/c/fuckcars : “use some other form of transportation!”
Also /c/fuckcars: “No! Not like that!”
You won’t commute with a plane like this lol.
Unless you live in an extremely remote place not served by roads. The arctic for example. It’s not technically commuting as in going to and from your 9 to 5, but plenty of small northern communities are still completely dependent on small gravel runways or even bushplanes for things like going to the doctor or dentist, or really anything they need to go to a city for, which is a lot of things.
I actually thought this was a similar situation, that they’re so out in the middle of nowhere flying is significantly more convenient than driving. But then I took a look at the map and realized that they’re not far from Chicago and are within easy driving distance from nearby smaller towns, which makes this way harder to justify though still mildly interesting.
One of the first things my instructor told me was “I hope you’re getting your license for fun or a job, and not planning on commuting. Eventually you’ll get stuck somewhere due to the weather.”
Heavy, powerful commercial jets have deicing systems. They also have the benefit of an entire team of air traffic controllers on takeoff and landing – and they still get grounded by weather. Small planes are grounded by such inclement weather as “fog”, “thunderstorms”, “high winds”, and “low cloud cover”.
Apparently the CEO of Boeing does
Why not? Less risk of being hit by a plane if they’re in the sky and requirements for a pilot license are much stricter. In a plane crash occupants are more likely to die than innocent bystanders, compared to cars that are designed for safety only for those on the inside.
Why not? Probably because:
Bike pollution: .
Car pollution: oooooooooo
(bike pollution is slightly more than nil just because of the CO2 we breathe out while riding)
Speak for yourself, I bike with a bag on my head to capture my emissions.
I dunno, I was supposed to get 100hrs of driving experience in order to get my license. Meanwhile the minimum required for a PPL is 40, and only 20 of that is required to be with an instructor. You can get away with fewer if you are just getting a Light Sport license, and an Ultralight requires no license at all (seriously though, get training).
This is like looking at a yet to be made Tom Scott video.
He already did make a video on it lol
Tom scott has made a video on everything, including this very thread.
Tom Scott (with his characteristic enthusiasm): “Hello, lovely internet denizens! Today, we find ourselves in a comment thread, delightfully jesting about my propensity to dive into the oddest corners of knowledge. From the physics of shoelaces to the mysteries of quantum buttered toast, we’ve covered it all!”
Tom Scott: “Now, I can already predict a few of the replies that might pop up here. ‘Tom, why not delve into the intricacies of a potato chip next?’ Well, who knows, that might just be on the horizon! And yes, someone will undoubtedly ask about the physics of a cat’s purr. It’s been on the list for a while, folks!”
Tom Scott: “But you know what they say, the quest for knowledge knows no bounds! So, let’s keep the laughter rolling and the curiosity burning. What’s next, you ask? Well, that’s anyone’s guess! Stay tuned, stay curious, and let’s keep this adventure going!”
Tom Scott (looking bemusedly at his busily buzzing phone): “Well, it seems the replies are pouring in already! I might be here for a while trying to keep up with all your brilliant comments. But hey, that’s the joy of it, isn’t it? The learning never stops! Keep those questions and suggestions coming, and I’ll do my best to tackle them in the videos to come.”
This is missing the vaguely European expert in his field.
[Hard cut to specialist]
[Overlay with a Scandinavian name and the title, “Expert in online discussions”]
“Mange tror at internetdiskussioner er sunde. Det er et indtryk vi har arbejdet mange år på at kultivere så vi kan påvirke folks meninger uden at blive opdaget i det. Vi fik blandt andet Tom til at lave denne video blot for at få mig med i den!”
[Cut back to Tom]
Very true, even the 99% global human population reduction of 2025 he’s already recorded and got ready to go
Are we doing that? I just paid off my car loan.
Pls link
Are you sure? I’ve seen a video about this community, but I don’t think it was Tom Scott. Couldn’t find it on his channel.
Wow, I’m actually pretty sure I’m wrong on this. I’m just now checking on my lunch break but I can’t find it. I know I saw a video about this (or a very similar) community following specifically one man who has a hanger house. Swore it was Tom Scott but, I just can’t find it… Don’t tell me I hallucinated it lol
I also couldn’t find it
Little known fact. Airplanes still use leaded fuel. I’ll bet that the blood levels for all of these families are elevated. Not a great place to raise a kid.
Clarification: Only piston aircraft require leaded fuel. Which is unfortunately a pretty big part of the general aviation market, but similarly sized turboprops do also exist (though are more expensive) and it doesn’t apply to modern commercial aviation at all.
Further clarification: Only gasoline powered aircraft without the Auto Fuel STC require leaded fuel.
Although, there is an initiative underway to fully phase out leaded avgas. G100UL is the FAA approved formulation. Exciting time and long overdue.
Except republicans are seriously trying to require that all airports that receive federal funding to still offer leaded gas. For reasons.
No, G100UL is still going through the FAA approval process. But it’s been approved for many specific engines already, but the majority still aren’t allowed to use it. For a full FAA approval we could be waiting another 6-9 years.
The Next big problem is availability, which will only come with time. There are only a few airfields around that stock the fuel. (And from what I can tell… none that are here in Australia)
“FAA approved STCs for the use of G100UL in all general aviation piston airplanes in September 2022”
Interesting, now I guess we need general availability and maybe a ban on leaded fuels. Still gonna take some number of years before that happens, especially given the vast majority of oil companies don’t really care all that much.
Also now the FAA approved it, we just need every other agency in every other country to also approve it, should be a lot easier to do so now the FAA has and has the test data to offer.
