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I’m allergic to milk. Trying to explain that to people sometimes goes like this:
“I’m allergic to milk.”
“You mean you’re lactose intolerant?”
“No, I’m allergic to milk. I can digest it just fine.”
“What do you mean?”
“Milk. I’m allergic to it.”
“What happens when you drink it?”
“My throat starts to swell up and get itchy. It’s hard to breathe for a while.”
“OOOOOH. You’re allergic to milk.”
An acquaintance of mine will literally die from anaphylactic shock if he ingests anything with even traces if milk…think severe peanut allergy, but for milk. It’s not the lactose, it’s some protein in it or something, and fucking everything contains traces of milk.
God damn, pour one out for your friend, that’s an incredibly rough allergy. Hopefully they have some reliably milk-free food sources.
EDIT: specifically pour out the glass of milk for your friend they might accidently drink it.
Hey! Me too.
Cows milk only. I can enjoy goat and sheep.
You leave those Goats and Sheep alone!
I can enjoy goat and sheep.
Like… blended up?
Also that, yes.
No, biblically.
Ketchup or mustard?
Me too! Last time I had a reaction the hives lasted for 8 hours.
The boomer crusade against alternative milks is one of the weirder forms of toxic masculinity and smacks of subservience to and brainwashing by the milk lobby.
They tried to narrowly define that can be called milk. Thankfully it did not pass.
As a funny aside, this was my autocomplete suggestions when looking up this bill:
I would imagine there is a funny story behind this.
Here in Germany they did succeed with it. Oat milk has to be called something like “Hafer-Drink” (note the anglicism) (literally “oat drink”).
Yeah, but tbh, it kinda makes sense. You can’t print something on the packaging that says something that’s not the case. You can’t call it “oat milk”, because otherwise people should rightfully assume it was milk with some oat in it.
No, that wouldn’t be “rightful”. It’s common knowledge that soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk and scouring cream (Scheuermilch in German) don’t contain cow milk. And it was never an issue when coconut milk was the only alternative milk-like product that was widely available.
yeah, i see your point. interesting. i never thought of that before
This is why I enjoy it here.
Historically, milk has been used to refer to any liquid with a milky white color. This can be crushed up plants or other things. Milk of magnesia, for example. It is a very old use of the term and changing it to only refer to milk from an animal is more inacurate than letting it refer to these substances. Don’t let the milk industry BS lead you to a false conclusion. Question what you’re told.
Animal milk can call itself dairy if it wants to be specific. That’s the word for animal milk only.
Ok i see, yeah, now that you mention it, we have “Löwenzahnmilch” (dandelion milk) in german, which refers to this:
But also, “dairy” doesn’t work so well in other languages. I can’t think of a german translation.
Here is your solution.
Fair enough about the German thing. I was specifically speaking about English, since it was about the US Congress trying to regulate the word. There may be a better argument for German, but it sounds like it’s the same issue. From a quick search online, tierische Milch seems like the choice.
Imagine calling a non dairy liquid “milk” prior to ten years ago, not conceivable
Coconut milk, milk of magnesium, soy milk? Made up woke nonsense
yeah, tbf, “coconut milk” (which i believe to be older name than 20 years, maybe conceived or widespread in the 1960s) is a questionable candidate. What give you can call “coconut milk” milk, but not “soy milk”.
Almond milk dates back to the middle ages
the name, or the product?
‘Made up’?
You mean other names were bequeefed upon us by lord god jesus christ?
Are you stupid or just forgot an ‘/s’?I think your sarcasm detector needs tuning, it was pretty thick especially considering all of those have been around with those names much longer than that
Fair, I retract and apologise.
It is milk with some oat in it. The milk part of the oat. That’s exactly what it is.
You mean people might think it’s breast milk with some oat in it.
Rather than legislating plant milk, I suggest we legislate breast milk so that it legally has to have the word breast on the packaging.
Labelling it titty milk will only make me drink more of it
Duckduckgo made up a little song about milk and I’m glad you were there to witness it
the Dairy industry lobby is powerful.
A sad reminder that Aubrey Plaza did a Real Milk campaign.
All the Amish influence.
So many things boomers consider normal is just brainwashing from some lobby or other
I mostly agree with you, but it’s not great to generalise about an entire generation some negative aspect of people that applies to many people, regardless of age.
Average boy who eats soy
Completely wild to shit on soy milk in coffee.
Like, if you’re trying to be toxic about your coffee, how do you even justify diluting the coffee with milk in the first place? Can’t even do toxicity properly, get real
Since plant based milks are just basically water with the plant stuff in it, can’t we make coffee milk and put that in our coffee as a milk alternative?
