MR30 here. Apart from the prime and lich stuff, there’s definitely a few easy things you’ve missed, and some clusters of stuff you can work on simultaneously or while doing other things (like cracking relics or grinding aya):
- Have you done all the zaws, kitguns, k-drives, and amps? Wasn’t sure if what you’re using tracks them. If not, that’s potentially a big chunk.
- BPs from the market: pandero, carrier, dethcube, shade, wyrm, various archgun/archmelees (parts require syndicates)
- BPs from the dojo: catabolyst, mios, helios, djinn, itzal, dorrclave, hema
- Nightwave: heat dagger, dark sword, wolf beacons for wolf sledge
- Deimos iso vaults: aurum spinosa, sporothrix, cortege, and necramech parts; rep for cortege and bonewidow BPs. Note that arcana iso vaults have better drop rates for aurum spinosa and sporothrix parts, but you’ll probably be stuck doing them solo.
- Stuff from syndicates, all of which are tradable if you don’t want to swap syndicates: various archmelee and archgun parts, sancti/secura/telos weapons, abyssal beacons for dorrclave mats
- BPs, parts, and relics from corpus railjack derelict caches: carmine penta and nautilus, plus relics for valkyr prime, nyx prime, cernos prime, scindo prime, hikou prime, and venka prime
- Baro: prisma weapons, vericres, halikar wraith, vulkar wraith, prova vandal, supra vandal, vastilok, ax-52 (probably)
As a side note for sibear, I found getting cryotic passively while grinding circuit much less tedious than trying to grind it directly, but that might just be me.
Just want to add: forma are for when you’ve run out of capacity after you’ve installed a reactor/catalyst. You can install them before, but it’s really inefficient.
Also, if you put all the basic mods on a weapon, and it still feels weak, take a look at its base (unmodded) crit and status chance stats. If, say, base crit chance is significantly lower than base status chance, then replace crit mods with more status/status chance, and see if that feels better. Same principle for frames: some frames have really low base shield, or their abilities don’t need range, or they don’t need to worry about energy management, so you’re better off swapping out some mods for others.