Mayor Brandon Scott has come to expect overt and not-so-overt racism.

The latest example came in the aftermath of Tuesday night’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Within hours, Scott said he started to notice social media posts labeling him as a “DEI Mayor.”

Scott immediately bristled at the dog whistle.

“We know what these folks really want to say when they say DEI mayor,” he told The Banner. “Whether it is DEI or clown. They really want to say the N-word. But there is nothing they can do and say to me that is worse than the treatment of my ancestors. I am proud of who I am and where I come from.”

    3 months ago

    If he’s hired as a “diversity hire” (AKA unqualified) then it has absolutely everything to do with it and I’m baffled that you can’t see that.

    He’s an elected mayor, what the hell are you talking about?

    Must be unqualified cause he’s black though, right?

    Perhaps he should have forced better regulations at the port, except for the fact that the port is a state run enterprise that he isn’t in charge of. Your ignorance is glaring.

      -173 months ago

      He’s an elected mayor, what the hell are you talking about?

      I didn’t say he wasn’t. What the hell are you talking about?

      Must be unqualified cause he’s black though, right?

      Yes, word for word, exactly what I said 🙄

      Your poor reading comprehension skills are glaring.

        93 months ago

        If he’s hired as a “diversity hire” (AKA unqualified) then it has absolutely everything to do with it and I’m baffled that you can’t see that.

        Did you not just say this?

        If you meant something else, you’re not a very good writer. The downvotes piling on should be your hint.

          -163 months ago

          LOL as if downvotes on Lemmy mean absolutely anything to me. The place where copyrights don’t exist and everything is supposed to magically be free and no one has to work. LOL give me a break.

          I meant what I said, you just need to learn to read properly.

            3 months ago

            I meant what I said

            Right, which brings me back to the impossibility of someone whom is elected to be a “diversity hire”. When I went to school I learned that hired and elected are two completely different words with fundamentally different meanings.

            As for the downvotes, normally I’d agree that votes aren’t especially meaningful, but in this instance I think it’s clear you either have pathetic opinions or a sorry ability of conveying what you actually mean.

            Also kind of funny to denigrate the platform you’re on, the door is that way if you hate it so much

              3 months ago

              Right, which brings me back to the impossibility of someone whom is elected to be a “diversity hire”.

              No it brings you back to not understanding the word “if”.

              As for the downvotes, normally I’d agree that votes aren’t especially meaningful

              Then why did you bring it up?

              but in this instance I think it’s clear you either have pathetic opinions or a sorry ability of conveying what you actually mean.

              No you just either have pathetic reading comprehension skills or are intentionally misrepresenting my statements.

              the door is that way if you hate it so much

              Once again you are intentionally misrepresenting my statements.

                63 months ago

                Gonna just continue to dig your heels in despite the fact that it’s impossible to hire someone for an electable position, gotcha.