California cannot ban gun owners from having detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The decision from U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez won’t take effect immediately. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, has already filed a notice to appeal the ruling. The ban is likely to remain in effect while the case is still pending.

This is the second time Benitez has struck down California’s law banning certain types of magazines. The first time he struck it down — way back in 2017 — an appeals court ended up reversing his decision.

  • Jeremy [Iowa]
    210 months ago

    These idiots need to look at themselves in the mirror and realise that they have an obsession with a tool designed on a single purpose, killing and most of which designed for killing humans.

    Have you considered it may be you with the obsession, given your fixation on firearms to the complete neglect of the underlying issues of violence?

    No criminals won’t follow the law but everyone has the potential to break the law or steal guns from someone who does abide by the law. It’s tough but they are killing machines and if you can’t see that you are a f*cking idiot

    Not to interrupt what’s clearly a rational take in rant form, but logically, one should address the killing rather than quibbling about the implement used.

    • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻
      010 months ago

      A gun is more dangerous than a knife, killing people is illegal but it doesn’t stop the school shootings in the land of the free. Easy access to guns makes this possible, it’s much harder to mass kill people with a knife

        410 months ago

        No idea why so many people think gun are easy to obtain. Who told you that? What’s your real-life experience?

        I ran with some seriously sketchy people in my youth, hardly ever even saw a gun, let alone one for sale. I’ve bought 40+ guns and only one did not require a background check and a wait. (Good friend had a new baby, hard up for rent, did it as a favor.)

        I have school age children, so I can hardly downplay school shootings, but they’re far more rare than the media leads us to believe. Hear about the 4 kids that got smeared off the side of the road in $YourCity yesterday? One thing is national news, the other is not.

        Yep, it’s harder to kill people with a knife. Also takes a lot more guts to go “wet” vs. pulling a trigger. No arguments. But if I’m defending myself, or another, I’m not interested in less lethal options.

      • Jeremy [Iowa]
        210 months ago

        Easy access to guns makes this possible, it’s much harder to mass kill people with a knife

        Ah, I see - there are zero differences between the United States and the Aussieland beyond the set of legislative differences regarding firearms and the prevalence of ownership of those firearms.

        It’s weird that you double-down on only caring these things happen by firearms, apparently encouraging such by knife.

          • Jeremy [Iowa]
            -110 months ago

            Are firearms what drive people to violent extremes e.g. committing murder, mass or otherwise?

              • Jeremy [Iowa]
                29 months ago

                Are mass shootings the only form of homicide?

                It’s as if you keep reinforcing that you only care that violence is committed with firearms.

                  • Jeremy [Iowa]
                    19 months ago

                    It’s as if you don’t care about violence and moreso about protecting your firearms. What is your solution?

                    Interestingly enough, one of us - and not you - actually cares about addressing the underlying issues.

                    My solutions are myriad. Violence is a complex problem.

                    Scoped to mass shootings, it’s already fairly well laid-out here.

                    Regarding general violence, there’s much to indicate the actions needed to resolve the high-profile-yet-miniscule-count mass shootings would overlap with general violence and homicide. From there, extend to adding the necessary social safety nets to protect an individual from being exposed to and pressured into such dire extremes.

                    You know… actually improve lives rather than clutch pearls that those poor souls used firearms in their violence.