So people will either simply stop talking about Square Enix at all or make sure they use a VPN/Tor and burner email to do it. SE do know who their customers are, no?
So people will either simply stop talking about Square Enix at all or make sure they use a VPN/Tor and burner email to do it. SE do know who their customers are, no?
Psychology, in particular, has a replication problem. Admittedly part of the reason is that no modern IRB would approve something like the Stanford experiment. But part of it, too, as you suggest, is down to rigged studies or other shoddy “science.”
It isn’t confined to social sciences. Dr John Mandrola routinely takes medicine to task for letting pharmaceutical companies run poorly-designed trials then cherry pick and spin the results for profit.
uBLock Origin seems to work well enough for me
Jensen Ackels and Jared Padalecki
IRC? Discord? Delphi Forums?
At this point, he’d be better advised to spin up an OpenSimulator instance, hire Firestorm to build a custom viewer, and focus on building his world. Reinventing the wheel — again — is pointless.
Boycott Sweden?
Odds are that you’ll have a non-native accent anyway. Generally, it’s a good idea to reduce it as much as possible in order to be easily understood.
Is he still the “sitting” president?
If you do, let us know how it goes :)
I already keep at least four journals (personal observations and random thoughts, ranting and get-it-off-my-chest, professional notes and processes, and work-related CYA). I’d like to be more conscientious about all of them.
I’d also like to start a sketching and watercolor journal. I really miss that creative outlet, and a sketchbook might help to carve out time for it.
I wonder if the cloud storage workaround would also work for a phone? I can access NextCloud from an iPhone….
You’re welcome and thanks to you too! This is a good list.
Don’t aircraft still use leaded fuel to this day?
Of course, after the Cheney Administration, anything that wasn’t endless war was going to feel like a change. Just as Biden felt like a change because he wasn’t a petulant, ignorant, egomaniacal child.
Cherry picking data has long been a problem. I recall a short piece from high school in the 80s called something like “How to Lie with Statistics.” It’s always stuck with me.
LibreOffice is another good option with cloud and collaboration built in. I’ve also been impressed with Skiff.
A workaround to sync Joplin across devices and keep a cloud backup at no cost: Create a NextCloud account (Webo and Tab.Digital have good free accounts) or self-host your storage. Move Joplin’s folder to the NextCloud directory for sync to all devices. Enable E2EE on Joplin and it should be good to go.
It looks like a lot of the most useful features are only available with a subscription. For everything that’s actually included in the free version, Joplin or even Google Docs would be as good.
In the space of two sentences, I went through voodoo poppets, tulpas, and puppet masters before getting to the end. Nicely done!