The necromancer, master of the dark arts, the original loot frame - Nekros!

Passive: Nekros and his Companions regenerates 5 Health when an enemy dies within 10 meters of him.
Soul Punch - A blow so powerful, it turns the enemy’s very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path.
Terrify - Casts fear into the hearts of nearby enemies, causing them to run away in terror.
Desecrate - Forces fallen enemies around you to drop additional loot.
Shadows of the Dead - Summons shadow versions of vanquished enemies to fight alongside you for a short period of time.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints can be obtained from defeating Lephantis on Magnacidium, Deimos.

    9 days ago

    Nah, Chroma rules. Guardian Armour gives him free access to Arcane Avenger without sacrificing Worthy Comradery, so he has access to builds that Rhino and Mirage don’t. Like Mirage he’s also a high power glaive user since Vex Armour (and Eclipse) self-multiply in the glaive damage calculation. Which is great, since the new Pathocyst is right around the corner. Guardian Armour also blankets your party in a warm 50% DR on top of the armour buffs, so he’s actually legit as a support frame.

    Also underappreciated, but Tox Ward’s reload boost is both a nice QoL boost and a really big sustained DPS boost, and sustain is usually the gate on your KPM unless you’re Influence nuking. I’m gonna disagree with Keegen, and say that if you’re Influence nuking, all frames are now equal, since your KPM is now limited by how far away the enemies spawn.

    Edit: certain weapons with MultiCO also have MultiShiver, so Chroma can make some really eccentric off-meta weapons into Cold monsters, like the Cyanex and Hystrix. Or he can just do a Shiver Laetum and laugh his way to the bank.