Dear User,

We will soon begin rolling out changes to Reddit’s User settings. It is getting a refresh that includes changes to ad personalization, privacy preferences, and location settings.

As part of these changes, we are retiring a setting that you have previously turned on that limited how we used your activity from the Reddit platform to personalize ads. We have replaced the setting with a new option to select categories of ads that you may not wish to see.

More details are available in our announcement and help center.

These changes are rolling out starting today and you may see the changes over the next few days.

Users will be tracked with no opt out. Posts may be monetized, which will make content even worse No refund or any type of usable credit for users that spent hundreds on Reddit coins The entire vibe has done a 180° since all these new “positive changes” are rolled out.

    3499 months ago

    I’m not spending much time on Reddit these days but in no way is this the end for Reddit. The VAST majority of the user base just doesn’t care. We may see more users trickling in and Lemmy is sure more ready now than ever but people are so used to being advertised to, that this won’t be a big issue long term. People are dumb.

      1249 months ago

      Idk man, literally asked a bunch (3) of friends how reddit is lately who had no idea what was going on this summer with the API changes and didn’t care when I told them. Here are there responses:

      “They’ve gotten really bad at putting relevant shit in front of me”

      “Been a ton more ads lately”


      “dude thank you for telling me reddit had porn lol”

        • Shush
          89 months ago

          I always wondered if there were people oblivious to porn on reddit. It always seemed like common knowledge those days.

          It’s not the usual manufactured porn by companies, it’s usually people showcasing a video of themselves.

            9 months ago

            A lot of people’s approach to social media is

            • login an absolute total of times equal to one, on an app, and never again, that session better last

            • do zero content curation, what comes is what you eat

            • mostly scroll past shit, don’t interact, don’t produce

            • maybe click on a navigation link once or twice per month

            So of course they don’t know there’s porn. They’re basically only seeing their feed (which is a clone of /r/popular, so a bunch of clones of /r/funny and ragebait) and the default subs, which doesn’t have porn by default ever since reddit removed its ability to show up on default feeds.

            • Shush
              29 months ago

              I meant more around “reddit is known for having porn channels” and less “reddit pushes porn in your default feeds”.

              You’re right though, the casual dead-minded scroller wouldn’t know about it.

      649 months ago

      The hope is that the non-dumb people will leave for here, and that they’re the ones who make quality content.

      199 months ago

      This is for sure the final nail, it’s going to collapse just like Facebook and Google did after all that ad stuff. Profiting off a user data is clearly a failed business model and we see that time and time again.

      • Vanon
        9 months ago

        2016: All I need, to have hope for the future, is a large majority of people willing to slightly inconvenience themselves to produce positive changes.

        2023: Human intelligence has peaked, idiocracy is here, I for one welcome our AI overlords, earthonfire.jxl, etc.

      9 months ago

      I completely agree with this!

      Also, it’s an unfortunate rule of thumb that, when you see a sensationalized headline, most likely it won’t have the effect it claims to have…

      Well, let’s hope there’s a steady migration to Lemmy (though numbers are small here)

      Edit: added last line

        69 months ago

        Fingerprinting is mostly pointless once you’re logged into the site.

        You can use Mullvad which is TOR but without the TOR.

        • Can you explain more about Mullvad wrt Tor? I’m shopping for a new VPN & looked into Mullvad extensively because it’s my #1 choice so far. What about it specifically makes you say that?

            79 months ago

            Mullvad the browser, not the VPN. They partnered with the TOR project to create it. So it has all the same browser protections of the TOR browser except that it doesn’t go through the TOR network so it’s actually mostly useable for general daily use.

            Mullvad is probably the best choice exclusively for VPN. I chose Proton only because of their “suite” of products under a single subscription.

            • Ahhhh, my apologies…I completely misunderstood!

              Thank you for taking the time to explain all that, and for the positive words about Mullvad VPN. My current subscription is almost up, so I should get it soon. Have a good one :)

      • Otter
        49 months ago

        I think this is more for accounts, since it tracks upvote/downvote, etc

    • DreamButt
      19 months ago

      It’s common to run different rulesets based on region

      9 months ago

      Yeah, people think tracking you for ads will dissuade anyone? Like, Instagram has a content to ad ratio of 33%, and people give zero fucks.

      I don’t think people will ever leave, and I don’t think we should want them to leave either. We can build better, smaller platforms much more easily than we can’t fix the world’s attitude and consumption trends towards the large ones.

      • JokeDeity
        19 months ago

        I mean, having some users isn’t the same as having a ton of users using the product for hours a day. They can still say people are using it, but it’s far from how it used to be (actually goes for Instagram and Facebook as well). There will always be people still using them, but for less time and getting less enjoyment out of it. The majority of users will not use it much at all, only out of some sense of necessity. Instagram and Facebook are literally unusable in my opinion due to ads and sponsored content, most people I know that used to spend hours on those two sites now barely use them at all, and that’s the direction Reddit wants to head in.

