As someone who raised chickens: they could care more about family ties.
Of course there will be differences between breeds and individuals but some things I witnessed:
- roosters, brothers by blood, fighting to the death
- chickens stealing eggs from each other
- chickens eating their own eggs (animals with good feed, grass and oister shells to peck on, fully available)
- younger chickens ganging up on the matriarch
- chickens killing their own chicks with no need to worry for lack of resources
Chickens are not gentle. In great enough numbers, chickens will even attack their predator. The birds can evaluate risk/success odds.
Again, there are more tame breeds and less tame ones. Some are the spawn of the deep pits where nightmares fester and grow.
Far to many people that have no experience with animals give them human thoughts and competency.
That’s a mouth full.
Sometimes it seems we are too evolved for our own good but I like to think this tendency of ours will lead to a greater good.
That theory goes out the window when you have a city sliker meet a farm animal in person. One of my favorite childhood pass times was seeing city blokes cower in fear of petting a chicken or goat especially when that same person has pictures of chickens in their home because they are cute
That’s just a whole lot of confirmation bias speaking. Most people are gonna hesitate when they encounter totally new things that’s not unique to people from any type of place.
The goat I understand. Those fuckers are mean, and they bite. Who TF is afraid of a chicken? Turkey, sure. Again, they are mean and big enough to fight back. The chickens found out that they “can” become soccer balls if they piss off the ape that is bringing them food.
Who TF is afraid of a chicken?
Have you not met any chickens? They can be downright NASTY. And a lot of people don’t have it in them to kick a chicken.
Yeah. A wise person checks their footing before kicking a chicken.
I lived on a farm as a kid and had to kick them out of the way to feed the little fuckers. They aren’t scary, but yeah they are ill-tempered and nasty, if you don’t out mass them by several times their mass. Kicking in this sense is more like shoving them with your foot, unless one of the fuckers bites, then they get a more forceful shove, that causes them to use their wings since they go a few inches off the ground.
Well yeah. I think scary is subjective on that sense. I have a big dog who used to be fear aggressive toward me and he didn’t scare me (even though I knew he could kill me if he tried). It’s about how comfortable we are in a situation, I suppose. My wife got attacked by coyotes once, so she’s more cautious around them than any of our neighbors.
You’d be surprised by how many blokes are afraid of the adorable little balls of feathers that are always running away from them
I’ve got a mug from a town I used to live in. It’s a rooster with the name “Shitty Larry” written across it. He was a local celeb. A rooster so badly behaved he had to be rehomed, and the people who adopted him created a whole lifestyle around dealing with his “antics”.
As I was leaving, Fucking Frank was also coming into the spotlight.
They’re assholes. But they taste good.
My grandmother raised chickens and there was rooster that used to harass my mother and her siblings and they hated the rooster. Apparently one day the rooster pecked at my grandmother’s leg and then they had rooster stew for dinner. Point of the story is that roosters are assholes.
Coq au vin is worth it for the time and labour to prepare it.
I live in a largely portuguese area, but there are definitely “cousin” dishes to Coq au Vin, chicken and chourico (or linguica) stews with a dash of saffron or paprika, some good portuguese wine. Deliciuos.
Try this one if you can: frango na púcara
Minus the Parsley, I’d swear I have had similar.
Well that, and we never cook with Port around here, it’s always dry wine or Madeira. Madeira is a much sweeter Port, which totally changes the flavor. I’ll show this particular recipe to my wife and get her take.
I wonder, is this a mainland recipe maybe? Everyone around here is Azorean, which can slightly tweak the common ingredients. I watched a Bifana video last summer where the guy used CHEESE and it made everyone I know swear at him. You don’t use Cheese in anything portuguese around here except Cheese Rolls.
Madeira is much more dry than Port wine. The soil of the island and the salty breeze are enough to change the nature of the wine at the grape level; plus, it’s a fortified wine. Good Madeira should end on a slightly bitter, somewhat acidic note.