My sibling in Christ, that’s just coffee
No, coffee is burnt coffee milk. We need actual raw coffee milk.
Look if somehow I can get a latte made with coffee milk … I need this.
I do barley coffee with oat milk called “not milk”.
It’s f—in’ barleh!
I didn’t realize I was lactose intolerant for the longest time. I just assumed everyone had some food that gave them the booboos and it was just the price of living. I thought intolerance was synonymous with allergy, and since it didn’t kill me, I just assumed I didn’t have it.
How I found out:
Me: I sure do love ice cream. Sucks that it makes me stomach hurt.
Friend: So you’re lactose intolerant?
Me: Oh, no, no. Ice cream and milk have just always messed up my stomach.
Friend: That’s what lactose intolerance is.
A ton of adults legitimately don’t know that most people develop some degree of lactose intolerance as they age. They think lactose intolerance is like a rare disorder rather than the norm for mammals. It feels like the kind of thing they should have taught us in health class.
“Around your mid 20s you should pay attention to if milk makes you fart a lot.”
Same with my younger brother. He once told me that he has diarrhea least one time a day. He tought that this is a completely normal thing and is not willing to change anything. He would rather shit his pants than give up milk.
I thought everyone was dealing with it. Like, mine happens to be ice cream, someone else gets mudbutt from chicken wings or something. But we keep going because flavor demands sacrifice.
Turns out that was not the case. 🙃
I thought itchy mouth from bananas, walnuts and avocado was part of their flavor profile until I was like 30.
In my mid 20s I was informed that most people don’t find it less easy to breathe after binging carrots. Still never had anaphylaxis and a bit are fine, but yeah I’m supposed to avoid them now
You sure you’re not eating poison hemlock roots? They look a lot like carrots…
I’m in my 30s and before last year I hadn’t realised you’re not supposed to be able to be taste your meal hours after eating it.
Tried going gluten and dairy free. Never knew I had a sixpack instead of a balloon. It’s not been easy I’d kill for a nice carbonara or a pizza or a cheeseburger. Cheeseburgers. A pile. American sized pile pls. A döner roll with feta.
But theres wheat and dairy in fucking everything.
Still, I am much better. Considering.
“One hot bean juice with cold bean juice, please.”
“And can I get that with some of the sweet bean juice, please?”
That’s why I order with almond milk because nut juice is more manly.
I like oat milk because it’s like goat milk but with less G.
Oat milk is superior than any other option for coffee drinks and I will die on this hill
They recently switched to oat milk in our office and it’s just nasty to me. I tried to like it but no I just can’t do it.
I get that, some brands don’t taste good at all. Weirdly enough, I really like the great value stuff. Planet oat or whatever’s decent too
It depends on the brands I guess. but if you drink it like that and with coffee, its not amazing.
But mixed with cereals, cocoa it’s really good.
There a brand in France that makes a vegetal milk with, macadamia, hazelnut, and almond. It’s truly delicious.
I’ve started drinking milk alternative because I would get belly ache when drinking cold milk. And I saw the episode on kurzgesagt about milk. Where they say it’s better for the environment.
In the end I’m still eating regular dary like cheese and yogurt.
Oat milk is good, but I can’t figure out how to make it foam up really nicely like cow’s milk when making a latte ): that’s about the only time I drink milk nowadays, so the lactaid is right next to the machine.
Get an “extra creamy” oat milk. Some brands even make a barista blend. The extra fat helps to form a fine and stable foam
Saw this yesterday, but I forgot to say thanks for the recommendation!
“Barista” oat milk has been common for like a decade. How have you both never seen it and never found out about it?
I got my espresso machine last week 😅 I spend a good amount of time researching the pros and cons of the machine itself and the details of how to do the whole “make espresso” thing, but I am quite new to all of this.
Unfortunately I can’t check that, because oats cause my intestines to go postal
Oof. Sorry to hear
Well, at least ecologically, because oat grows everywhere. Btw, coffee has a really bad footprint too.
I also enjoy the occasional oatmilk latte but recently was reading something about how oats have all sorts of pesticides that can make their way into the milk
And dairy cows are shot up with antibiotics and hormones. Gotta pick your poison.
yeah thats true, best bet is to research the brands of oatmilk you get to see if they are better or worse
I don’t know if it’s the same outside Europe, but you could get certified organic
Is there an agricultural product that you eat that does not contain pesticides in some quantity?
Probably not but something like oatmilk could be consumed daily which i guess is where the problem comes in
So you eat nothing else but animal products daily…? What you read reeks of fear-mongering with a good dose of “don’t think about it” thrown in, which clearly worked on you.
Yeah I guess it was only two brands after I looked it up again
As compared to onions, garlic, potatoes, bread, cereals, or fruit? I’d put adding 4 oz of oatmilk pretty low on our pesticide exposure list.