    779 months ago

    No, this won’t kill Reddit. If they can essentially remove every third-party app, they’ll easily be able to start selling user data. Whether we like it or not, the majority stayed on Reddit.

    Nothing short of somehow breaking through ad blockers like Twitch did will make people stop using it, even if that.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      179 months ago

      Whether we like it or not, the majority stayed on Reddit.

      The fight may not be over though.

      Where people didn’t really care about an API change for third party apps, they may care a lot more about having ads shoved in their faces whether they like it or not.

      It’s all about breakings their inertia to change.

        39 months ago

        People en mass make “economic” decisions. If they view an alternative such as lemmy as too difficult to use, or their communities are not here they will rather tolerate the ads. Learning to use a new app or having to start the community themselves is too much effort for most people.

    • If there are still Facebook and Twitter users, of which we know there are, nothing will kill Reddit.

      However, I’ll say I’m someone not good at change but am agoraphobic, so my only “connection” was Reddit, and I finally gave in and deleted for good.

      Still getting used to this platform, but hopefully can find less toxic users here. Social media seems to be made special for bullies.

      79 months ago

      Thanks for bringing up Twitch. I’m one of the folks who quit using the site after the ad block changes. Did an alternative ever come along?

  • Gargleblaster
    609 months ago

    This would’ve resulted in my leaving if I hadn’t left in June.

    Saved me 3.5 months.

    • dth
      219 months ago

      the announcement was finally the one that made me leave. better late than never i guess!

      139 months ago

      Right? I hope more and more people leave. It’d be great if more users came to lemmy, but I’d be content just seeing people leave that putrid site

        19 months ago

        I might just start visiting forums for relevant information again. Lemmy seems to be pretty decent for now. Reddit really has gone downhill.

  • HiramFromTheChi
    549 months ago

    If you wanna keep your bookmarks and the subreddits (communities) that you’re subscribed to before deleting your Reddit account, I made a free tool to help you store and offload that data.

    It’s called Reddit Account Manager, and it’s 100% free.

    You can also use it to manage your Lemmy account(s), of course.

      • HiramFromTheChi
        39 months ago

        Yep, the ideal workflow for migrating would be something like this:

        1. Use Reddit Account Manager to neatly organize and store your Reddit accounts, bookmarks, and subscriptions
        2. Request your data archive from Reddit itself
        3. Use something like Redact or Power Delete Suite to remove your content from Reddit
        4. Permanently delete your accounts from Reddit
        5. Move to a federated alternative (optional)
      • HiramFromTheChi
        19 months ago

        You could use a service like SimpleLogin, Addy, Duck, or just a temporary fake email generator. I don’t mind if you give me a fake email address—you have a right to privacy.

        If it helps, my website’s I realize that’s still “random” in the grand scheme of things, but it should at least show you I’m a real person, and I build stuff to build a better web.

        19 months ago

        You should be using an email forwarding/alias service such as SimpleLogin, or apples proprietary hide my email service for example. You can have an infinite amount of alias emails that all forward to your main, and have 100% control over.

        The other option is older school, just make another account somewhere. You can also create automated rules to just forward all emails from their to your main too.

              9 months ago

              *sigh* because sometimes instead of telling someone “it sucks that in order to get that one piece of software from your website you make me create an account despite me never going to visit it again”, you can phrase it a bit more politely and hope that they, you know, figure out the intent behind the question rather than take it so incredibly literally.

          • HiramFromTheChi
            19 months ago

            I’d open source it if I could, but since Reddit Account Manager is built without code, I can’t host it on GitLab or GitHub.

      • HiramFromTheChi
        39 months ago

        Your question’s a little nuanced, so let me try to answer this as thoroughly as possible:

        The short answer is: If the platform you choose to use it is accessible from your Android phone, then yes. But it’s not Android- or iOS-specific.

        Out of the platforms that it’s available on (Airtable, Notion, Coda, ClickUp, and Baserow), all of them except for Baserow have native mobile apps. With that said, Baserow is also mobile responsive, so you don’t need a native mobile app to work with Reddit Account Manager.

        • Reddit Account Manager is a template built on top of those tools (Airtable, Notion, Coda, ClickUp, and Baserow), so you’ll need an account with at least one of those to use it.
        • Reddit Account Manager is built without code.

        Hope that clears things up. :)

          18 months ago

          Uhh yeah that didn’t clear things up.

          I don’t have a computer and I want all my Reddit content deleted without having to do manual labor for the next several months.

  • Margot Robbie
    369 months ago

    People aren’t going to leave reddit all at once right away, because structure means that individual subreddits are very much isolated from one another in terms of users.

