• gabe [he/him]MA
    79 months ago

    Still on spinning silver right now and my other book, but it’s really good! Haven’t really had the energy to read since some of my books right now are kinda heavy. Probably gonna read a bit today though. This week has been rough and I was very much struggling this weekend a bit mentally. Knitting and adventure time are my best friends right now.

  • Bubble Water
    69 months ago

    Finally got House of Leaves from the holds shelf so I’m chipping away at it. The Johnny parts are hard to get thru but I’ve heard that’s a common sentiment. It was actually really hard to read this after The Vaster Wilds, because the writing there was so descriptive and a simple 3rd person narrative. House of Leaves is very idk conversational? Expository? So far it’s hard to get lost in.

  • @Rinn
    49 months ago

    Finished The Fifth Season, enjoyed it so much that I have jumped straight into book 2 - The Obelisk Gate. So far I like it slightly less, but it’s still very good. It’s interesting to see an actual book written at least partially in 2nd person - I’m an avid fanfiction reader and the application of 2nd person in fanfics is… usually really clumsy, so it’s refreshing to see that it can be used to great effect.

    • Bubble Water
      39 months ago

      I read that trilogy but don’t remember The Obelisk Gate being in 2nd person, which must be a testament to Jemison’s skills as a writer. I was so sad when I tried to read Harrow the Ninth and so much of it was in 2nd person. I gave up.

      • @Rinn
        39 months ago

        The whole trilogy is like 50% in second person, actually :P (well, I don’t know about book 3 yet but if the current trend holds…)

        Huh, thanks for the warning about Harrow, haven’t had the chance to dive in yet - I’ll give it a shot anyway but I like to be prepared for surprise 2nd person.

        • Bubble Water
          29 months ago

          I might give it another try, since today I read some reviews that say the 2nd person perspective is important to the story somehow so now I’m really curious!

          • @Eq0
            39 months ago

            It is important to the story, but you are not the first one I heard that had troubles with it. I didn’t struggle with it at all, but it does add a lot

            • Bubble Water
              29 months ago

              Good to know. I really enjoyed Gideon the Ninth and wanted to pop back into that world again.

    • @Eq0
      39 months ago

      Personally, I found the Obelisk Gate to be the least engaging of the trilogy (and it’s still good!), but it helps to set up the third book, and the pay off is worth it.

  • @gabereal
    9 months ago

    Finished Scalzi’s latest, Starter Villain. It was alright. I felt like the intro went on for a long time, like I was halfway through the book and it still had a ‘Luke in Mos Eisley Cantina’ vibe (imho).

    But it was a quick read, and not too heavy. SF, but not heavily SF (the story takes place entirely on Earth, for example).