Kraven the Hunter explores Kraven’s complex relationship with his father and his path to becoming the greatest hunter. It is intended to be the sixth (and final) film in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU).
As with Amazing Spider-Man 2, it’s unfortunate that they won’t make the Sinister Six movie they were obviously building towards.
Ended up walking out after about an hour. I did sit through all of Morbius and most of Madam Web. I think I’m done with the Sony universe. I did enjoy the first Venom so I was holding out hope.
So obviously that film wasn’t great. However it’s probably better than anything we’ve had in the past few years. I’d probably put it 3rd overall in the SSU, behind the first two Venom films.
The intro showed a lot of promise but the rest of the film felt low stakes. No one seemed that clever, just people trying to kill each other for fun, but also no one having actual fun.