Filing your taxes could be free starting this year. The IRS is running a direct-file pilot program. The goal is to make companies like TurboTax obsolete thro...
In Sweden we have return-free filing. I get a pre-filled form, check that it looks right, then send a text message to approve it. If I’ve been selling stock I may need to do some extra work to let the government know how much I earned, but I can easily fill that in on the web page. I just need to tell them how much I bought the stock for.
In Sweden we have return-free filing. I get a pre-filled form, check that it looks right, then send a text message to approve it. If I’ve been selling stock I may need to do some extra work to let the government know how much I earned, but I can easily fill that in on the web page. I just need to tell them how much I bought the stock for.
It’s almost like that’s how it should work.