Admin of

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  • 202 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • The obvious, the blatant, absurd obvious option, is to remove MindTraveler becase they have been doing everything in their power to harass and abuse other members of this board.

    Please DM me with some links, or report the content harassing other users (rather than their political beliefs)

    I’m not American, and I’m not active in liberty hub, non voters or 196, so I’m not automatically across everything happening on the instance. I rely on reports and communication.

  • I’m sorry you feel that way. I’d like to take the chance to explain a little bit.

    I’ve had multiple requests to ban LibertyHub from people who see strong left opinions as being trolls or inauthentic. I’ve refused every time, because I’m not going to remove queer folk from a queer space for genuinely held beliefs over politics that directly impact them.

    The same goes for non voters. There are left wing folk who think that voting for a president that encourages genocide is the best option in the limited options available, and they think that pushing back against this president will lead to more harm than encouraging people to support him, and so, they have strong reactions to people who disagree.

    Yes, the non voters community was a direct response to liberty hub, because of these two political positions. But it too, is a community run by queer folk, with genuinely held beliefs, and the space is allowed to exist only as long as it does not target specific lemmy users or communities. They can push back against political ideals they disagree with, not against the users or communities professing those ideals. Hexbear has a similar community that doesn’t have this limitation, and explicitly dunks on people, not just political ideals, and that was something I wanted to avoid here.

    My options are

    1. Ban politics. This is unrealistic, and unhelpful, given how much politics is impacting our community at the moment

    2. Enforce a particular political perspective. If I were to choose to moderate in line with my own political perspectives (which are closer to libertyhub than 196 or non voters), it would split the community even further, and fragment queer and gender diverse community on lemmy in to spaces that don’t prioritise their needs. I won’t have that. We’re dealing with enough shit already.

    3. Allow both groups to exist, and deal with the tension that comes from it. This is the only option that keeps the community in one piece, and able to talk about topics that are directly impacting our lives at the moment. It’s also the option that creates the greatest amount of tension from day to day, but unfortunately, I don’t have a solution for that.

  • “I’m not an idealisist! I’m just so upset by your insistence that data purity doesn’t trump the needs of living people, that I’m going to block you!”

    And to clarify, I never suggested that you were a bigot or had sinister motives. I suggested that you perceive data purity as some sort of ideal that needs to be upheld at all costs. And because you prioritise data purity, all of your “solutions” sustain data purity, but do it in ways that just won’t happen.

    But in the mean time, in the world we are both living in right now, a change that doesn’t uphold data purity as the primary goal, is achievable, and literally saves lives.

    You aren’t sinister. You just have your priorities in the wrong place, because to you, this is hypothetical and driven by an idealised perspective of what the world could be, rather than the reality of what it is right now, and the harm that is already happening because of it

  • As I said, Australian birth certificates don’t work the way you describe. They aren’t static and locked in to “at birth” as they’re able to be updated.

    The fact that many birth certificates work this way means that treating “at birth” as sacrosanct isn’t a requirement. It’s a preference. And in this case, a preference that actively hurts people, whilst helping no one. You value a false notion of data purity over the lived reality of the people whose lives are damaged by not being able to update their birth certificates.

    Even your fix works around the idea that data can’t be changed or updated, when the simplest solution, in place already in many countries, is to let go of the idea that old data is somehow more important than the people that data is from

  • Trans people don’t change gender. They stop hiding it.

    Updating a birth certificate is fixing an error

    It’s also a strange point to hold ideologically. Why is “at birth” an ideal to hold above others? In literally any circumstance where a birth certificate is needed, “now” is going to be more useful than information that is decades out of date. Nothing is gained from holding to an ideal that puts out of date information above current information, so appeals to treat it as sacrosanct always make me wonder exactly what it is that makes people put pointless ideals above the very real impact incorrect information has