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Key Takeaway:

"In defending itself against union busting allegations, Trader Joe’s fired a cannon ball that could sink the ship of modern American labor law.

The grocery store chain is arguing that the federal agency prosecuting it for unfair labor practices — including giving union workers worse retirement benefits and barring workers from wearing union pins at work — is unconstitutional."

  • Mario_Dies.wav
    195 months ago

    I’m sorry, but I do blame the companies, fully and completely. If they are so self-absorbed and greed-addled that they see giving workers some level of control over their labor, then fuck them. Barring violent revolution, unions are our only hope to seize any manner of control over the corporate theft of our labor and exploitation of our working class.

      5 months ago

      Blaming corporations for being greedy is like blaming the wolf for killing the sheep. It’s just their nature, and they have to do it to survive without getting trampled by the other corporations and wolves. Like I said in my other comment, what we need is strong and fair government regulation to set the baseline at which companies have to operate, ensuring people are compensated fairly, and that corporations don’t have to trample their workers to stay afloat.

      • Mario_Dies.wav
        25 months ago

        If that’s the case, then it sounds like capitalism is pretty shit at fostering mutual aid, and we should probably dispense with it

        In the meantime, I do blame the corporations and greedy CEOs for being such abysmally horrid ghouls that they would require regulation not to enslave and exploit. Not everyone needs rules to tell us not to treat each other miserably.

        So yeah, I do blame them. Saying they need regulations not to behave in this way really shows what kind of disgusting and deplorable humans are leading these companies.

      • Mario_Dies.wav
        115 months ago

        And frankly, I don’t blame them.

        I said I do. We don’t agree. How can you say “I agree” when you clearly don’t? Is this some form of toxic positivity or psychological warfare? Weird.

        The current union setup in the US sucks for both businesses and workers

        Only because of businesses, NOT because of unions.

          -15 months ago

          Barring violent revolution, unions are our only hope to seize any manner of control over the corporate theft of our labor and exploitation of our working class.

          I agree with this.