Walking on them is literally the entire purpose of sidewalks. I mean its right there in the name. This picture is exactly why - so they’re safe from cars and don’t obstruct drivers. Your opinion of cars is completely immaterial when determining who is being reasonable in this context.
You can fit like 3-4 cars on there. Why not half that space and extend the sidewalk then? You could not walk next to each other on those or pass others, let alone someone in a wheelchair or with a stroller. Or better, have all the cars park outside of the residential areas and use the space for parks, playgrounds, and other leisure stuff.
I don’t disagree with you on a rational level, but on a human level, it just sometimes feels nice to walk a different route, to not be forced to walk in exactly a straight line, especially with a ridiculously narrow sidewalk like that.
And that’s then where the opinion of cars comes in. I’m not supposed to do what I feel like, because some guy with a car decides to head on through. If I think cars are vital to humanity, I’ll gladly do the rational thing. If I think cars are killing humanity, then sincerely fuck that noise.
“Yeah, there’s this whole path for pedestrians, and that whole path for cars, but sometimes I just want to be on the car one for no reason, so cars should be inconvenienced for that.”
TBH I think that the demeanor of „why can’t I have 80% public city land for me“ sounds way more like entitlement for me. That is for me the reason why I found the original post so interesting.
Do you have any idea how often pedestrians are inconvenienced by cars? We have to beg to cross streets and only where it is designated, busniesses are farther away and hidden behind vast parking lots, we are subject to their exhaust noise and fumes just about everywhere, and in many places we neglect nearly every form of travel that isnt a car.
It isn’t like the car can’t still get down the road, they just have to do it at a safe speed and be aware of the pedestrians. This is a neighbourhood not a highway.
It is ridiculous that people are using the street in their own neighbourhood? Did you never get to play street hockey as kid? Maybe wheels chairs can’t handle the cracks on the sidewalk? Do you really want to ban people from their own streets?
MLK argued that change requires agitation. Since cars should be mostly banned from pedestrian areas I fully support any effort to retake space and to inconvience cars. Any effort to make driving more painful for others chips away at car dependency
Y’know what? You’re right! Sometimes it’s nice to drive a different route too, I think I’ll drive on the sidewalk all the way to the store today, thanks for the encouragement!
Walking on them is literally the entire purpose of sidewalks. I mean its right there in the name. This picture is exactly why - so they’re safe from cars and don’t obstruct drivers. Your opinion of cars is completely immaterial when determining who is being reasonable in this context.
You can fit like 3-4 cars on there. Why not half that space and extend the sidewalk then? You could not walk next to each other on those or pass others, let alone someone in a wheelchair or with a stroller. Or better, have all the cars park outside of the residential areas and use the space for parks, playgrounds, and other leisure stuff.
I don’t disagree with you on a rational level, but on a human level, it just sometimes feels nice to walk a different route, to not be forced to walk in exactly a straight line, especially with a ridiculously narrow sidewalk like that.
And that’s then where the opinion of cars comes in. I’m not supposed to do what I feel like, because some guy with a car decides to head on through. If I think cars are vital to humanity, I’ll gladly do the rational thing. If I think cars are killing humanity, then sincerely fuck that noise.
Holy Entitlement.
“Yeah, there’s this whole path for pedestrians, and that whole path for cars, but sometimes I just want to be on the car one for no reason, so cars should be inconvenienced for that.”
TBH I think that the demeanor of „why can’t I have 80% public city land for me“ sounds way more like entitlement for me. That is for me the reason why I found the original post so interesting.
It’s shitty no matter who is doing it.
Do you have any idea how often pedestrians are inconvenienced by cars? We have to beg to cross streets and only where it is designated, busniesses are farther away and hidden behind vast parking lots, we are subject to their exhaust noise and fumes just about everywhere, and in many places we neglect nearly every form of travel that isnt a car.
It isn’t like the car can’t still get down the road, they just have to do it at a safe speed and be aware of the pedestrians. This is a neighbourhood not a highway.
These people aren’t crossing the road, they’re walking along it.
So they are road users? Pedestrians are not excluded from residential streets.
Not legally, no. At least not in my state.
But they should be. This is ridiculous.
It is ridiculous that people are using the street in their own neighbourhood? Did you never get to play street hockey as kid? Maybe wheels chairs can’t handle the cracks on the sidewalk? Do you really want to ban people from their own streets?
None of that is happening in the photo. People are just walking in the street.
If the kids had a place dedicated to street hockey, they shouldn’t be in the street. But can you play street hockey on the sidewalk?
How about people cooperate to create the most livable neighborhood for all?
How about we ban cars from pedestrian areas instead?
Cars are already banned from sidewalks.
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So maybe we need bigger sidewalks. Fair enough, that’s a reasonable discussion. Taking over the entire road is not.
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MLK argued that change requires agitation. Since cars should be mostly banned from pedestrian areas I fully support any effort to retake space and to inconvience cars. Any effort to make driving more painful for others chips away at car dependency
What a gross ideology.
Y’know what? You’re right! Sometimes it’s nice to drive a different route too, I think I’ll drive on the sidewalk all the way to the store today, thanks for the encouragement!
Always glad to be of help.
I couldnt disagree more with you. If there are pedestrians nearby you drive slow and keep your distance regardless of where you drive.
The same goes for pedestrians, though. Don’t walk where it’s not safe, for everyones safety. Like the interstate. It’s a shared responsibility.
This, however, is in the middle of a neighborhood where a ball and a kid could come flying at moments notice…