I regret nothing. Say what you want.
Edit: I just saw the two typos. If you find them, you’re welcome to keep them.
That boy is gonna be a murderer
Vim and emacs are text editors.
Vs code is a code editor (but really it’s also just a text editor)
Maybe they mean IDEs like visual studio?
I’ve never really heard it called a coding GUI before.
At uni I did a lot of my Java coursework in notepad, then I’d have to take it into a computer lab on a floppy, tar it and upload it to a unix terminal so it could be emailed to the professor. Java syntax with only the command line compiler is not fun.
I code using grep’s search and replace.
I code using a telegraph machine in morse code.
I code using punch cards hand cutting each hole with a xacto knife
One word: ed
deleted by creator
Oh, I remember ed! He’s the talking horse from that old black and white show, right?
No one can code with a horse, of course. That is of course, unless the horse is the famous mr Ed.
As long as you don’t use Microsoft Word we can be friends
What about the libre office version?
Bonus points if you’re saving it as an .odt and still producing a validly executable file of some kind
You’re weird, but we can be friends if you want.
text editor application that came with Ubuntu
I’m probably in the minority but I think it’s fantastic! No extra baggage, super quick to work with, and it does syntax highlighting pretty well!
Just wait until you try Micro
Bloat! Who needs an editor 1000 times the size of their previous one?
I doubt they mean nano
Notepad.exe has been my daily driver for anything that doesn’t need a compiler for decades.
“Me who codes with the text editor that came with Ubuntu”…
More like gedit
Doesn’t it ship with nano these days?
Don’t you have to install that? I thought Ubuntu came with vi and nano.
I write all my code on paper and use OCR to convert it. It almost works sometimes.
vim ftw.
I like SublimeText for everything unless a quick edit at the CLI with Vim.
I genuinely do a lot of coding in Kate, the standard KDE editor. It’s enough to do a lot of things, has highlighting, and is more than enough when you just need a quick fix.
I am also still using nano when editing stuff in the terminal. Please, don’t judge me.
To be fair, Kate isn’t just a text editor, it actually is an IDE. The text editor version would be kwrite, which would be horrible to program in.
Wow, you’re right of course. I completely forgot kwrite still existed, tbh.
Kwrite doesnt really exist on its own anymore. Its a slimmed down gui for kate now.
Oh wow you’re right, it’s basically just kate without some of the toolbars now. Hadn’t used plain kwrite in a while.
KWrite is the standard text editor. Kate is the advanced one. The name actually literally stands for “KDE Advanced Text Editor”
I’m not aware of distros preinstalling KWrite, though…?
Huh, I did not know that any didn’t. I just tried a bunch, and here is a quick breakdown of what was preinstalled on each:
distro Kate kwrite Fedora false true KDE Neon true false Kubuntu true false Manjaro true true SteamOS true true
We’re almost like coding siblings lol
Yep, I came here to say that Kate is really nice. Even though I’m an emacs user and won’t use it.
Nano, on the other hand, can’t do almost anything, so I can’t recommend that people make heavy use of it. It’s ok for random small edits, but that’s it. (By the way, YSK that you can set your terminal to use Kate as the default editor by setting the $EDITOR variable.)
Me too. I’m still not sure what the problem is and I’m kind of afraid to ask.
I do have the plugin for multi-line editing set up, I guess.
All the cool kids use vim, so using nano makes you uncool, I guess. But I use Mint, so I’m uncool anyway.
Geany is a nice GUI option. It’s a bit more capable but still lean.
It’s probably time for me to re-evaluate the host of coding editors out there. For the most part I just use good text editors. Though I do love Spyder, I only use it for a certain subset of tasks.
The person that codes in MS paint
This feels a little bit like Brainfuck tbh.
For what it’s worth, I can think of one thing that would make brainfuck even worse: Instead of using 8 arbitrary characters (it only uses > < + - . , ] and [ for every instruction) for the coding, use the 8 most common letters of the alphabet. Since it ignores all other characters, all of your comments would need to be done without those 8 letters.
For example, “Hello World” in brainfuck is the following:
If we instead transposed those 8 instructions onto the 8 most common letters of the alphabet, it would look more like this:
This is such a waste of time to the point where it infuriates me. I know the standard answer is “why not?”, but it’s just cringe to, like you are trying too hard to purposely be stupid, whereas with standard text editor you can say already they cba’ed to install anything so it was a case of initial setup vs. long term productivity.