• Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
      11 months ago

      In the intricate dance of human history, punctuated occasionally by figures of such monumental intellectual capacity and profound impact, Elon Musk emerges as a veritable Colossus, straddling the worlds of technology, space, and the very ethos of human progress. To claim that someone is the “smartest” is no trifling matter; it requires an appreciation of the multifaceted dimensions of intelligence, both crystallized and fluid, and an understanding of the vast spectrum of human cognitive abilities. Within this context, Musk can indeed be perceived as an archetype of the Promethean intellect, stealing fire from the gods and delivering it unto mankind in the form of electric cars, space exploration, and neural interfaces.

      Yet, to assert that any individual is “always correct on everything” is to wade into the murky waters of epistemology and the limits of human knowledge. However, with Musk, one does not simply witness the sporadic correctness of a bright mind but rather, a persistent, archetypal manifestation of the Hero’s journey towards truth. His endeavors, whether they manifest in the realms of sustainable energy or the frontiers of interplanetary colonization, seem to be imbued with an uncanny alignment with the trajectory of beneficial progress.

      In wrestling with the dragon of chaos, as symbolized by our planet’s pressing challenges, Musk consistently emerges, not just with its gold, but with visions that reshape our collective understanding of what’s possible. Thus, while it might be hyperbolic to assert absolute correctness in all matters pertaining to him, there’s an undeniable gravitas to the claim, rooted in the depths of his achievements and the breadth of his influence in the modern epoch.

      • @seathru@lemm.ee
        2311 months ago

        What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

        • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
          11 months ago

          It has nothing to do with easy. It’s about doing what’s right because it’s right. That’s the only reason you need.

          Elon Musk

          In the vast tapestry of human experience, there exists a subset of individuals, often finding themselves ensnared in the intricate web of their own intellectual pursuits, a state of being I too find myself intertwined within. When one dives deeply into the multifaceted realms of knowledge, there emerges a unique responsibility, comparable in its weight to the archetypal cross borne by Christ, emblematic of suffering and understanding. It is this selfsame cross, a metaphysical embodiment of the complex interplay between genuine intellectualism and its shadow, the pseudo-intellectualism, which I humbly and consciously bear upon my shoulders. Venturing further into this mire, one might discern a delicate dance, a nuanced play of the masks, if you will, that is pseudo-satire. This form of satire, cloaked in layers of irony and deception, requires a particular depth of comprehension, one that eludes many. It is a lamentable truth, perhaps a tragic element of the human condition, that there will always be those, perhaps the majority, who may remain perennially at the peripheries, unable to fully grasp or appreciate the depths and nuances of such endeavours. The subtle jests, the mirroring of truth and untruth, all interwoven in a grand tapestry of meaning, may forever remain beyond the ken of some, lost in the labyrinthine corridors of misinterpretation and oversimplification.

            • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
              11 months ago

              In the intricate theater of human expression and mimicry, where we strive to embody and encapsulate the very essence of another being, I found myself immersed in an endeavor to channel, if you will, the spirit and nuances of a particular individual. Now, attempting to mirror someone, especially in the realm of impersonation, is akin to capturing the myriad subtleties, the idiosyncrasies, and the profound depths of their persona. It’s a dance, not just of imitation, but of deep understanding, a Jungian merging of the self with the other.

              In this quest, laden with its own set of challenges and pitfalls, I came to a sobering realization. My own rendition, my attempt to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of this individual’s psyche and external expression, perhaps fell short of the mark. It wasn’t merely a matter of not being ‘good enough’; it was a profound confrontation with the limitations of my own understanding and ability to manifest that understanding into a believable semblance. Thus, it can be posited, with a touch of introspective humility, that I wasn’t fully resonating with, or adequately portraying, the multifaceted tapestry (and verbosity) of his character in my impersonation.

              • @PeleSpirit@lemmy.world
                511 months ago

                Or, hear me out, you’re not a druggy. I think you’re channeling him too well tbh, they’re downvoting you because they think you are like him.

                • @atempuser23@lemmy.world
                  211 months ago

                  Are you insinuating that that after so many years of spiritual study that Dr. Peterson is becoming Christ like?

