I got a canon pixma tr4520 from a technologically challenged relative, who told me they couldn’t get it to print and it was mine to try and fix. I worked out that it didn’t have an ink cartridge in it (not even an empty), bought a replacement, and got it printing. But now it has vertical alignment issues and paper jams. I can’t afford a new printer right now, and I would love to fix this one. My fear is that I’ll sink half the cost of a new one into it between the ink I already bought and replacement parts, just for it to come out not working anyway. Is it worth my time to try and fix or should I cut my losses and start saving for a new unit?

  • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
    1 month ago

    If you need a printer now, I’d just make the best of it while saving for a good laser printer. The vertical alignment may be able to be fixed with a calibration (check the manual to see if there’s a procedure). Not sure about the jams, but usually a good cleaning will fix that.

    Ink-jet printers are money pits. Laser printers are superior in just about every way. They cost a little more upfront, but the long-term costs are much, much less than any inkjet. If you only need black and white, you can get a decent laser printer for $100-150. I bought mine in 2014, use it infrequently, and am still on the toner that came with it. Paid $100 for it, and it’s printed every time I’ve needed it for over a decade and going.

    If you need to print color (or photos), color lasers are a bit more expensive but not by much (maybe double the cost of a B&W one). Honestly, though, unless you print pictures all the time, it’s cheaper and easier to just take them somewhere to be printed (or use an online service and have the prints mailed to you).