Port wine grows inland, on hills, where a river cuts across deep valeys. Any Port is sweet by nature, very round on the mouth, with wood and berry notes. The whites tend to be slightly more dry, with a somewhat citrus or flower note, but nonetheless sweet.
You can cook with these wines, especially if you want to flex a bit and add a few dimensions to the end result but plain wine os more than enough; Portugal was always essentially a poor country. Wine was prolific but fine wines like Port amd Madeira were luxury items and most of our traditional cuisine was born in farm kitchens, where food needed to be plentiful and tasteful, to help push away a hard day of labor.
Drowning meat in wine is almost standard fare. One especially traditional rabbit stew involves drowning the meat in red wine, over night, with garlic, onions and bay leaves, seasoned with some salt and pepper, and the next day cook it very slowly in a clay pot in the hoven. After a few hours, the meat should peel of the bone. Try it, if you can.
And cheese usually is not part of the main dish, unless you’re serving francesinha or some preparation of hoven baked cod, where you may grate some island cheese on top for salt and the bitterness of it.
Bifana with cheese. That’s criminal.
Madeira is much more dry than Port wine. The soil of the island and the salty breeze are enough to change the nature of the wine at the grape level; plus, it’s a fortified wine. Good Madeira should end on a slightly bitter, somewhat acidic note.
I’ve heard of dry Madeiera, but I’ve never tried it. Acidic, yes. Local Madeiras are very sweet around here. The most popular brand of Madeira in my area is effectively reduced grape juice mixed with Brandy. Sickeningly, coyingly sweet. My area perhaps the largest Portuguese Festival in the world (Feast of the Blessed Sacrament) is drink-sponsored by Justino’s Madeira, and it’s like drinking alcoholic maple syrup. It’s freaking delicious, for all of 2 oz pour and then it gets hard to finish :) The local Madeira’s have raisin or prune notes.
Now Port. We’ve got Sandalman and Pacheca. That can get fairly heavy, in either sweet or dry direction. I haven’t had a bone dry port, but I’m told they exist. I always have a bottle of Port in the house. Not so much Madeira. Special occasions only (not the price, it’s cheap. The extreme sweetness).
You can cook with these wines, especially if you want to flex a bit and add a few dimensions to the end result but plain wine os more than enough
I like the one-two punch of Sherry and Brandy much of the time. However, my wife and her family always uses a good Vinho Verde for her dishes. Cacoila is one of the local staples, and it’s basically pork left to soak in wine forever with a few secret ingredients (usually at least some some paprika)
One especially traditional rabbit stew involves drowning the meat in red wine, over night, with garlic, onions and bay leaves, seasoned with some salt and pepper, and the next day cook it very slowly in a clay pot in the hoven
OMG… I had that once at one of the local places (Captain’s place, since I’ve already doxed myself regarding the Festa). It was incredible. Rabbit isn’t common here, so it was a special. I’ve never seen it since :(
And cheese usually is not part of the main dish, unless you’re serving francesinha or some preparation of hoven baked cod, where you may grate some island cheese on top for salt and the bitterness of it.
francesinha looks incredible. I’ve never seen it around here. I’m guessing it’s a mainland dish? We have Sao Jorge cheese around here, but we only eat it straight. Also, nobody around here puts cheese with Cod, but baccalhau is often made with milk, so it’s not a huge stretch to me.
What people need to realize, especially those in peta, is that we cannot compare the suffering and mass killing animals to the same happening to humans. Speaking to someone who loves animals, they are a completely different life form that do not have human morals, values, intelligence, or emotion.
Which isn’t to say that they don’t have their own intelligence or emotion, it’s just very different from what the human thought process is like.
Thus it would be absurd to put them on the same pedestal as homosapiens, evolutionarily speaking.
Life is not a Disney cartoon, that I understand that I will be down voted by vegans who don’t understand this and will call me cruel.
That said I obviously support the Humane treatment of animals, but if you think I’m going to stop eating a creature that would eat me with far less hesitation if the roles were reversed, you are truly a fool.