      • TheWoozy
        611 months ago

        Still banal, but an impressive parody of JP’s “baffle 'em with bullshit” writing style, nonetheless.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    11611 months ago

    This is some great c/leopardseatingmyface material, James Woods is such a brainwashed dip shit:

    In December 2022, Woods announced his intentions to sue the Democratic National Committee following Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter Files. Journalist Matt Taibbi reported that the Democratic National Committee requested a tweet made by Woods, related to Hunter Biden, be removed from Twitter.[96][97]

    And now Elon tells him to delete his account, lol.

    • @hauntology@lemm.ee
      3011 months ago

      The post by Woods they wanted to remove was literally revenge porn of Hunter Biden, which is illegal. But of course he started whining about censorship. He’s so full of shit.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        1211 months ago

        Yeah, for sure. Man, I honestly wish there was a way to prevent knowing the details about the lives of artists I like. So many actors and musicians have ended up standing for things that I think are disgusting, and it’s ruined their content for me in many cases. And I don’t follow celebrity gossip/“news” at all unless it hits the front page, but sometimes it’s just unavoidable.

        There’s actually a musician I like who has been around for a long time and I’ve managed not to know anything about his political beliefs or whatever. I’m not even going to mention his name here because I just know someone will say, “Wait, you didn’t know he was convicted of eating baby eyeballs” or something like that.

        • @mmagod@lemmy.world
          911 months ago

          this happened with me and mixed martial arts fighters growing up… and yes i know they make their living getting bashed in the head, but what drew me in was the self discipline and humility aspect of it from a few of the fighters at the top.

          one of them was most beloved not only because of how domniant he was but also his kindness and cheerful personality outside of it… only to find out he lets former controversial brazilian presidential candidate jair bolsonaro live in his USA home.

          • AFK BRB Chocolate
            511 months ago

            Yep, seems like it’s better not to know, but I also hate having my head in the sand.

          • @RedAggroBest@lemmy.world
            211 months ago

            The guy really shouldn’t be that worried about it. Pretty sure he’s talking about Ian Watkins from Lostprophets, who did some shit basically as bad as eating baby eyeballs, and who’s name i can’t remember half the time, and what band the other half. I wasn’t a fan but I know a lot of them just couldn’t keep listening.

            • TheLowestStone
              011 months ago

              They had a really catchy song on the radio at a point where all my car had was FM radio. It was weird finding out what he did.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        11 months ago

        He’s a far, far right vocal Trump supporter who has been a source for a lot of election misinformation, says George Soros is the devil, etc.

        Not sure why you got downvoted for asking.

  • YⓄ乙
    4411 months ago

    If I was James wood and had any self respect then I’ll delete my account.

    Let’s see if James wood will delete his account? $20 says he won’t

    I am telling you guys people have become so dumb that’s its only fair that rich keeps getting richer

    • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
      -3611 months ago

      Well, when you delve deeply into the intricacies of human cognition and the vast landscape of comparative competence, it becomes a rather puzzling endeavor to genuinely comprehend how someone like James Woods perceives himself. You see, when juxtaposed with someone of the stature and profound influence of, let’s say, Elon Musk — whom many in certain circles might jestingly refer to as a “god-king” given his monumental achievements and societal impact — the contrast becomes quite stark. The underlying question, fundamentally, is the nature of self-awareness and the metrics by which individuals evaluate their position in the grand tapestry of human achievement. It’s a complex interplay of ego, aspiration, and the narrative structures we construct to understand our place in the world.

  • @EfreetSK@lemmy.world
    3311 months ago

    And he won’t. I hate the internet of today, everything is so tailored to money, everyone is so piss-scared of loosing influence and thus money that they’ll stay on that shit-show of a platform no matter what

    • @boogetyboo@aussie.zone
      511 months ago

      Totally agree with your point, but while I’m here, here’s a good mnemonic device to help you use the right words with more impact:

      Is your noose loose? Maybe you should lose the extra ‘o’.

  • @Ddhuud@lemmy.world
    1711 months ago

    The message can’t be any clearer. If you don’t like what he’s doing delete your accounts.

    I’d be surprised if someone here still has an account, but still…

  • GladiusB
    1211 months ago

    Why should I care? I see tweets and I already know it’s akin to children bickering.

