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Row row row your boat, gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream
Tfs is class
That image is so 2024
Here is the new 2025 version
2025: 2024, but vertical.
Here’s hoping! 🤞
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I’d like this one far better. It implies that the person inside is able to get out quickly on their own, or at least has an air pocket above them. Imagine having a respirator failure in that thing.
Welcome, to the World of TOMORROW!
This is very 1999 or 3000
Fine, but we still have the enormous technical challenge of landscape vs. portrait orientation of the cylinder.
Portrait is mostly for space-ships or bad guys.
Unfortunately, spaceships are mostly for bad guys now. A tendency that’ll only get worse once the simultaneously richest and most cringetastic billionaire in history is about to be the de facto president 😮💨
Bacta tank would like your number
Bacta tanks are for the rich
This is how Son Goku got his ass-pull zenkai boost on Namek.
Brb gonna get hit by a car to get in one of these and increase my power level
Can you fit two people in there? Maybe add some privacy? And have the president answer my moms phone call while I’m in there doing a big badda boom?
This unlocked an old memory of those aqua massage tables that were in malls in the early 2000s.
did they work well?
Never used, but was always curious about them.
me too. i think it put people in a thick rubber sleeping bag and then sprayed the outside of the bag with water. i winder what a modern version could do.
Solves the obviously major issue of touching bedsheets!
plus you get tangy broth for your soup
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There’s actually hyperbaric tanks that increase your healing