The Fellowship broke apart because it wasn’t strong enough to make the journey. It never was. Bormir is the reason that the Ringbearer was able to make it away from the Fellowship’s camp and eventually to Mordor.
I didn’t say he wasn’t. I don’t fault him for it; no one could resist the power the Ring promised forever. But it’s a fact that his moment of weakness is what caused the party to split; because that’s exactly what happened.
Boromir literally picked the ring up and handed it back to Frodo. He was tested and passed.
The Fellowship broke apart because Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo at Amon Hen and Frodo used it to disappear and run from him.
The Fellowship broke apart because it wasn’t strong enough to make the journey. It never was. Bormir is the reason that the Ringbearer was able to make it away from the Fellowship’s camp and eventually to Mordor.
He was a hero. He lived as one and died as one.
I didn’t say he wasn’t. I don’t fault him for it; no one could resist the power the Ring promised forever. But it’s a fact that his moment of weakness is what caused the party to split; because that’s exactly what happened.