The Florida Legislature is spending millions of dollars beefing up security at the Capitol Complex with expensive bulletproof windows while also making it easier for people to carry weapons into th…
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on here. They’ve revived their personal army (apparently Florida is allowed to have their own “state guard” which operates wholly independently of the federal government), and now they’re strengthening the capitol. I think they may actually be expecting for some form of rebellion or civil unrest, large enough that the cops wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on here. They’ve revived their personal army (apparently Florida is allowed to have their own “state guard” which operates wholly independently of the federal government), and now they’re strengthening the capitol. I think they may actually be expecting for some form of rebellion or civil unrest, large enough that the cops wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Oh I don’t think cops are going to be on the side you’re thinking
Well if you are thinking that the cops will be on the people’s side, boy have I got news for you.
They want you to think it’s Dem vs Rep while they’re doing Poor vs Rich.
And the majority of cops will take the side of the rich, for some reason.
The some reason is money.
Because that’s what they were created to do … keep the Black slaves in check.
FYI, that state guard is a flop. They can’t keep anyone in leadership positions & no one wants to be in it.
Floridaman too busy wrestling aligators and cooking meth.
what if desantis refuses to leave?