Shoot, you should look up how American garlic’s been produced for the past few decades. It’s really disturbing and likely introducing pharmaceuticals back into human foods.
Do you want to hear the story about how I figured out how I had lactose intolerance after eating 3 helpings of an ice cream dessert with extra whipped cream?
I’m in
It involved farting all the way home. Like a puff escaping with every step walking a few blocks home. I was so damn glad to be walking late at night. And I just felt miserable with my bubbly, knotty guts the whole night and the next day.
Seriously, I love ice cream and eat as much as I can get my hands on - but nothing in the world would make we want to go through that again. So happy for lactase tablets and vegan options.
For that I envy you lactose intolerant folk. My celiac’s disease has me violently (and painfully) vomiting if I eat any gluten. 🤮
I was much slower to come to such a conclusion. Mine was yogurt parfait I would eat as a nighttime snack believing I was making a healthy choice. The next day (or sometimes before bed or during the night depending on when I ate it) I would have stomach aches, be gassy and/or bloated and just not my best. It wasn’t till another family member talked about being lactose intolerant and my eating my yogurt snack for say, lunch on my day off, that I put it all together.
It was just weird because it’s really only milk/yogurt/ice cream (cheese is usually fine) that effect me most - and I went like 20+ yrs eating dairy just fine. And yes lactase tablets are amazing.
Been there, done that, would still eat a whole cheesecake in one sitting. Only slight regrets.
Going number two afterwards and accidentally launching yourself into orbit?
I don’t understand why you’d drink a soy caffè latte, because I don’t understand why you’d drink a caffè latte, because I don’t understand why you’d drink any type of coffee.
Same bro. Same.
this post offends me, but at the same time, good point lmao
Then you take it black, like my heart.
But black coffee and espresso are two completely different things. Are you suggesting instead they get an Americano?
No, you can easily take espresso-based beverages “black”, too. Or rather, you can easily make them not-black by adding milk, which is pretty common for americanos.
Sure, but then you’re taking it in small cup form rather than as a larger volume drink. That still makes them two very different things.
If I want a nice, large margarita, telling me I can have a couple shots of tequila misses the point. Nothing against tequila, but a mixed drink and a shot are different enough that one is not a substitute for another.
Same with espresso. Americano is much closer in form factor to a latte than straight espresso. And more to my post’s point, most times when people say black coffee they mean drip.
The americanos I’ve had were about the same volume as a regular filter coffee. And even if there was a difference in volume, it wouldn’t matter - “black” vs “with milk” only refers to whether you add any amount of milk.
Filter coffee. Only way to have it.
I’ll go as far as Turkish coffee, but Americano doesn’t taste good at all.
Yeah the americano is an example of what our people had to put up with saving Europe from itself.
In a few years I imagine y’all’ll get a European style coffee which is just reduced pour over and you’ll hate that like nobody’s business, but you dealt with it to save some Canadian bacon
Real milk contains mammal estrogen instead of just the plant kind.
Do these people also only eat plain boiled rice for fear of soy sauce?
The rice in general might be too exotic for them
Imagine not enjoying fried rice…
Like… what is this arbitrary ranking you have there that put soy milk below milk?
in one episode of the culture war the right wing focused on soy as leftist and woke and disgusting because it contains phytoestrogens, which are very unhelpfully named and don’t actually function like human estrogen but they love to pretend they do. there’s also vague bigotry because wow soy is sooo different and different is bad. there’s also the fetishization of history and white men’s culture of drinking cow milk, and if you are lactose intolerant they probably also expect you to just deal with the pain and the shits because a real man must always experience pain or whatever.
IMO the real issue with alternative milks is that they’re popular with left-leaning people, because of concerns about the environment or animal welfare. And rightwingers hate everything that might make the world a better place and/or is popular with left-leaning people.
oh wow i totally forgot about anti-cruelty ideas and initiatives, but you’re totally right. i apologize.
Soy aggravates my IBS, and I am forever getting people looking at me funny because avoiding soy has become a right-wing talking point. I hate it so much.
that’s unfortunate
WTF soy bean is such an important source of protein besides animal products
I don’t understand why people are so surprised right-wingers don’t have rational consistency to their thought processes. Have none of you been paying attention to them for the last 3-5 decades?
Nothing they do is surprising based on their historical words and actions but people still be out there voting Republican (or not voting Democrat in every election) because “they can’t be that bad!”
You’d think their natural human reason would emerge every once in a while, but no, they have developed a memeplex to keep it suppressed. “Hypocrisy is their secret handshake” helps me remember that they practice dishonesty and irrationality diligently.