If so, which ones? I am looking to game and talk to friends over discord on my Steam Deck. No FPS, more bullet hells, ARPGs, etc. Thank you!!
If so, which ones? I am looking to game and talk to friends over discord on my Steam Deck. No FPS, more bullet hells, ARPGs, etc. Thank you!!
Bluetooth headphones work well with the Steam Deck, I specially like how you can pair your phone to the Deck and it will mix the phone’s audio with the game audio (so you can have music or a podcast playing, for instance)
For those asking how to do it, simply enable Bluetooth on the phone and then go to the Steam Deck’s Bluetooth page, find the phone and pair it from there.
Interesting! I didn’t know you can mix the phone and the Steam Deck audio! I’ll have to try that myself too.
Thank you for answering my question. I was wondering if the Bluetooth latency is noticeable but seems fine from what most people are saying.
I was wondering if people that did use headphones did 2.4 wireless vs Bluetooth but it sounds like both should work okay.
I did not know this. Might have to give it a try.
ok so I just tried it. it does work but it is kinda temperamental. and doesn’t work flawlessly.
the signal keeps getting interrupted and janky as bluetooth can kinda be odd when it comes to having more than one device connected to it at one time.
especially audio. so yes it technically works, but its not going to be super usable.
No way, that’s awesome!
I paired both my phone and earbuds to the deck and the phone’s audio was super choppy. It behaved better when in the deck’s options menus but it was still bad. 🤔
You can what?
Woah what? How??
when you pair your phone to the steamdeck, the deck reports as a speaker to your phone.
Wow!! It works, thank you! On ios I had to connect from the (LCD) steam deck, but it did work after that.