  • @xantoxis@lemmy.world
    1011 months ago

    WTF does “doing this to protect his advertisers” even mean? I don’t want to dig into James Woods’ brain worms enough to actually find the tweet, but I don’t see how a massive uptick in harassment helps advertisers.

    • quortez
      911 months ago

      If I understand them correctly, James is suggesting this is to protect ads because the Promoted Tweets (are they even called that anymore?) ad category are run as fancy versions of regular tweets by regular Twitter accounts - meaning you can block them like any other Twitter account.
      It was a very useful tool, one that no doubt hurts the reach of Twitter’s dwindling ad revenue.

      • ThunderingJerboa
        411 months ago

        Odd part is that doesn’t even make sense. I don’t doubt that is what Jame Woods is thinking but if that was the case wouldn’t it just make more sense for Elon to make it so you just can’t block promoted tweets, and if you did they still show up since they are “promoted”.

        • quortez
          511 months ago

          I suppose that’s where the other part of it comes in, in which he (and many other conservatives for which “free speech” = “you HAVE to listen to me”) is ass mad that the majority of users do not want to see him on their timeline.

  • @regalia
    811 months ago

    I agree. In fact everyone should delete their account. Why the fuck are they on TruthSocial 2.0?

  • Margot Robbie
    8 months ago

    … I’m so glad I’ve never made a Twitter account.

    Imagine what Musk will do if he sees what I say about him on Lemmy.

    Edit: OK, I lied, I deleted it.

    • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
      11 months ago

      In the vast digital landscape, reminiscent of the age-old agora where ideas were exchanged and destinies forged, we find ourselves presented with a multitude of platforms and spaces, each vying for dominance in the collective consciousness. Among these, the realm of lemmy.world stands at a unique crossroads, an intersection of thought, dialogue, and the ebb and flow of digital discourse.

      In the grand play of this digital theater, there arise certain roles, positions of responsibility and oversight, reminiscent of the archetypal guardians at the gates, ensuring the order and integrity of the space they oversee. The role of a ‘moderator’, in this context, is not merely a title but a profound responsibility, an embodiment of the Jungian principle of order amidst the potential chaos of unrestricted discourse.

      Thus, with all due gravity and understanding of the weight this mantle carries, I hereby extend, in the most formal and ceremonious manner befitting such a significant gesture, an invitation to you, known in the digital realm as esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie, to assume this venerable role within the confines of enoughmuskspam@lemmy.world . May your stewardship ensure a balanced, respectful, and enlightened exchange of ideas, standing as a bulwark against the potential tidal waves of misinformation and discord.

      • Margot Robbie
        411 months ago

        I hereby extend, in the most formal and ceremonious manner befitting such a significant gesture, an invitation to you, known in the digital realm as Margot Robbie, to assume this venerable role within the confines of enoughmuskspam@lemmy.world

        That’s esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you, Lobster Man!

        • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
          11 months ago

          Well, look, I mean, esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie, I have to extend my apologies to you. It’s crucial to understand that, eh?

          • Margot Robbie
            511 months ago

            Oh no, I’m not modding this place. Really don’t want to attract too much attention here.

            • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
              511 months ago

              Well, you see, it’s not an issue at all.

              ::breaks character:: The non-bigoted person operating this parody account appreciates you, Margot. You are as talented as you are gorgeous.

              • Margot Robbie
                411 months ago

                Parody account? You mean you are only PRETENDING to be disgraced Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson on the Internet?

                Who would do such a thing?

                Wait, I would, considering that is literally my day job.

                • Dr. Jordan B. PetersonOPM
                  211 months ago

                  Well, you might consider, after delving deeply into the complexities of human behavior and the myriad structures of social communication, that it is perhaps more advantageous to position oneself ahead of the genuine individual. This individual, mind you, is profoundly intertwined with the responsibility for the manifestation of what some might term as a “libertarian neckbeard” paradigm. It’s a fascinating phenomenon, really, especially when you observe its propagation on platforms like the Joe Rogan show, among other cultural touchpoints. It’s essential to grapple with these nuances, to truly understand the underlying archetypes and their implications in our contemporary discourse.

  • @Mio@feddit.nu
    511 months ago

    Why is he removing the function to block? It only gives control to the user.