You might find it a little weird being replied too instead of being shadow banned. But it’s mostly how we roll here. Freedom of speech on corpoland is impossible but on a proper federated instance is actual freedom.
Quite the opposite of being shadowbanned in fact. Unless an instance is doing something custom, you can peruse an instance’s modlog:
Using as example not because I’m painting the entire instance with the same brush, just came to mind because I had a comment removed for being “reactionary”.
Can’t recall what I said, perhaps there is a time limit on how far back the mod log is accessible.
I got an upvote warning. That’s why I’m here
Ditto. 11 years on Reddit.
Same. Threaten to ban me? I’ll just make it easy for you.
You might find it a little weird being replied too instead of being shadow banned. But it’s mostly how we roll here. Freedom of speech on corpoland is impossible but on a proper federated instance is actual freedom.
Quite the opposite of being shadowbanned in fact. Unless an instance is doing something custom, you can peruse an instance’s modlog:
Using as example not because I’m painting the entire instance with the same brush, just came to mind because I had a comment removed for being “reactionary”.
Can’t recall what I said, perhaps there is a time limit on how far back the mod log is accessible.