As previously mentioned, we now have a PS5 in the household. My handicap is that I have no experience with modern consoles, so I therefore have a few questions. Basically, we have multiple users, each with their own controller and PS account, and I haven’t entirely figured out how games, saves, and purchases work.

If offspring A buys a game, can offspring B play it? (Are the games/purchases tied to the console or the user?)
If offspring B plays a game, will his progress/savegame only be for his user?

    2 months ago
    • Each account has their own saves.
    • Each account has their own digital purchases
    • Each account can nominate one physical console as their “primary”*, any other account on that console is then licenced to run their games. Note however:
      • child accounts can be restricted from running mature content
      • accounts that don’t own the content can run the games but not install them. This is a hassle for me because I own my family library but have to cycle through the games when my son wants to replay something.

    * technically each account can have one primary ps4 and one primary ps5, in the cross gen period people you use this to lend their ps4 console and library to family/friends but that isn’t so relevant today.


    For digital purchases the owning account can login to other non-primary consoles and access their library there (for the duration of the login session). This can be used to share the library when visiting other households but does require careful consideration about who should own each title.

    • neidu3@sh.itjust.worksOP
      2 months ago

      If an account is associated with only one console, is that automatically designated as their primary?

      2 months ago

      Console ignorant person here with a question, does this mean that in a classic setup where Alice, Bob, and Charlie all have separate profiles on the machine so they can get that sweet achievement chasing high then one of them must essentially be the master account used for managing what games everyone can play or, alternatively, random games are on random accounts and you need to cycle through them if you want to find the right one to reinstall from?

        2 months ago

        Yeah, if you want to have a master list of games available to install then the purchases have to be under one account.

        Otherwise each account will see their own list of available titles, if purchases are arbitrary then these lists may appear random.

        I have 99% of my family’s games on my account but have placed titles gifted to or purchased by my 8yo on his account. This isn’t important now while we share a loungeroom and set of consoles but as he grows up we will need to separate our libraries at some point.

    2 months ago

    One tip when you have kids: If all the accounts are set up correctly as family accounts you can control playtime right in the settings. The PS will then log out the kids after (say) one hour of play automatically.

    Using the PSN website you can grant an extension day by day. When my son had done his homework before playing I would regularly grant another hour. “Can I play more? - Have you done your homework? - Yes - No problem”

    In the long run that conditioned him to do his stuff before playing. (And I did trust him, when he said he was finished with his work)

    When you have kids it’s really worth finding out how to set that up. And it saved us sooooo many “turn it off now” discussions.

    2 months ago

    PlayStation has a feature where each account has a “primary console”. Games that are purchased on an account can be played by that specific account on any console, or can be played by any account on the primary console.

    Everyone plays on the same console? Great, that should be everyone’s primary console. So offspring A buys a game on their profile, offspring B can play it.

    If offspring A goes somewhere and logs into their account on another PS5 console, offspring A can download and play their game, but no one else can play it on that other console.

    If offspring B plays a game on their account and creates a save, offspring A can’t log into their own account and mess with offspring B’s save.

    2 months ago

    I don’t have a PS5 but I’d assume many things are carry overs from the PS4. With that out of the way, purchased games are tied to the account, not the console and same for the saves; offspring B’s save is perfectly safe from offspring A, for example.

    Now, on the PS4 there was a primary account. If the primary account bought a game AND DOWNLOADED IT, the other accounts could play that game and have their own save. I’m not sure if a game purchased by an additional account would be accessible to the rest but logic would follow that they could so long as the game had been downloaded by the owner.

    2 months ago

    Most, nearly all games will have unique saves for each user. My son sometimes goes into a game, his save isn’t there, and realizes he needs to switch users.

    When we all play a game together, we typically use my account as the “main” account, unless that game is particularly important to one of the kids.

    We make all purchases through the main account as well just for consistency. The purchase is tied to the account. When we upgraded to PS5 from PS4, all of the games were accessible from the account.