• CarlsIII@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Sure, I might have said at one point that Bachman-Turner Overdrive were “overrated,” but it was a joke!

    • RichardBonham@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Canada requires you to have a plan that makes you an asset to Canada (fair enough). Certain occupations in certain provinces are in need. Having a plan to start or invest in a business and hard proof that you have the capital to do so ($2M USD) is also a possibility. Having family in Canada and already having a written job offer or business plan helps. There is also the matter of the medical clearance and demonstration of proficiency in both English and French.

      FWIW, Canada does not have a retiree visa, but many countries do.

      France, Costa Rica, New Zealand look mighty good. Uruguay if you are looking for no entry visa requirement, no retirement visa income requirements, duty-free on your car and the ability to buy real estate as a non-citizen. Apartment with ocean views in Punta?

    • RichardBonham@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I wouldn’t bet on Canada fwholesale embracing US nationals fleeing a fascist government as refugees. They’ve taken on plenty of war refugees, but IIRC they cherry pick the ones with needed skills.

  • smoothbrain coldtakes@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Spoilers: It’s all guerilla warfare by hiding in the forests like the Vietnamese but in the snow. Even through Iraq America has a really hard time consistently fighting asymmetrical attacks on a small scale - at best it would be a stick-and-move insurgency campaign that commits the US to an annoying war of attrition. There’s no overcoming or overwhelming the superiority so there’s just trying to inflict a thousand cuts.

  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Nah we good. Trump had his shot at a coup. It was a neat thing but it didn’t happen. We just need to not allow the right to pivot and normalize, ir to try and rehabilitate the republican party in any way. If we can get through 2 more four years election cycles, there may not be a Republican party left.

    The real trick is going to be to convince Twitter activists and leftists to run for dog catcher.

    • regalia
      1 year ago

      Lol you are farrrr too optimistic. I have some bad news to tell you.

      • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        If you really believe that let’s put a bet down. I’m confident enough in my analyses that I would be willing to back it up beyond just words.

        I know it’s cool to be edgy and scared of the right. And don’t get me wrong in that I truly am not underestimating them ( in my belief). I recognize the dire threat they represent. But this isn’t my first election cycle and I firmly believe I have the right of it, such that I’m willing to make a called shot on 2024 and 2028. If you or anyone else wants to take me up on this, I can spell out my 2024 predictions more clearly, and we can wager on them.

        • regalia
          1 year ago

          I don’t think Trump will win over the republican party, but if you’ve been following any US news, the country is getting far more right wing and we haven’t been fighting back. Every fascist law we put down, five more pop up. They’re winning by exhaustion. It’s just pure culture wars at this point.

          Also idk why you’re bringing up betting, this is probably the last time I’ll interact with you, it doesn’t add any meat to your argument by pushing empty confidence.

          edit: looks like you’re trying to bet with other people too which is weird. We all know it’s not going to be followed up on and doesn’t add anything to the discussion.

          • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Also idk why you’re bringing up betting, this is probably the last time I’ll interact with you, it doesn’t add any meat to your argument by pushing empty confidence.

            If I’m going to have a strong opinion on a matter, I like to hold myself accountable for it. Casual betting is a way to do so where the past isn’t available for revision.

            • regalia
              1 year ago

              No you’re not lol, it means nothing on the internet cuz everyone knows nobody is going to pay up, nor go thru the hassle of pay, you can just block the person or make a new account, and there is nothing binding other then “let’s bet bro”. Its literally meaningless, and you can say all you want you’d totally fall through but that also means nothing. It’s better just not being said even if you are 100% confident.

        • TinyPizza@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          That exact thinking is what actually led to Trump and one of the people who made that bet was HIllary Clinton. I heard a NPR interview with her in like 2012 where she outlined why due to shifting demographics that the Republicans would never take the whitehouse again. I’m not finger pointing just her, she was speaking on something that was obviously being talked about throughout the party, but the complacency was there even then. It’s easy to look at a party of crooks and marks and think those dummies couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag, let alone pull off a coup. The Germans thought that when Hitler tried to overthrow the government with the beer hall putsch and him and his flunkies went to prison. He wouldn’t succeed till years later. You are definitely underestimating them.

          • Seraph@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            It’s understanding people versus the system. She wasn’t wrong, if you ignore gerrymandering and the electoral college. But assuming Republicans will play fair only makes you look dumb. They have to cheat to win and have proven repeatedly that they will.

          • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Then make a called shot on what you think is going to happen, and put a bet down. I’m confident in my analysis. I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.

            • TheaoneAndOnly27@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              I don’t have any idea where we are going but I have a lot of fear, fear for my friends, my family, my daughter. I’d be down for your prediction just cause I could really use some hope about now. I feel just so fucking beaten down and I am scared things won’t get better. So the scared voice in me says I bet things get worse, but I want your bet to win. I want my daughter to be safe and okay.

              • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I don’t have any idea where we are going but I have a lot of fear, fear for my friends, my family, my daughter. I’d be down for your prediction just cause I could really use some hope about now. I feel just so fucking beaten down and I am scared things won’t get better. So the scared voice in me says I bet things get worse, but I want your bet to win. I want my daughter to be safe and okay.

                My goal is to be accurate with my predictions. A lot hinges on if the Democrats allow the Republican party off the hook for DJT writ large, which would be my greatest concern. The criminal prosecution of DJT is also a prosecution of what the R’s have allowed to become of themselves. I really don’t see a path out for DJT at this point. He needed Putin to not be stuck in a land war to do his job of bolstering Trump from the shadows. It really seems to me like DJTs only realistic strategy at this point is violence, and I’m not sure the white nationalists are committed to Trump (I think they view their project as ‘larger’ than DJT, but here I could be wrong). Its not clear to me that they’ll be willing to step up for Trump in the next two to three months the way he would need them to. It was a very different operational environment in October, November, December 2020. The shear quantity and validity of the charges against Trump are staggering. There is no reasonable way he gets out of this without some kind of force majeure. Now that doesn’t have to be in the form of a violent insurrection. It could come from the Supreme Court as well. Again though, its not clear to me that they are committed to DJT. They’re commitment seems to be to the larger conservative project, for which DJT was very useful, but again, we’ve got to question their commitment to him versus their project. The neoliberal factions of the Republican party carry no paper for Trump, and what would they do?

                There are two worst case scenarios we need to deal with a) white nationalists stage another kind of violent insurrection and or b), the Supreme Court some how intervenes and makes some weird, unprecedented kind of ruling saying something like former presidents are above the law forever or something. I want to deal with b) first because it seems less likely. There’s no clear mechanism for this that I understand, but I’m no expert on the courts. My understanding is things go up in the courts, not down. The argument I could see being tried is Trump says "I’m a former president, therefore I’m above the law and the only thing that can decide on me is the Supreme Court. I’m not sure how that would go, but it wont help his co-conspirators. There is no precedent for the prosecution of former presidents.. This would be a hat trick on DJT’s lawyers part, but the issue here is mechanism. Its going to depend on the judges, but because there are so many criminal prosecutions going on at once in so many jurisdictions, its just not going to be possible for them to pull it off that many times.

                Now lets talk violent insurrectionists, because that needs to be dealt with and addressed. So far as I read it, individuals have been put on trial, but not their movements. Afaik, nothing materially has changed with the oathkeepers, proud boys, 3%'rs, patriot fronts, or various other paramilitary organizations ability to organize, train, and recruit. My last real investigation into them indicated they were still operational, and growing. Individuals have been gone after for J6, but no organizations have been labeled as terrorist organizations or enemies of the state (although arguably, this should have happened for the PB’s, Oathkeepers, and Patriot Front) specifically as a function of the events of J6. The event did however, put a spotlight on these groups. I hope the gumshoes at the FBI are hot on the case, but they sure af missed the boat on J6, so forgive me if I lack confidence here. The real question, I think, is to ask “Do these groups still see advantage in keeping DJT a player in the scene”.

                If the court cases are allowed to proceed as one might assume they should, there is no way out of this for DJT. Its going to require the intervention of a third party, either the Supreme Court (and its not clear to me there is a mechanism for that. Trumps lawyers would have to figure out how to make that happen.), or the white nationalists state another coup. Neither of these seem like realistic options to me. I don’t think white nationalists care enough about Trump to risk the gains they’ve made, and the same for the conservatives on the Supreme Court.

                What we haven’t discussed here is the role of the Democrats in all of this, and they do have a job to do. They can’t allow the Republican party to be cleansed or they are fucking-over what could represent the largest political victory in a century. DJT is going down unless someone intervenes. He’s fucked. But it does little if the Democrats don’t attach DJT and all the ills associated with him to the core principals and spirit of the Republican party. If you are going to be afraid of something, this is where to put your fear. Most Democrats just want to get back to shitty boring elections that people don’t pay attention to. Its in many of their interests to just give the R’s a pass on DJT and try to ‘move on’. This would be the biggest political blunder in the last two centuries. The D’s have an opportunity to force the R’s to own the idiotic culture they’ve come up with and set them up in a position to not even be able to win the local Dogcatcher race in 6-8 years. They need to show DJT as an inevitable consequence of Republicanism. Thats work. Its not clear to me the D’s are up to it.

                Any ways. I think you can push your fear off for at least an election cycle. Dark Brandon has proven himself far more capable as a politician than any Democrat of the past 60 years (and trust me that I hate having to say that). I think he’s doing a good job of reading the landscape. The real risk was October-January 2020-21, and we made it through.