Does anyone know how long (if it happens at all) are testicules irreversibly atrophied from HRT? Basically I’m scared that if I stop HRT they’ll just go back to working the way they always have and I’m hoping that they won’t.
I’ve been on HRT mono therapy for a year now and my testosterone has been nearly totally suppressed for the whole time, so I wonder if the girls are done for essentially…
From personal experience: if you stop HRT you turn back into a pumpkin.
I stopped after a couple years on hormones and pretty much everything reverted (except breast growth).[EDIT: Over the course of a year or so,] Body and facial hair came back in full force (on face only where it had been lasered, but electrolysis’d portions remained bare). Hair on my head resumed its retreat. My member grew back to normal size and I started producing sperm (didn’t test for motility). Quality of orgasms changed, scent changed, and probably a bunch of other stuff I’m forgetting. Dysphoria massively increased.
Luckily a while later I went back on hormones and everything sorted itself out. I got an orchiectomy to ensure this never happens again, highly recommend it. Quick, simple surgery with almost no recovery time, that doesn’t impact eligibility for GRS later on.
[EDIT]: All that happened after being off HRT for a year or two. If you just end up going off titty skittles for a couple months, you’re probably fine. Wanted to clarify.
Want to emphasize this part. T levels take a long time to rise. (citation needed, not a doctor)
Welp, that’s terrifying. I’m planning to get an orchiectomy as soon as possible but it’s expensive (I’m a student) And the waiting lists can be a bit long.
Hopefully my estrogen supply never cuts off ;(
DIY is cheap and pharma grade and you can buy an 18 month supply upfront for like 70 usd
I’m really tempted to go on DIY and it’s very reassuring to know it’s an option, I’m still scared of needles though, but I know that I can basically overcome most of my anxiety if it means relieving gender dysphoria.
This sort of thing exists:
Someone on r/TransDIY mentioned it a while ago, never used it myself. Here’s the manufacturer. Don’t know where you’d get one officially, but eBay turns up a couple for like $35.
If you don’t already, switch to injections and ask for the Rx to provide a new vial once a month for sanitation reasons, then try to use the vials more than just a month and stockpile the extra vials. Even if you aren’t intending to stockpile, this is just a good idea in case one of your vials is contaminated or is cored.
I’m not in the US and injection are sadly not predcribed where I live, I am stockpiling my gel though, but I can’t get much more than what the pharmacy allows…
ah, that sounds like Europe - I think I’ve read they don’t have injections there. Hopefully wherever you are is more stable than the U.S., I think there is concern that HRT will be denied there soon, so everyone is preparing for that.
You might be able to look into DIY sources, both for injections and other routes - even as just a way to stock up. Though you have to keep track of expiration dates and so on. I think DIY is still pretty common in Europe.