We had chickens when I was a teen. They regularily hunted, killed and ate small rodents, lizards/snakes and sometimes even small birds like young sparrows whenever they could catch them - everything that fits into a chicken’s beak is fair game. And it wasn’t exactly a pretty sight. Imagine a single panicked field mouse being chased by sixteen feathered mini velociraptors, all trying to kill the mouse first, and then all fighting each other FOR the (hopefully) dead prey, as noone ever wanted to share their kill.
Funnily enough, the rooster was was a cuddly little idiot. (he got beaten up by the hens occasionally)
And just t add some proof for some of the points above, here’s a video of a single hen killing a hawk (warning, it is kinda graphic). They don’t even need great numbers to shred their wannabe predators - one really p*ssed off chicken and an opportunity to strike back, that’s all it takes.
I didn’t witness it but there are a few chicken farms around the area - the kind where chickens can freely roam around a huge shed - and I was told from an acquaintace that works at one they had been on the lookout for foxes, as they had already destroyed a few coops around the farm.
One morning they arrive at the barn to find a few dead chickens and two foxes partially skeletonized on the floor. It was a gruesome sight and the recording from the security cameras showed the foxes had been completely overrun by a mob of angry chickens that pecked, kicked and essentially killed by the thousand cuts method the poor wannabe predators.
The few chickens the foxes managed to kill were not enough to deter the mob but instead served to further spur it into a killer frenzy.
Because foxes are a protectes species, they had to call the authorities to give notice and have the cadavers picked up. Even the municipal vet was horrified at the state the chickens had left the foxes.
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here’s a video of a single hen killing a hawk
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i’ve heard chickens will just casually peck others to death if they have a wound too, like it’s not even malice or removing competition, they just do it from some fucked up instinct.
I own chickens and have had a bullying problem in the past. In the winter they have a lot less space and they get bored and stressed easily. The hen that took the “rooster”/protector role started pecking the smallest and sweetest chicken and drew blood. I had to keep the small chicken isolated from the flock for a few weeks while its wounds healed and put special goggles on the bully chicken for a month- they prevent it from seeing in front of itself so it forgets what’s there after a few seconds. Yeah they can be vicious, but it’s definitely preventable if they’re raised right instead of at a factory farm.
Won’t pigs gladly eat a whole person
I’m pretty sure i saw somewhere that mexican cartels would use pigs as a method to dispose bodys pretty grim
Italian mafia devised the method first. Will only leave the teeth, for some reason.
Read once an article where it was stated these “special purpose” pigs were kept hungry for a few days before a disposal, for faster results, and could even be used as a torture method, as the animals would attack any human figure on sight, dead or alive.
Now imagine slowly lowering a live human being into a pig pen full of these quasi feral animals, feet first.
Jesus that sounds agonising
I once read about a turkey that had to be wraped in a tea towel to allow a wound to heal as the creature kept pecking at it and ripping out pieces of flesh that would glady eat.
That is pretty high on the extreme behavior list. And I think it was a pet turkey.
You could save all of this cruelty by using egg substitutes and faux meats instead.
I could keep these little dinosaurs as pets, with no other objective or purpose besides admiring them because they are pretty to look at and that would not prevent any of the behaviors I listed.
What I’m about to say may evade you but cruelty is not an exclusive trait to human beings and chicken are a good example of it. They can be extremely cruel towards their own kind just for the sake of it. Not out of scarcity of food or living space. Just because they want to make another animal miserable.
They call it cock fighting for a reason, and no this ain’t no dick joke
Hate animal fights. The only animal fights I’ll condone involve two homo sapiens trying to pour each others brains through their hear onto the ground, by means of punches and/or kicks to the head, at the sound of a bell.
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The only one I’m having trouble thinking of an example is the chicks rising up against the matriarch, but that’s simply because I cannot think of an example of a matriarch in The Bible. The rest are covered in the Old Testament, possibly even The Torah.