    However, it’s likely that we will be seeing some kind of cultural shift happening there as quality get worse. I feel it’s inevitable that there will be more low effort content pumped out as quickly as possible than ever before now there is an actual monetary incentive instead of imaginary Internet points, and all personalized feed and ad is going to do is isolate individual users in their individual bubble and not allowing human connections to form between them.

    Things are getting better here. The regulars recongnize each other’s name and personalitu, whereas on reddit all the usernames all blends together into an amorphous mass unless it’s one of those novelty accounts or e-celeb or something. That’s the key difference between Lemmy and reddit right now.

      149 months ago

      Couldn’t agree more. Those novelty e-celeb accounts on Reddit are getting really put of hand, aren’t they, Margot Robbie

        9 months ago

        Academy award-nominated actress Margot Robbie does actually spend most of her free time modding an android group on Lemmy - but you will never see that mentioned on mainstream social media.

        • Margot Robbie
          119 months ago

          Seriously, it really doesn’t take that much time at all, way easier than I thought it would be.

          • Cosmic Cleric
            69 months ago

            Any advice you’d like to give that would make somebody starting modding a lot easier, would be appreciated.

            • Margot Robbie
              89 months ago

              Don’t micromanage, I just let people do whatever they want but encourage them to do their best, and only remove/ban for people who absolutely won’t listen to reason.

              You should also get involved with your comm by talking to people there a lot, so they don’t think you are just some asshole who’s only there to ban.

      • Margot Robbie
        99 months ago

        Oh absolutely, especially those celebrities who comes in, promote their latest project, say some catchphrases, and leave. Why would they do such a thing?

        Also, that’s Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!

          59 months ago

          I still have my account and check like once every couple weeks for 2-3 communities.

          On PC, old.reddit, and no chance of getting a single ad in my face. I’m not technical enough to know if they’re getting other data from my bimonthly visits, but that’s a far cry less than my old every night visits.

          As soon as they get rid of old.reddit it won’t even be reddit to me anymore. Just an ugly new thing overwriting the site I once enjoyed.

          19 months ago

          yea, if I hadn’t been permabanned that would have done it for me but there’s still enough people on there that don’t even know old.reddit is a thing for that to really kill the site. I have a feeling a lot of people are willing to just put up with their shit for the sake of not really having anywhere else to go. Unfortunately at the moment unless you want to talk about politics or Linux the pool of content on Lemmy is pretty dry and I don’t know of any better options besides going back to independent forums.

    359 months ago

    As a mod on reddit (who only reacts to pings these days) I would like to post an undramatic message „here‘s what happened, if you‘re interested to join our lemmy mirror, here‘s the link.“

    Anyone got something I could use which will not set off reddit stans or get me replaced and the message deleted?

      9 months ago

      I found that the best approach is to just have the link in the sidebar. This was how several communities first started introducing discords when it was basically an unknown piece of software. It became normalized without anyone noticing when.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    339 months ago

    We all know they’re still not going to leave. Also lol those people buying Reddit coins can get fucked.

    319 months ago

    Looking at Twitter/X, this won’t be the final nail. People stick to the platforms they’re on as long as it doesn’t directly Negative impacts them too much.

      109 months ago

      The difference, I think, which may make it easier to switch is that, on Twitter, you follow specific people. On Reddit, you only subscribe to specific communities, many of which have already been replicated in some way on Lemmy. You can’t replicate people, though. Yet.

      • Resol van Lemmy
        39 months ago

        I think you forgot that Mastodon exists. Either that or you simply refuse to mention it because it’s so desolate in there.

          19 months ago

          No, I didn’t forget it. It’s just that the “specific people” haven’t moved over to Mastodon, so people who follow those specific people haven’t moved over.

          The “specific communities” (or at least the large ones) have moved over or been copied to Lemmy, so it’s easier for people who subscribe to those communities to move over.

    309 months ago

    Relay also stopped working for me today, so here I am for good now, at least on mobile.

    I hope reddit sinks to the bottom because of their greed.

      89 months ago

      I love Relay but I just cannot pay because that supports Reddit. I love Reddit but not the people on top. I hope it sinks.

      • Draconic NEO
        19 months ago

        You could always try patching the app. I did that with infinity and it works perfectly now.

        • TWeaK
          19 months ago

          How do you go about that?

          In any case, even the paid version Relay Pro includes trackers, so while I miss the UI I’m not too upset that it’s gone.

    • TWeaK
      39 months ago

      Yep same for me. I’ve moved to Red Reader, it’s crap for the UI but at least it will continue to work for the foreseeable.

        19 months ago

        For now I’m not gonna move to anything else for Reddit. I’ll use Sync for Lemmy as my daily driver, and I’ll see how it goes.