• stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I’ve never seen someone shit and vomit so hard into a 5 point list before. Congrats on that one, go grab some water.

    1. Named the one pioneering thing they actually did
    2. Didn’t use that word but biometrics have nothing implicitly to do with iPhone. Regardless, imagine referring to a named functionality by its own name - so controversial. You’re just trying to take words away from people.
    3. You’re being paranoid, where do you see snobbery in this comment please point it out if you’re willing to defend this point
    4. Again, imagine referring to something as it is socially known. Android, pedantically, is an OS yes but everyone in the fucking world when they hear “android or iPhone” know that means an iPhone or a phone running android. 🙄
    5. What the fuck are you smoking

    Cool username by the way. What’s the origin? Sounds awfully a lot like a specific slur I know of. A trolls MO certainly would line up with whatever your shit post of a comment was.

        • Norgur@kbin.social
          2 years ago

          “riveting conversation” eh?

          Watch the completely uncalled for aggression you spewed towards a silly little post about brand fanboiis. Insults followed by attacks, followed by calling me racist for my nickname. This is pathetic and nothing more. You may believe you dealt some sort of blow to me and “win” or something, yet the only thing you did is flail around like an angry child.

          All this aggression against a post that was meant to tease someone, which you might have noticed had you read my other post 3 answers down.

          Even if there was a conversation to be had about Android vs iOS or the like (there is none, everyone should use their hard earned money to buy whatever is the best products for them and that’s it), even if you made some interesting point somewhere in that ball of hatred you call “conversation”, I’d not engage with that point since the tone you set is not worth my - or everyone else’s - time.