This technology could and should be implemented to free humankind from menial, repetitive labor.
Instead, the market capitalist oligarchs will use it to metastasize their hoards of ill-gotten exploited wealth even further, and many peasants will pathetically respond by protesting to “save” the menial back breaking jobs from the “evil robots” when they should be protesting and rioting against the rigged economy, oligarchs, and Wall Street, demanding this technology be used to profit/better society as well.
It is foolish in every way to protest to protect jobs that leave many crippled by 40 that a robot can do 24/7 better and faster. It is the wrong target. The owner class is your enemy, not this technology. Please don’t waste your energy advocating we artificially maintain shitty, back breaking jobs just to keep more humans subsisting under this rigged economy. This rigged economy is what needs your anger to prevent this beneficial technology being used against you by malevolent capitalists.
Also, as the technology matures, no amount of protest of this tech will matter. These things will outperform humans sooner rather than later at physical labor, to a likely comical extreme. That’s just the reality. We literally can’t be as productive as these things at physical labor. We suffer now because we’re often expected to operate with the efficency of machines.
This technology needs to be heavily taxed, and a UBI and revitalized safetynet implemented from its revenue. Fight for that, not continuing to have your own back broken to make the rich sociopaths richer.
Yup. Should be taking us towards a Star Trek future. Instead it will be Les Miserables with robots.
Hi yes I would like two tickets to Les Misérables with robots please?
And then, when we rebel, they’ll use the robots to kill us all, leaving the few remaining billionaires at the top without any conscious humans left aside from themselves. Then, they’ll turn on each other and fight it out until one billionaire remains, the sole surviving human on earth. Eventually, the AI kills this billionaire. The humans are dead.
Upvoted for the happy ending.
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I know which company to apply for an apprenticeship at now.