• Buelldozer
    5 months ago

    If a minor gets a gun and does something illegal, including killing themselves, the parents should 100% be charged.

    Sounds good on paper but that’s going to a lead to a LOT of parents in prison when their minor child gets involved with gang activity. I understand your sentiment but the idea doesn’t have enough nuance to be practical.

    • That is a good point, but it should still be on the parents to secure the guns. If you own a gun, it’s on you to also buy whatever you need to keep that gun locked up and safe.

      • Buelldozer
        15 months ago

        So I’m curious, what are you charging the parents with in this case or this one or this one.

        You gonna send that second kids mom to jail because her Son stole a gun and killed his father? Do you envision her prison sentence happening during or after she heals up from her own gunshot wounds?

        I’m not trying to be jerk here, I’m trying to expose the need for nuance in these kinds of discussion. Not everything is as simple as “Lock 'em Up!”.

        • I looked through each of your examples and, unless I missed something, none of those cases involved a minor getting the parents insecure gun. First one was a theft from a gun store, the second doesn’t state any details on where the gun came from, and the last one was a gun stolen from police.

          My comments re: parents being responsible is for cases that the parents’ gun is taken by the minor and used in a crime, not any gun crime committed by a minor.

          Again, if I missed something, please let me know.

      • @FontMasterFlex@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        I don’t have kids. No kids ever visit my house. I don’t flaunt my gun ownership, nor do I leave them laying about. Why do I need a safe?

            • My apologies for the confusion then, though my use of the word “safe” was secure. Keeping a gun hidden in a sock drawer != safe, though there are other ways to secure something.

              • @FontMasterFlex@lemmy.world
                15 months ago

                Sure, i can understand that. I think there are a lot of people here that think guns somehow just up and shoot people on their own. I get what you’re saying.

        • Echo Dot
          5 months ago

          You always supposed to have a safe. You’re supposed to keep it in a safe, even if you don’t think you need to.

          When people talk about irresponsible gun ownership, you’re the type of person they’re talking about. It’s people like you who just don’t care. You’re not being responsible with your weapon.

            • Echo Dot
              15 months ago

              No you’re supposed to have a safe. It’s got nothing to do with this case it’s just about gun safety in general.

              • @FontMasterFlex@lemmy.world
                05 months ago

                explain to me why? my guns are secure. I have no children. I don’t have kids in my life what so ever. they aren’t laying around on tables or nightstands. explain why.

                • Echo Dot
                  5 months ago

                  Why are you arguing with me I don’t make up the law.

                  You are supposed to have a gun safe, you’re supposed to secure your weapons. It’s your choice if you don’t do it whatever your justification is is irrelevant.

        • @PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Why do we need bet our lives on you not lying? Why do we have to tolerate people who leave handguns in cars and secure rifles with threats of domestic violence all so you, a special special snowflake who pinkie promises they’re responsible, don’t have to buy a safe?