I had some experience with game development since 2017. As a GDevelop 5 user, I started watching some videos on the official GDevelop channel in my free time. I came across two videos, one about “Wave Defense” (which isn’t even a real genre) and another about a roguelike game project.
The thumbnails were so similar that I thought they were the same project. When I posted about Sheris Dungeon on my X profile: @sketBR, I realized my game had nothing to do with a roguelike. After sending a gameplay video of Sheris Dungeon to my younger cousin living in the same country, she said it was a tower defense game. I was stubborn and thought it was a roguelike.
Currently, on X, my game usually gets 200 or more views per post. The secret is to keep going and be creative.
The game is hosted on Newgrounds with medals and a leaderboard for those who score high points. So, have fun with my game full of dopamine and action!
It would super help if there was any direction on what keys do what. I never figured out the second thing youre supposed to drop.
Not to be arrogant, but the game description has the game controls, if it’s out of order, let me know. Thanks a lot for the feedback
Thats not arrogant. I just didn’t scroll down. Thanks!
I stupidly assumed the controls would pop up in game. I appreciate you being polite about it.
Okay, Good game