The Torah and Bible are actually based on stories derived from watching chicken society fail to develop? This is my new headcanon
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they could care more about family ties.
ugh, the consequences of internet grammarian fascism: people using normative language to make a quirky riff on a nonsense “rule”
They’re intelligent and very instinctive birds from birth- that doesn’t mean that they’re vicious though. My chickens that I’m raising are all sweethearts. It’s all a matter of their environment. If you overcrowd them in an indoor factory farm of course they’re going to turn on each other, they’re extremely stressed out. Chickens that are raised outdoors with lots of space and different kinds of food are a lot less likely to act up and turn on each other. You can even taste a noticeable difference in eggs from happy chickens.
Roosters on the other hand are usually fucking assholes.
I had about a dozen chickens in an outdoors coop, with plenty of space (about 32 cubic metres of tridimensional space) and often carried them around in a chicken tractor (birds of prey area where I live) for grazing and some individuals exihibited extreme behaviors.
Again, variations will occur from breed to breed and from individual to individual.
Some breeds are especially known for being tamer than others and more concerned with eggs and brood than others.
I’ll partially agree on your statement that all roosters are assholes: we had one that enjoyed crowing when we were trying to talk anywhere in the bird’s line of sight.
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Well it may not have had much a family since hens cannibalise their chicks.
God fucked up and made them way too tasty
Chickens are basically tiny raptors. They even hunt mice when given the chance
It’s actually for that reason why my family liked to joke about how the chicken were better at pest control than our cats especially every time we found a dead mouse in the coop or a cat getting bored of a mouse. Honestly the only reason my family keeped the cats we had was because people kept abandoning cats at my grandparents barn and we just find the poor little guys cute
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Big brain
It’s finger licking good
It’s feather licking good
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Good bot
fuck peta
edit: oh no! the soyboys are attacking!
They should hate PETA too. No one has done more to hurt the cause of ending animal cruelty than PETA.
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I don’t do gish gallops, so I’m just going to address this:
PETA kills animals because unfortunately there are no better places for them.
That is bullshit. There are no kill shelters all over the country. There’s one in my town. They didn’t even euthanize after they were overwhelmed when we had a huge storm that destroyed structures. They just found people who would foster while they could rehome as much as they could. PETA doesn’t do that.
Today I learned what a Gish Gallop is.
British journalist Mehdi Hasan suggests using these three steps to beat the Gish gallop:
- Because there are too many falsehoods to address, it is wise to choose one as an example. Choose the weakest, dumbest, most ludicrous argument that your opponent has presented and tear this argument to shreds (also known as the weak point rebuttal).
- Do not budge from the issue. Don’t move on until you have decisively destroyed the nonsense and clearly made your point.
- Call it out: name the strategy. “This is a strategy called the ‘Gish Gallop’. Do not be fooled by the flood of nonsense you have just heard.”
Nicely done.
Its also just totally a false equivalency. Lets entertain for a moment the fact that Peta is an imperfect organization that doesn’t always do the right thing. Okay and? The industry they protest exploits not just animals, but Children and Workers. Its carbon footprint is playing an instrumental role in destroying the biosphere. But sure, PETA is imperfect so I guess we’ll all just keep eating meat.
Thank you! There’s surprisingly an awful number of supporters here, I don’t know why…
Do more research on that claim.
I’d just stop now. I just realized who you’re commenting with, and the guy just had a long-ass pissy argument. When I slowed down to show him evidence, he kept changing topics and then ragequit when it didn’t work.
Feel free to check my comment history (or his) for proof of this.
Can also check my comment history I’m just going to try and ignore dx1 although I don’t know how effective that’s going be considering he’s on every god dam comment winging and moaning
Well, damn. I got to you too late. Or vice versa.
My wife brought home popeyes since my last comment to you. It’s better than KFC 🐔 😁
I wish I could give popeyes ago sadly I’m across the pond sounds nice enjoy
Yes, start with the Wikipedia one, that actually begins to examine it critically and points out that this campaign against PETA was spearheaded by an animal industry lobbying group…
I love it when people say this without even suggesting where to do this research. Let me guess- Google it. Because that’s what I already did.