There is an increasing number of piston aircraft that have Diesel engines, and run on jet fuel.
Yep, and the FAA is taking it’s sweet time to approve a new unleaded fuel for general aviation that shows a lot of promise called G100UL. It’s estimated it could take another 6-9 years. Otherwise it’s currently only approved for specific planes and not available at most airports and aerodromes.
It’s approved as of last fall, but the FAA spent well over a decade stonewalling it with unnecessary bureaucracy.
Now we’re left with the chicken-and-egg problem of the market, where nobody will offer unleaded because it’s more expensive, but it’s expensive because it’s not widely used. The feds should subsidize it down to $4/gal for 5 years to get it off the ground.
This exists?! Oh my That’s not just mildly, it’s really interesting!
These exist all across the country! Here’s a fun fact, the street signs are all 2 feet tall in these neighborhoods so that even low-wing airplanes can make turns around corners that have signs without risk of completely destroying their plane.
Oooh, cool!
There are thousands of them.
Yup, John Travolta had and maybe still has a house like this to park his Boeing 707.
The smell and noise would be unbearable.
It’s obviously for plane nerds that won’t mind.
Depends, looks like small planes, and even if 10 come and go everyday you would quickly stop hearing them at all (the brain is very good at ignoring useless stimuli)
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Eh, if you’re living in a air park like that one, chances are you’re a planespotter or an aircraft owner/pilot yourself, I’ll wager the sound is music to those guys ears. I certainly doubt anyone will complane, I mean they should know exactly what they signed up for.
I’ve got you bud.
Get some good speakers. Install an ad blocker (for now) and play “Air conditioner sound, 10 hours” on YouTube. It won’t annoy your neighbors, you can just say, “it’s muh humidifier” if anyone asks, but they probably won’t. Barking dog? Not in your bedroom. Vacuum cleaner? Nope, won’t hear it.
And you’ll get to where you can’t sleep without it.
I should download that video.
There are also open source white noise generators that have no ads to begin with, don’t need internet, and are more energy efficient due to not having to process a video stream. They also let you customize the frequencies in the noise!
Thank you for that. I’ll look into it.
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I swear society has been getting louder over the years
Have you seen the unbelievably entitled, self-centered assholes who play music on trails because they’re too cool for headphones and fuck what anyone else wants?
Omg that triggers me
Studies to highway and airport neighbourhoods say otherwise.
As someone who lives near a highway I disagree. Fucking muscle cars and jake brakes.
I work at an airport. Cessnas and other small prop planes are perfectly fine and I think they are quieter than a harley for example. I bet those planes are the vast majority of planes flown in that pic of the neighborhood.
Once you put jets on things it can get annoying. Even small business jets are pretty loud for their size, not to mention commercial airliners coming and going.
Oh your brain processes those sounds for sure, but it mostly filters them out so, unless there is an unexpected sound, you don’t pay attention to them
No, exactly this was disproven again and again the last few years. The unconscious sounds add to the stress level too, makes you sleep worse, etc.
Ok, may be different with only every hour or so. The studies are usually with constant traffic noise (like neighbourhood to airports, main roads).
Not sure if there is a misunderstanding but I’m agreeing with you
When I say the brain processes it, it means it does take some work and energy, although it might not bring it up to your conscious perception for you to react
At the end of my in laws small 8mx8m garden is a freight train line, and honestly, you just don’t hear it anymore once you’re used to it.
Works for my manager too
See, there are some weird types like me who actually like the smell of 100LL, and don’t mind plane noise. I’d live there. But yeah, it’s definitely not for everyone.
You might mind the health effects of breathing so much of it in on a regular basis
Small airports like these really don’t smell like much. Sure: the fueling area, hangers, and maintenance shops have a smell, but it’s non existent as soon as you’re 50 feet away from them.
What is fucked up is how much leaded fuel gets dumped on the ground. Part of the pre-flight check for planes is taking a sample of gas from the lowest point in the tanks (the “sump”) to make sure there’s no water in it. It’s usually done with a tool like this one. A lot of pilots just toss the fuel sample on the ground rather than “dispose” of it properly.
And they can’t even afford an HOA to water the grass by the runway.
It grows on kerosene.
It has what plants need
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“honey, Joe’s wife is sick, can you take care of control tower duty today?”
Tower duty? Where we are going, we don’t need towers.
Half a million per house isn’t really that bad considering it’s on an airport and you get a hangar
Yeah, but there’s an HOA. :/
Well for the airport cost, right?
That’s a lot leaded fuel to be inhaling everyday.
Just don’t go outside eZ
I have a friend who lives in one of these neighborhoods but right in the middle of a city. Blows my mind that it was there the whole time and I just never noticed until I went to his house.
What do they do as a job?
Must be lovely to hear your neighbor fire up their Cessna at 7 in the morning for their morning commute.
I want to see a train-based one of these
Railroad suburbs exist! Streetcar suburbs as well. Was actually the norm outside of the city core until they started ripping up all the rail lines to build highways.
Where the hell am I supposed to put my boat?
Why doesn’t that runway have, like, lights and stuff. Or an ILS.
Those go against HOA rules.
Imagine showing up to an HOA meeting with a presentation on why we need to spend ten million dollars on a localizer and glideslope array so Larry wouldn’t have to divert to O’Hare when it’s foggy again.
The HOA fees have now gone up 10,000%.
I guess it works as a pilot neighborhood but Rich people would never want to live in such an obvious place. Makes them too easy to eat.