I am so so divided on if I should vote for biden or not. I wanna vote third party to at least do something or should I just stay home and protest and advocate where I can? Thoughts?

  • @Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
    578 months ago

    Unfortunately, you should vote for the lesser of two evils. Biden is shit, but he isn’t a fascist/theocrat.

    Locally, look for candidates that want to push for election reformation, push these initiatives yourself, look for activists groups promoting it. Getting rid of first past the post voting is the first step in opening the door for more than 2 parties.

    • @AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.world
      358 months ago

      While I wish we had a candidate that wasn’t 80. I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by Biden’s administration.

      And yes, the risk on this one is too great for third party. I genuinely do not believe that democracy will survive another term with the orange turd. He’s already tried to overthrow our government once. He has made it clear that he plans to succeed through force if reelected.

      • DessertStorms
        08 months ago

        I genuinely do not believe that democracy will survive another term with the orange turd.

        the fact that you still believe that democracy exists (or ever existed, but I digress) despite him and his cohorts doing literally everything to show all you libs otherwise, is truly staggering…

        • Solar Bear
          18 months ago

          If democracy didn’t exist, the right wouldn’t be trying to prevent us from voting.

    • @hersh
      308 months ago

      Agreed. The time to push for third parties is every day except presidential election day. That’s just the reality of the system right now.

      Change doesn’t begin at the top. It begins at the bottom. Many state and local elections across the US already use ranked choice voting, which is the bare minimum we would need to have more than 2 viable candidates in the presidential election. We need to push for ranked choice voting (or something better; it’s not the be-all-end-all of voting systems!) in federal elections as well.

      We have a generation of voters now who are literally too young to remember the 2000 election. If you’re one of them, I urge you to look it up. I heard the same song back then. Look back and tell me if they were right or wrong, if you really believe that Gore would have been the same as Bush.

      Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

    • Melkath
      08 months ago

      You are why America is what it is today.


      Biden is 100% theocrat. He has a history of being against gay marriage and against abortion because he is Catholic. He is against cannabis legalization because of the religious circles he runs in.

      Biden is 100% a fascist. He is making back room deals to try to secure the ability to unilaterally siphon money into a genocide behind closed doors.

      We keep voting for the lesser evil, which is still evil, and as such, it keeps getting worse.

      When the game is rigged, you flip the board.

      They are going to do what they are going to do either way. Make them do it with without public support. Make them do it with a 10% voter turn out. Make them feel the shame.

      The entire world seems to be striking, and one by one, those who are on strike are winning over those who thought they were the owners.

      Put America on strike. Don’t vote until there is someone worth voting for. Don’t vote until we have universal healthcare. Don’t vote until we have higher education for all. Don’t vote until everyone sleeps under a roof after a meal.

      • HopeOfTheGunblade
        18 months ago

        Can you explain why you expect low turnout to do anything but hand control of the government to people who demonstrably feel no shame? Because one party keeps trying to lower turnout, saying turnout is bad, and generally trying to remove the ability to vote and for votes to matter, and it’s not the one Biden is the point guy for. The people reading Donald Trump: The Man, The Christ, are going to show up, so your argument is, “people who would vote against that shouldn’t show up and should cede power to the evangelicals who do”.

      • @kksgandhi@lemmy.ml
        18 months ago

        You can set up for the rebellion and vote. It’s not one or the other. Coalition build, do direct action, set up for a general strike… And take 30 minutes out of that to vote for someone who’ll make it easier to do praxis, coalition building, etc. (not easy, but easier)

        • Melkath
          08 months ago

          Sure thing. Likewise, get back to me when your mental gymnastics finally fully sink America.

          Bailing water while the hole gets bigger isn’t accomplishing anything. It’s wasting time and effort on the wrong thing to ensure the boat sinks.

          • Solar Bear
            18 months ago

            Bailing water while the hole gets bigger isn’t accomplishing anything. It’s wasting time and effort on the wrong thing to ensure the boat sinks.

            This literally isn’t true. You’re supposed to bail water until the hole is fixed. You can’t just do one or the other, you have to do both in tandem.

          • @Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Not voting is simply an absolute capitulation. The voting system reform thing is already starting, labor organization is growing faster than it has in decades, state constitutions across the US are being changed for the progressive, even in red states like Ohio.

            What has not voting accomplished?