There’s the approach I have to fact-check things, I don’t know what other approach people have honestly. Look up fact-checking, debunking etc. on it. I know there are dozens to hundreds of pages that fact-check the parroted “PETA euthanizes too many dogs” claim. I honestly can’t believe people are still bringing this one up, I don’t know how it could possibly be on me to start digging up sources for you.
“Just look it up until a fringe source from an unknown media group ““debunks”” it, despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary, then change your entire point of view from it” in other words: just google the opposite of what you said and go with that answer plz thx. Color me convinced! For the record: every fact check I looked up corroborated the obvious: PETA euthanizes pets at an obscene rate compared to even the most ruthless pounds in the us.
No, look up individual claims, look up the inverse of the claim, weigh the presented evidence against each other.
I.e., look up the mitigating factors here - was this an isolated case? Was it isolated to one state? Were animals from no-kill shelters dumped on the PETA-run shelter? What’s the actual funding of this shelter compared to PETA’s general operations? You know, ACTUAL THOROUGH ANALYSIS. Take the actual facts in question and put them properly in context instead of just swallowing literal animal ag industry propaganda coming out of groups like the Weston Price Foundation that have a vested interest in discrediting groups like PETA.
It’s like every time people post something false, and you know it’s false, you can’t just let them know, they expect you to spend the next two hours of your life pulling up all the sources to show them, again and again and again and again and again and again. I’ve had this exact same conversation dozens of times, I’m sick of it. Can you not just learn how to research for yourself? Can you not post the discredited claim in the first place so we don’t have to constantly play this game? Like, do the fact checking properly in the first place?
It’s like every time people post something false, and you know it’s false, you can’t just let them know, they expect you to spend the next two hours of your life pulling up all the sources to show them, again and again and again and again and again and again. I’ve had this exact same conversation dozens of times, I’m sick of it.
seems like you know how to avoid this, but you choose instead to get mad at people asking you to support your own claims.
Nah I’m vegan, fuck peta.
I’m a full-time meat eater, but I respect vegans who don’t go around minding people’s businesses, which is exactly what peta does.
All activism could be called “minding people’s business”. That’s not really a fair criticism.
I think that’s the problem. So many people are unaware of the difference between vegans, militant vegans, and peta-assholes. The second and third are the hardest to differentiate (and they are different)
When you can someone to start ranting about depopulation intervention and driving food species to extinction, then you found the PETA (also the PITA)
not really. peta militancy helps no one. you arent going to make people eat less meat by being assholes and shame people for eating meat. Peta would have better results is they just advocated for people to eat less meat and be more conscious about where there food in general comes from as well as advocating for proper animal care and awareness. They are never going to stop people from eating meat and they seem to refuse to accept that.
Dude that’s like saying that any form of activism that calls you out on shitty behaviour is in vain and shouldn’t be practised. Not a good take
That’s not what I’m saying at all.
I am saying in PETAs case, they would catch more flys with honey, rather than vinegar. I don’t believe that making fun of people and making them feel bad about a system that isn’t transparent is the way to go. Compassion and education in this case, would work best. imo. Small incremental steps - not wholesale instant change.
Leave the dirty work to the ALF. Which I also support. :)
Indeed, fuck peta
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Don’t you mean peter like Peter Griffin
Or maybe the dude from The Hunger Games? You know, the weird one with the bad name?
What do you mean they all have bad names
True, but IMO his is the worst one and he’s supposed to be one of the normal ones but has a weirder vibe than most of the ones that are SUPPOSED to be all weird and futuristic.
Kinda like an emo Eminem with super strength but even weirder.
That too, but not as much as PeTA
What about petAh griffin
Yeah, fuck him too
You want to fuck petah Griffin? Oh no oh no oh no no no
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You mean the one time they kidnapped someone’s pet from their porch and had them put down? Or the fact their kill shelters kill more animals than actual animal shelters?
