Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye.

At the time of writing, her execution has not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.

Rights group calls for Ali Khamenei and other leaders of the Islamic Republic to be held accountable for this crime.

        • alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgM
          9 months ago

          No, it’s not the same thing. When most Christians, or governments in countries with majority Christian population, hear about priests raping kids, they are disgusted by it and are 100% ok with punishing the offender.

          ignoring that this is severely debatable, “which religion is more fine with sexual abuse” is an embarrassing pissing contest to have and one that we’re not interested in having on this website.

          9 months ago

          Sounds like you’ve never been to the American South, or to Rural Latin America, or to Poland, or to Hungary, or to Russia, or…

      9 months ago

      What about the nice people actually attempting to find a better life and a way out of the tyranny and oppression?

      9 months ago

      See, the thing about religion, that no religious person wants to come to terms with, is that no religion is a monolith. What does that mean?

      Even if you claim to be a fully practicing Christian, Muslim, Hindi, etc, there will always be descrepencies. Furthermore, no one believes exactly the same thing as someone else. The nature and limitations of the human mind does not permit it, so thinking that if you identify with a religion that suddenly your behaviour is dictated by dogma is nonsensical.

      This also means that Christians today are not responsible for the crusades or the persecution as well as eradication of European pagans, and that Islam is not to blame for what’s going on in Iran, largely because they were irrelevant to the actual goals, which was for certain people to gain more power and wealth.

      The Iranian government doesn’t give a shit about the 5 columns of Islam. Not even close. But they absolutely love having morals police, executions and an authoritarian system that seeks to subjugate and suppress any kind of democratic movement.

      The Iranian regime knows the Iranian people, and if they could they would turn liberal democracy in a heartbeat, and they are still mostly Muslim. That’s why the boot has to stomp and fists have to bang on doors, like all the time.

      I think people easily forget how fucked you can be if the state has so much power they can effectively curb any dissent. At that point the religion used just becomes a nice decorative mask to put on, both to keep power, but also to keep using fear via “us vs them”. This is also signified by the secular Muslim empires.

      Just a little bit of history is enough to dispell all fears about religion and to squarely focus on corruption and authoritarianism instead, which is where our focus should be - and that’s coming from an atheist.

    • tardigrada@beehaw.orgOP
      9 months ago

      It’s not because we hate them for their religion (for the saner part of Europeans it’s the same bullshit as Christianity)

      Yes, I am firmly convinced that religion (and ideology) is used as a pretext for suppresssing people. One of Iran’s major partner countries is China, for example, but Iran says nothing about Beijing’s oppression of the Muslim Uyghur minority in China. They don’t care.

      It’s all about power, and we see similar things all around the globe across all cultures and ages, including here in Europe.

      9 months ago

      Yes cause all Muslims are the same as the Iranian regime /s.

      Fuck of with the blatant racism/xenophobia.

      9 months ago

      I don’t understand… she has the right in islamic law to ask for divorce which she would have been granted by a judge seeing the abuse.

      I think it is not possible in Christian law for a woman to ask for divorce except in the case of adultry, but Islamic law is clear about cases where the husband is abusive or doesn’t take his responsibilities. I just don’t get how people still consider Iran as a country that upholds Islamic law, unless they don’t know said law.