probably not gonna switch.
There’s a table edit plug in that makes it easy. The gripe I have with it is not being able to right-justify numbers (or maybe I haven’t looked close enough)
Would love to but I’m not going to pay a subscription for sync (one time would be ok), or have my data on a random aws instance. And last time I checked there is no plugin for your own self defined sync storage like Nextcloud. Once there is, I’m having a go.
It’s just markdown. You should know how to use git, use it.
there’s a git plugin which can sync with any git server
Thanks for the heads-up. I see that it has an auto-commit feature, that may be interesting, if it also works on iOS.
You can set it to automatically commit and push every x minutes and pull every time you start the app.
just saw after you replied :) but unfortunately that is only available on desktop.
I’ve got it running on Android as well if that’s what you’re looking for
You can use FolderSync to sync your .md dir to nextcloud. It suited me well because I use foldersync for other purposes, too
I may need to add, that I use Obsidian across Win/Linux/iOS/macOS via remotely save. the sync solution needs to be able to work on all platforms. Logseq doesn’t have mobile plugins yet and iOS makes filesystem access a pain.
I mean, it’s true.
I’ve been using linux pretty exclusively at home for almost 25 years now. Program. Script. Work in the shell a lot, and the other day I had to use vim and it took me a while to remember the basic commands. I’m a nano guy :\
Honestly, if you work in a shell a lot, learning vim is a great investment. You’re gonna fly through files editing them faster than with any IDE.
I also started off using nano. Have you tried Micro? It’s like nano on steroids and with good keybindings
At some point Nano added Ctrl+S for save. That’s all I needed. Its syntax highlighting is decent too.
ctrl w/o for save/save as are pretty easy to get used to tho
Nano, Pico and Micro? is this editor trying to !compensate for something?
+1 for micro. I install it on every server I administer, and alias it to nano. If you’re a nano user and haven’t tried micro, I highly recommend it. It’s like nano, but built this century, it feels fast and modern.
I’m with you on that. VIM is a good example of a tool that the deepness of the tool makes it aggravating to use for the 90% of simple use cases.
Unless you use VIM enough for the shortcuts to be second nature it is faster to install Nano, make the changes, and remove Nano than it is to use VIM.
If you feel like it definitely give it another go. Vim (or neovim) is just insanely good once you’ve developed the muscle memory for the keybinds.
It takes a bit of time and practice but it’s actually fairly user friendly once you understand how it works. (c for change, y for yank, p for paste, e for end, b for beginning etc.)I was a nano person for the longest time, was planning to try out vim but never did, until i saw a coworker using it and he explained a little about the vim “language” actually worked and how much you could do with it
With some encouragement from him and a week or two of reduced productivity i was able to do everything just as fast in vim as in nano, and it only got better from there, now i find any other editor slow and tiresome in comparison
If you want something that is quite a nice editor too but doesn’t require hundreds of lines of configuration, try helix. It also has nice help menus so it’s fast to learn. I’ve used vim since the 90’s and Emacs for many years, but nowadays I kinda just like hx how it just works with zero configuration for any programming language I need to work with.
Big brain time,
pkill vim
Vim: Caught deadly signal TERM
Vim: Finished.
TerminatedSo from within vim
:!pkill vim
ctrl-b " pkill vim
for my tmux enjoyers:!kill -9 -1
A lot of my personal dislike for VIM would be done away with if it just had a helpful common keys cheat sheet (basic cursor navigation, edit mode, exit with and without saving, etc) at the bottom of the editor window like Nano does.
I understand where you’re coming from, but as a frequent user of vim I’d much rather have the additional line of text.
That makes sense, I mean your monitor can only fit like six lines of text.
It should be default on, with a setting to turn it off for power users
They could even have one of the commands on the cheatsheet be to hide it, so anyone who doesn’t want it will immediately see how to turn it off.
one of my favorite things about helix is how easily you can check the keybinds for certain actions - just space-? and then you can see a list of every command available (by description) and their keybinds, if they have one
Not to forget the buit in popup showing the shortcuts, similar to which-key, but built in
Having the commands listed at the bottom by default is one thing i personally dislike about nano, because they take up space while being useless to someone knowing the commands (or at least knowing how to open the help in, which is what you can do in vim to achieve the cheat sheet). The alternative that vim uses, is to show the commands when starting the editor without opening a file.
is there not an option to turn them off??
This is the only reason I have any idea how to navigate nano.
Try nvim
Really, I’d just recommend using nano then. It’s installed basically anywhere you can find vim and works perfectly fine as a text editor! To use vim effectively it has a learning curve no matter what, so it’s not necessarily meant for everyone.
You don’t change Vim, Vim changes you. https://youtu.be/9n1dtmzqnCU
*edit: shortened and thanks! Did not know and gross…
Good human?
But seriously that’s helpful info.
I noticed this, and was wondering what the hell was going on.
There’s a few different ways to write that command in vim, does it accept all of them?
I’m honestly not super familiar with vim. I tried :q! and it accepted it, what are some other ways?
:!killall vim
No, I tried ZQ the other day, does not work
my disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined.
If you want to learn vim, try the command vimtutor in a terminal
if your desktop environment uses alt+f4 to quit 💀
If yours doesn’t use it, you know what it uses instead
very true.
I just can’t quit you, vim!
You can’t just quit it. Vim is one hell of a drug.