Ya. They’re evil.
Not really. There is a bunch of propaganda spread about them though.
No? You don’t remember their photo campaign to try convincing people that sheep have to be skinned for wool?
No, I don’t, and I don’t think you can source that claim either.
It was posted on a building across from my office.
Uh huh.
And you think that lamb looks dead? That PETA is claiming…
What were your words?
Remind me.
Here’s the image in question are you stupid?
Said the guy who thinks that damage could kill an animal, lol.
Nah. You can read.
Ah, so you do know you are the sensationalist propaganda.
Not propaganda if it’s true. Which it is.
Why reflect on my unethical consumption habits when I can just listen to meat industry/fast food propaganda? Mmmmm Chicken sure is tasty!
Chicken sure is tasty though
Yum yum in my tum tum
Harrasing reply through inflammatory response
They had hopes and dreams, a 10-year plan, they JUST bought a new car, their eldest daughter just had a child…
You’re right, chickens and humans are basically identical
So sad its joeover litterally cryin rn
I have decided to lock the comments of this post. There’s been too much toxic engagement.
And you can rest easy knowing the chicken also likes to eat chicken (and chicks), just like you 😀 maybe not that last part
Redditors when you imply there may be some ethical problems with modern meat consumption: VEgaNs ArE a BuNcH of PreCHy SnoWflaKes!!1! PETA MurdERS iN THier SHelteRS!!1!!
Ding goes the oven, your Tyson nuggies are ready!
The amount of hypocrisy in this thread is astounding
Remember when we were gullible enough to think that PETA was a reputable organization.
A shame JREF is too quiet to change their public reception…
VeGaNs BAAAD amirite??? Updoots to the left my fellow narwhals *tips fedora*
Vegans are fine, PETA on the other hand is a shitty horrible organization that needs to burn in a fire.
Vegans are like religious people: most of them are totally fine. It’s the preachy and overly defensive ones that suck.
Would you also consider it preachy when people criticize other cases of animal harm, like bullfighting or dog beating, or is it just the financing of factory farming that can’t be criticized? If not, what’s the difference? It’s troublesome that people enforce a social stigma that you can’t talk about what we do to farm animals without suffering social consequences.
Dude made a joke at preachy hypocrites who kill a shitload of dogs. Lighten up and save your strawmen for another time.
Who kills a shitload of dogs? I think you replied to the wrong comment.
Peta do. They operate a shitload of shelters, none of which are no-kill.
You wrote vegans, not peta. Most vegans have nothing to do with Peta.
In this case I was talking about the OP tweet exchange, in which a guy replies specifically to peta
And in my other comments I wasn’t referring to vegans in general either, only the preachy and overdefensive ones. All the vegans I know IRL are good people who aren’t constantly preachy and defensive.
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I have never seen a vegan preach, here or on reddit. But i have seen hundreds of comments complaining about preachy vegans.
That’s a streaming load of horse shit. You’re evidently wearing ideological blinders rivaling those of religious fundamentalists.
And unfortunately the preachy ones are the only ones ever speaking up
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Because they’re using veganism as a substitute for having a personality. Never goes well.
If you tell anybody to stop doing something they like they’re going to tell you to fuck off.
Yeah like when they told us we shouldn’t use slaves anymore! Get off your high horse and stop telling us what to do!
comparing slavex to animals is what slavers do.
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it’s comparing the institution of slavery with the institution of animal husbandry. it’s comparing slaves to animals. it’s fucking gross.
Carnists have such bad reading comprehension. Let’s try another one and see if you get it
Yeah like when they told us we should give women rights! Get off your high horse and stop telling us what to do!
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i think this is a form of the “appeal to ridicule”
Yeah, it’s the ones who talk about their thoughts that are the issue. Fucking jerks!
You can talk about your thoughts without being overly sensitive to criticism and ridicule. If you’d just chill the fuck out, I bet most other vegans would like you more too.
