I feel like some beers just have such a terrible negative affect on me, that profoundly surpasses what most people meany when they dicuss the negative effects.
Whenever I try and look into it, I just see the standard “top ten hangover symptoms” or whatever.
It’s increasingly hard to find useful information on the Internet.
Is there a difference? Or are we all allergic to alcohol and just the symptoms vary?
Might be handy to actually say what “terrible negative effect” is has on you
Agreed. Are we talking about vomiting from 1 beer, or like a bad headache if you drink a dark malty beer that doesn’t happen with an IPA? If the former, yeah, you probably shouldn’t drink beer. If the latter, then consider the malt being the issue not the hops, and stick to light beers.
Realistically, alcohol, in any form is effectively poison. It’s just not a high enough dose to do any major damage, when consumed in moderation.
I can speak on this. I’ve always had issues with alcohol where I get severe migraine and vomiting to the point where I need the hospital to get an IV with liquids and anti-nausea meds. Like,it’s been the worst pain in my life where I’m dry heaving and can’t keep anything in my stomach, not even water. Oral meds don’t stay down long enough to work either. This is off only 3 normal cocktails over a few hours and with food. Beer and wine is even worse for some reason and it happens every single time. So I just don’t drink it.
I can do a max of two cocktails in a night without severe sickness and then even still, I feel like crap the next day.
When it’s beer from the UK, I get red face, snuffles, like I am having a cold, and feel generally like shit - the runs, hangovers, headaches etc.
When it’s German beer (with the purity laws) - I don’t get the red face and the cold-like effects, but I get runs, feel achey, severe depressive hangovers etc
I’d probably stop drinking beer if I were you.