I’m getting into some heated discussions because no one else believes this info. And in fact, the wiki itself doesn’t match this info on the Damage page.
People seem to think that Corrosive is the be all end all of damage now, and if this is true, it’s just not right.
Because according to my codex, every faction is now resistant to everything they aren’t weak to.
I mean, the be-all end-all damage type right now is Heat due to the strength of Heat procs. Electric is also now the de-facto melee element for a lot of builds due to the sheer strength of Influence. I dunno who’s telling you corrosive, they’re probably bad.
I don’t think any of the combined elements are exceptionally better than another in terms of damage. After the big status rework, Gas, Blast, Corrosive, and Magnetic all got reasons to see use and became about on par with Viral. Radiation is probably the “weakest,” but a lot of its favored enemy types are endgame factions and bosses.
That’s not the main point I’m wondering about. It seems like NO ONE is familiar with this change to faction resistances.
Like, not even the wiki moderators.
So, when it comes to this, “resistant” only means a reduction in initial damage numbers, what ends up making a status “good” is the effect it has on the enemy after the fact, corrosive will reduce the armor of any unit it effects per stack, under normal circumstances, a max stack of corrosive procs(10) will reduce the enemy armor by I think 80 or 90 percent, check wiki for exact numbers, but this amount is really good for at least beginning of steelpath
With some special archonshards, you can increase the max stacks of corrosive, meaning once you hit 13 stacks, the enemy has no armor, couple that with viral (increase damage to health) and you’ll be doing a ginormous amount of damage in comparison to their original defense. This does not discount the other effects, please read up on them, they are almost all useful (I currently enjoy blast on my melees with the arcane, melee influence) and the goal of DE is that all status’ will be useful in the game
If you can utilize the effects of status, it doesn’t matter what you use (kind of) but beginners most likely won’t be able to and could still use paying attention to the resistances of enemies, and that’s why the missions now show what best elements to use.
Reducing armor doesn’t mean much if the enemydoesn’t have armor to begin with.
So I just checked in game (on PC), and my codex for frontier lancers looks like this:
Is it a platform thing, maybe, or a bug? My guess is, that list you have is less “vulnerable/resistant” and more “vulnerable/not vulnerable”, just worded weirdly. What does it say for enemies from late game factions that have documented resistances, like the murmur?
All faction listings look the same, with different details of course.
Interesting, sounds like a bug then. I did some brief simulacrum testing with just serration and a single 60% elemental mod in a gun, and resistances are working for me as per the wiki. In other words, corrupted lancers (listed as vulnerable to puncture and viral, resistant to rad) take less damage from rad (230 per hit) than they do from magnetic or cold (279 per hit).
Please do test this yourself, though! It’d be hilarious if it was more than a UI thing for you.
I don’t know how that test proves anything, as the question is “Are enemies resistant to EVERYTHING that they aren’t weak to?”
The answer is no, because factions like corrupted have 3 possible reactions to each damage type: vulnerable, resistant, or neutral. The point of the test was to see if your UI is incorrectly listing both neutral and resistant damage types under “Resistances” (it is), or whether something about damage levels has actually changed (it hasn’t).