AI tools are helpful and cool as long as you know their limitations. AI doesn’t exist.There is no fidelity in AI. AI is build on biased data sets and will gi...
the precise line you draw the distinction between “true” intelligence and not is one thing, but wherever you happen to draw it, chatgpt isn’t really close
Intelligence isn’t necessarily human intelligence. Humans are pretty much the most intelligent species on this planet - which says a lot about intelligence tbh - but intelligence is not binary. Wouldn’t you say animals are intelligent too? Is a brain even required for intelligence?
the precise line you draw the distinction between “true” intelligence and not is one thing, but wherever you happen to draw it, chatgpt isn’t really close
Intelligence isn’t necessarily human intelligence. Humans are pretty much the most intelligent species on this planet - which says a lot about intelligence tbh - but intelligence is not binary. Wouldn’t you say animals are intelligent too? Is a brain even required for intelligence?