I am not accepting non-vegans’ opinions on how to be a better vegan at this time. I will keep your comments on file.
Great! I’ll file that away under “N”: Nobody Fucking Cares.
Awesome. Thanks for helping make Lemmy a negative place inhospitable to differing viewpoints!
Your doing a great job of that already
Happy to help!
I’m not offering you advice on how to be a vegan. I have no experience with being a vegan, so I wouldn’t be qualified.
I do, however, have a lot of experience with not acting like an insufferable zealot with a persecution complex.
Yes, this is the typical reaction people have to vegans saying ANYTHING. It is not fun for us to live our entire lives prohibited from ever being able to say what WE THINK. You clearly do not have experience being a vegan, the social reception you get for taking a perfectly reasonable stance is just open hostility that you’re not even allowed to defend yourself against. Which is on full display to anyone reading this thread.
This is a typical reaction to people like you not vegans vegetarians or other diets or food fads I don’t shit on someone because they like pink sauce I shit on someone based on the character and personality
Fun fact: like most people, I’m pretty damn ridiculous at times. This means that I sometimes am the object of criticism and/or ridicule. You and I have that in common.
Here’s the difference, though: I don’t go out of my way to play the persecuted martyr.
Not eating meat is a perfectly reasonable personal decision. Not using any animal products of any kind sounds difficult to the point of constant exhaustion to me personally, but if that’s what makes you happy, then that’s good.
Just like the bad kind of religious person though, you’re preaching that everyone who doesn’t make the same choice is wrong and should be ashamed of themselves. While simultaneously acting like everyone’s out to get you no matter what you say and do. That’s not not reasonable.
How would you be a better vegan? Is there a competitive vegan league? Is there a cash prize that goes out to whoever can anthropomorphize animals the most in dogshit ads? Because if so, I think making an Islamic state beheading video but with chickens shouting “Death to KFC!” Would really sell veganism to the American audience. Or maybe we could settle for annoying shitposters on a meme community. Both have an equal chance of working (0%)
If petah made an Islamic beheading video with chickens shouting death to kfc I would immediately reconsider my dietary choices
Although I should reconsider my dietary choices already it’s not like I make good ones
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He replied to me acting like I was at fault for defending myself. IDK why you’re going on this tangent of all the perceived slights vegans have done against you by speaking their minds. This is really fucked up, tbph, there’s a completely unreasonable expectation that vegans are never to speak about the ethics of animal agriculture to anyone.
See that’s interesting, when I tried to respectfully speak my mind on the vegan community in lemmy they just banned me after one comment, but exuse me for laughing at vegans whenever they leave their walled gardens and cry when nobody on the lemmy shitposting community wants to hear from the vegan community. You talk up and down about intellect and facts, but whenever I actually engage with vegans they have (90% of the time) just deleted or banned any criticism. That may or may not be you, but when you talk about vegans as a whole being this “oppressed community” unable to speak their mind, it’s just funny to me. Because at least here, you can come and be ridiculed, but you won’t be banned or censored.
Yes 🤠
Aaaaand the reddit crowd is here.
Implying the reddit crowd wasn’t what Lemmy always was made of.
There’s definitely been a shift. I didn’t see these kinds of mindless “pop” posts until very recently.
Mindless “pop” posts?
Yeah, I don’t know how else to describe it. Mindless kind of one-liner, “gotcha”, poorly thought out positions, “lool omg sooo true” kind of posts.
That’s just memes. This is a shitpost /c
I draw the line when the position being taken is wrong.
What position its a shitpost about peta in a shitposting sub
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No, just the crowd. Which is essentially refugees from r/incels
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Wow, so clever, nobody ever heard this one before!!! Thanks for bringing a whole new joke into the world!!! You did it!!!
I actually haven’t heard it before.
Don’t worry, he’s heard it before because he goes out of his way looking for it :)
You didn’t need to be a dick, you know. You chose that for yourself.
I know