• walter_wiggles@lemmy.nz
      10 months ago

      HttpOnly cookies can’t be read by javascript, so there’s no way to set the bearer token in the Authorization header.

        • webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
          10 months ago

          An API lets different software talk to each other. HttpOnly uses secure tokens (think password) that a server uses to confirm identity.

          Bearer tokens also confirm identity but the added security provided by HttpOnly does not allow passing such within the api information.

            • webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
              10 months ago

              Ok il attempt again, take in mind though i am no expert in this field either.

              An api is a system that allows software to talks to eachother. It does this by sending structural packages back and forth that can be read by software.

              Such package usually includes a secure identifier to confirm authorized acces ( like a token) as well as a formal request (show me/edit/remove this specific data)

              The api receives the data package, and if the authorization is valid executes the request.

              The way I understand it (i am no expert on this ) onlyhttp is a way to provide authorization tokens through a browser cookie (you know those right?), meaning only that browser can have access with that token. The client person never sees the token so its pretty secure in the background.

              The bearer token is similar to the one in the browser coockie but the client person needs to enter it inside the package for the api. This can happen from any browser or script by anyone who knows the bearer token. Except Apparantly you cant enter such tokens at all if the api is set to onlyhttp.

    • HairHeel@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      JavaScript is a language that runs on a user’s computer, when they visit a web page. It is often used for dynamic functionality, ie when you click “like” on a comment… JavaScript running in your web browser will make a request to the server letting it know that you liked the post, then the server will respond with a total number of people who liked it or something.

      But, the server needs to know how to authenticate which user liked the comment (so you can’t like it twice etc). There are various authentication mechanisms to do this, with their own trade-offs. Over all, there’s secret information that the browser and the server have to share with each other, and we don’t want that information being accessed by the wrong people.

      There’s also a common problem with web apps called “cross site scripting”. Basically somebody might craft a cleverly formatted comment that exploits a bug in the web page and causes the attacker’s code to run. One trivial example might be if every time a person read a comment thread, the attackers code caused that person to “like” a request. A more serious exploit would be one that finds out that secret authentication information I mentioned and shares it with the attacker. They can then pose as the victim user and do anything they want as that person. This would be bad.

      So, on to the different approaches and their tradeoffs.

      • HttpOnly cookies. Basically when you log in, the server gives your browser a cookie vouching for who you are. Each subsequent request to the server will include this cookie automatically. The browser handles attaching it to the request, and the browser hides it from any JavaScript running on the page. One trade off is that it requires some authentication to happen between the user and the service (ie enter your username and password), to generate the cookie in the first place. This is likely what OP’s customers want to avoid.
      • bearer tokens: basically, when JavaScript code makes a request to the server, it can optionally add some tokens in the request headers and use those to authenticate the user. I’m assuming OP’s scenario involves his company providing a service that is used by another company’s web site. They want to log in the user on their system, then forward some info along to OP’s system describing that user. They can’t just set an HttpOnly cookie for his domain, since it would be private to him; so instead they store a magic token in the browser’s local storage or somewhere and send that on every request. The down side is that JavaScript has to be able to read that token, so it enables that malicious user we talked about to steal it if they exploit some other bug.

      Anyhow, one common solution here is to set very short expiration dates on those bearer tokens. That way if somebody steals it, they can’t use it for long.

      Another strategy is to limit what each token can do. OP needs to make it so you can like a comment using one of those bearer tokens, but more dangerous actions like purchasing things, deleting content, etc, should be guarded by a more secure mechanism. Then the damage is mitigated if the bearer token leaks.

    • leaky_shower_thought@feddit.nl
      10 months ago

      it’s a security style.

      the OG “goat” style says the only things that can request the server are those that get their badges from the server (or some place the server trusts) beforehand.

      then comes the client that wants to be able to supply their own badges.