Hey everyone, happy Valentines day!

Back in December I estimated that v3.0 would be gearing up to release in late January or early February, so it’s time for a little update! While I have missed that estimate, v3.0 is very close to being ready. I now estimate that it’ll be releasing around the end of the month, maybe the very start of March.

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  • GeometryEnjoyer@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    Please consider revising how the dimensional sundial works. While I get that it’s an homage to the original game, I feel that it can be a bit alienating for players to lock gameplay elements to certain hours of the day. I also think it goes against the spirit of turn-based games to tie in-game effects to a realtime clock. Changing it to an ingame clock where for example 300 steps = 1 hour (which could be displayed in the message log) would allow everyone to experience both the daytime and nighttime effects regardless of their schedules while still providing the same nod to the original game in my opinion.