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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • In Spanish KnY is “Guardianes de la Noche” (Guardians of the Night) and I’ve never heard a single person say that it was good. Most people I know just call it Kimetsu.

    I also personally use SnK, AoT means “ahead of time” for me. For so long I was confused when people expected me to know AoT as Attack on Titan.

    That said it really depends on the title. Some titles suck in other languages, some don’t. I mostly pick which to use on length, how stupid the translation sounds, and if the translation is confusing for me.

  • You can see other people in a reflection without them being able to see you.

    It is not possible to see someone else’s eyes (except from the side, so it’s only seeing their eyes in profile) in a reflection without them being able to see you too.

    It’s literally not possible via reflection, as everything is equal and opposite. If light can go from their eyes to yours, it’s also possible to go the opposite direction.

    This is what everyone has been saying but instead of thinking through everything clearly, you resorted to bullying.

    The only way to accomplish this one-way vision is by adding something that is not reflection to the system (like a one-way window), but that’s breaking the premise under which everyone else has been commenting in good faith.

  • Not providing this anecdote as a rebuttal, just as food for thought since I’ve barely seen anyone mention this.

    I have put a lot of thought into my sexuality/identity, but regardless of all of those thoughts my articulation will boil down to:

    I want bio kids, until we can modify the genetic material of eggs/sperm so that two people of the same biological gender can have a biological child, my only option is someone with the opposite reproductive organs.

    It doesn’t matter how much I am attracted to someone, I won’t roll loaded dice on having kids. If my partner and I discovered when we finally try to have kids that one or both of us is sterile, then so be it — but I’d like the dice we roll to not have a known outcome ahead of time.

  • Google still controls the source, and so they have influence over the rest.

    It’s like Ungoogled Chromium. Sure, it’s open source. Sure, if might have Google crap removed. Google still calls the shots on the direction of the browser.

    Same still meaningfully applies to Chromium-based browsers.