• 21 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020


  • My workplace preinstalls Ubuntu, personally I’m using openSUSE. I don’t even think that Ubuntu is particularly bad, I’m mainly frustrated with it, because it’s just slightly worse than openSUSE (and other distros) in pretty much every way.
    It’s less stable, less up-to-date, less resilient to breakages. And it’s got more quirky behaviour and more things that are broken out-of-the-box. And it doesn’t even have a unique selling point. It’s just extremely mid, and bad at it.

  • The idea for the when-part is that people will have electric cars at home, which can double as a big battery, or as the other guy already said, you can buy dedicated storage, too.

    You could also hook these storages up to the grid, and then have an algorithm decide to sell to the grid when electricity is expensive, or to charge from the grid while electricity is cheap, possibly even taking the weather forecast into account.
    Definitely still lots of details to figure out, but I expect things to head that way…

  • GNOME 3 doesn’t have desktop icons, if that’s what you mean. And yeah, that version number sounds about right. They used to version it as "3.38”, but then instead of “3.40”, they decided to call that version “40” and continue from there.

    KDE is very much the opposite of opinionated. It comes with a Windows-like layout by default, but you can do pretty much any layout you want with it. People rather complain that it has too many options.
    I would definitely recommend giving it a try, or at least checking out some videos. It happens a lot that people who dislike GNOME, then try KDE and are completely flabbergasted why that’s not the default.

  • For example Rust needs to be able to dynamically allocate memory for all of its syntax to be intact.

    Hmm, you got an example of what you mean?

    Rust can be used without allocations, as is for example commonly done with embedded.
    That does mean, you can’t use dynamically sized types, like String, Vec and PathBuf, but I wouldn’t consider those part of the syntax, they’re rather in the std lib…