The Guardian has identified a trainee nurse and reported US air force reservist called Bailey Ross as the proprietor of a white nationalist publisher in South Dakota.

Ross was also a paid-up member of a white nationalist organization that marched at Charlottesville while enlisted in the United States Coast Guard.

Ross’s company, Agartha Publishing, is part of a wave of extremist publishers using mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Amazon to sell lavishly repackaged fascist and anti-communist books.

    2111 months ago

    So Amazon allows nazi to publish on their platform. This should be the news article and nationwide. Also any book binding company should be held accountable.

      211 months ago

      I could see boycotting publishers but I don’t think the book binders review content on the print on demand, and that seems like a pretty big new ask for them.

      Everyone already knows the ways that Amazon sucks, somehow I doubt that one niche publisher selling on there is going to make a difference.

      I am also not sure what you mean by “held accountable”. I don’t think they are breaking any laws in the publishing aspect.

        511 months ago

        Hate speech is against the law in many states and countries. So publishing it makes you liable.

        But just PR nightmare if it was known that Amazon supports nazis which makes the board and Bezo fucking nazis.